This is Widelands version 1.2~git1 (bbdb453@master) Release [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: Set home directory: C:\Users\tinsc\.widelands [00:00:00.000 real] INFO: Set configuration file: C:\Users\tinsc\.widelands\config [00:00:00.004 real] INFO: Widelands executable directory: C:\Users\tinsc\AppData\Local\Widelands [00:00:00.006 real] WARNING: No locale translations found in C:\Users\tinsc\AppData\Local\Widelands\data\locale [00:00:00.007 real] INFO: selected language: (system language) [00:00:00.014 real] INFO: Adding directory: C:\Users\tinsc\AppData\Local\Widelands\data [00:00:00.014 real] WARNING: No locale translations found in C:\Users\tinsc\AppData\Local\Widelands\data\locale [00:00:00.014 real] INFO: selected language: (system language) [00:00:00.023 real] INFO: Byte order: little-endian [00:00:00.196 real] INFO: Graphics: Try to set Videomode 2560x1600 [00:00:00.245 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Version "4.6.0 NVIDIA 546.01" [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_RED_SIZE is 8 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE is 8 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE is 8 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE is 24 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER is 1 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE is 24 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE is 16 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_STEREO is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL is 1 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION is 2 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION is 1 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE is 0 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Double buffering enabled [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Max texture size: 32768 [00:00:00.251 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: ShadingLanguage: "4.60 NVIDIA" [00:00:00.272 real] INFO: **** GRAPHICS REPORT **** [00:00:00.272 real] INFO: VIDEO DRIVER windows [00:00:00.272 real] INFO: Display #0: 1707x1067 @ 240hz SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888 [00:00:00.927 real] INFO: **** SOUND REPORT **** [00:00:00.927 real] INFO: SDL version: 2.28.5 [00:00:00.927 real] INFO: SDL_mixer version: 2.6.3 [00:00:00.927 real] INFO: **** END SOUND REPORT **** [00:00:01.193 real] WARNING: Add-on 'Maps_from_Teayo.wad' requires minimum Widelands version 1.2 from the future. [00:00:01.193 real] WARNING: Make sure your development build is up to date! [00:00:01.197 real] WARNING: Add-on 'Naval_Tournament_23_Maps.wad' requires minimum Widelands version 1.2 from the future. [00:00:01.197 real] WARNING: Make sure your development build is up to date! [00:00:01.198 real] WARNING: Add-on 'Surreal_Valleys.wad' requires minimum Widelands version 1.2 from the future. [00:00:01.198 real] WARNING: Make sure your development build is up to date! [00:00:01.198 real] WARNING: Add-on 'The_Sea_Kingdom.wad' requires minimum Widelands version 1.2 from the future. [00:00:01.198 real] WARNING: Make sure your development build is up to date! [00:00:01.200 real] WARNING: Add-on 'Wikinger__Die_Fjorde_Seefahrer_Turnierkarte.wad' requires minimum Widelands version 1.2 from the future. [00:00:01.200 real] WARNING: Make sure your development build is up to date! [00:00:19.695 real] INFO: ============== Generating Map ============== [00:00:19.695 real] INFO: ID: s7db-eu0g-1kvt-n0z6-pvmd-8t0z [00:00:19.696 real] INFO: Random number: 1143818926 [00:00:19.696 real] INFO: Dimensions: 240 x 240 [00:00:19.696 real] INFO: Players: 8 [00:00:19.696 real] INFO: World: summer [00:00:19.696 real] INFO: Resources: high [00:00:19.696 real] INFO: Land: 0,60 Water: 0,20 Wasteland: 0,00 [00:00:19.696 real] INFO: Generator: default [00:00:19.813 real] WARNING: Could not find a suitable place for player 8 [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: ============== Generating Map ============== [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: ID: bbah-mhcx-qxe4-fbkv-u4ys-muda [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: Random number: 897643082 [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: Dimensions: 240 x 240 [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: Players: 8 [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: World: summer [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: Resources: high [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: Land: 0,60 Water: 0,20 Wasteland: 0,00 [00:00:23.047 real] INFO: Generator: default [00:00:49.607 real] ERROR: Unable to delete temporary file 'temp\2023-12-08T18.11.54.wgf': RealFSImpl::unlink_file: file error (Windows error code 32): C:\Users\tinsc\.widelands\temp\2023-12-08T18.11.54.wgf [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: ============== Generating Map ============== [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: ID: 7nkv-dc6t-2h2g-vr6f-6ga4-zetq [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: Random number: 2548138666 [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: Dimensions: 240 x 240 [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: Players: 8 [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: World: summer [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: Resources: high [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: Land: 0,60 Water: 0,20 Wasteland: 0,00 [00:20:09.826 real] INFO: Generator: default [00:20:26.594 real] ERROR: Unable to delete temporary file 'temp\2023-12-08T18.31.31.wgf': RealFSImpl::unlink_file: file error (Windows error code 32): C:\Users\tinsc\.widelands\temp\2023-12-08T18.31.31.wgf [00:20:54.688 real] INFO: Save screenshot to screenshots/shot0004.png