
Wares are used to build buildings, produce other wares and recruit units.

Wares are defined in data/tribes/wares/<ware_name>/init.lua. The ware will also need its help texts, which are defined in data/tribes/initialization/<tribe_name>/units.lua


This function adds the definition of a ware to the engine.


table – This table contains all the data that the game engine will add to this ware. It contains the following entries:

name: A string containing the internal name of this ware.

descname: The translatable display name. Use pgettext to fetch the string.

icon: The full path to the menu icon for this ware.

default_target_quantity: A table listing the default target quantity for each tribe’s economy. For example, { atlanteans = 3, empire = 1 } This table does not need to have an entry for each tribe. (Can be completely empty) If not set for a tribe the economy will always demand this ware. If set to zero the economy will not demand this ware unless it is required in a production building. If not set or set to zero the actual target quantity will not be available in the economy settings window. NOTE: This parameter has been shifted to tribes initialization in the current development version.

preciousness: How precious this ware is to each tribe. For example, { atlanteans = 0, empire = 1 }. We recommend not going higher than 25. NOTE: This parameter has been shifted to tribes initialization in the current development version.

animations: A table containing all animations for this ware. Wares have an “idle” animation.

For making the UI texts translateable, we also need to push/pop the correct textdomain.



dirname = path.dirname(__file__)

wl.Descriptions():new_ware_type {
   name = "armor",
   descname = pgettext("ware", "Armor"),
   animation_directory = dirname,
   icon = dirname .. "menu.png",

   animations = {
      idle = {
         hotspot = { 3, 11 },


Help Texts

See Helptexts.