Latest Posts
- New webpage problem
- Automated translation checks
- Add-on Internationalization
- widelands-media migrated to Codeberg
- carts for transport
- What is better
- Sumatrans Tribe
- Fehlermeldungen beim laden von Erweiterungen
- Atlanta Szenario2
- aerial scouts
- Printscreen updates on the Server
- Easter Egg found
- Map analyse script
- LeakSanitizer
- technical map info in minimap
- only 1 of 16 cores used
- Something new in the bug world?
- green flag for fish
- Building plots
- Neutral / wild enemies
- Verbesserungsvorschlag : Baustellen produzieren Waren
- Verbesserungsvorschlag: Seefahrtstatistik
- large map give above 1000 messages
- Tool suggestions: Ruler, Dropper and Slope
- Verbesserungsvorschlag : Alle Soldaten aus Militärgebäude schicken
- So many duplicate maps
- How AIs are looking at Widelands
- Map Server Failure
- Gui scaling and scaling in general
- Map uploading
- Verbesserungsvorschlag : Kein Schiffe stapeln
- Unpassable terrain
- Homepage mobile testing
- Map name
- diplomatic function
- Upload of add-ons
- New experimental tribe: Europeans
- Rekruten sowie Arbeiter Eigenschaft abfrage möglich
- Geologo soll "Jippie!" rufen
- Neues Volk - Europäer
Topic: New webpage problem
At Forum: Homepage
Topic: Automated translation checks
At Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Date | User | Post |
Yesterday 18:37 | Nordfriese | "A new round of translations checks is up on…" |
Topic: Add-on Internationalization
At Forum: Translations & Internationalization
Date | User | Posts |
Yesterday 18:24 | OIPUN | "Thank you for your reply. The explanation makes sense. And what about the "Swap…" |
Yesterday 17:43 | Nordfriese | "We changed the localization system backend during the 1.3 development cycle. In…" |
Yesterday 17:32 | OIPUN | "I use Widelands in Czech language and I've installed 1.2 and 1.3 versions simul…" |
Topic: widelands-media migrated to Codeberg
At Forum: Graphic Development
Date | User | Post |
Yesterday 17:25 | Nordfriese | "The Widelands media repo, formerly hosted on Launchpad (https://code.launchpad.…" |
Topic: carts for transport
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Topic: What is better
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
Yesterday 07:36 | Ron_of_Nord | "Thanks for the info, I am new to creating add-ons,though I have been playing wi…" |
2025-02-28, 10:17 | Nordfriese | "When developing a bigger project such as a new tribe I strongly recommend using…" |
2025-02-28, 08:55 | kaputtnik | "AFAIK debugging lua scripts is best done with print statements, especially when…" |
2025-02-28, 00:00 | Ron_of_Nord | "Just a quick question, but what is the better version to develop add-ons, a rel…" |
Topic: Sumatrans Tribe
At Forum: Add-Ons
Topic: Fehlermeldungen beim laden von Erweiterungen
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Post |
2025-02-28, 17:53 | Teayo | "Wird von Widelands wenn das Spiel geöffnet wird, die Dateien in Add Ons mit dem…" |
Topic: Atlanta Szenario2
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-27, 19:45 | luki1000 | "Ja das ist schon mal ein extrem guter Tipp, auf den Expedition abbrechen Button…" |
2025-02-27, 19:35 | WorldSavior | "Hey luki1000, herzlich Willkommen im Forum! In den Kampagnen empfiehlt es sich…" |
2025-02-27, 19:13 | luki1000 | "Hey Erstmal Danke an alle die dieses Spiel entwickeln, sehr tolle Arbeit! Auch …" |
Topic: aerial scouts
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Topic: Printscreen updates on the Server
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-25, 17:17 | kaputtnik | " OIPUN wrote: Is there a way how can I update or delete the already uploaded pr…" |
2025-02-23, 18:30 | OIPUN | "Is there a way how can I update or delete the already uploaded printscreens of …" |
Topic: Easter Egg found
At Forum: [English] - Player Forum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-25, 03:48 | Ron_of_Nord | "Probably, but hollywood has a lot to answer for as well" |
2025-02-24, 20:14 | mxb2001 | "Worship them in the shape of steaks and burgers more like. ; ) It must be where…" |
2025-02-23, 22:21 | Ron_of_Nord | "Well, they do use ox as beasts of burden, they my even worship cows." |
2025-02-23, 00:52 | mxb2001 | "Mooooooo! Barbarian HQ has a black and white cow inside the walls at highest zo…" |
Topic: Map analyse script
At Forum: Map Editor Forum
Topic: LeakSanitizer
At Forum: Technical Help
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-24, 19:18 | Nordfriese | "Hi, this leak is known and comes indeed from from internals of SDL or the graph…" |
2025-02-24, 18:40 | Crisis | "Hello if i start widelands in the terminalconsole it closes with a LeakSanitize…" |
Topic: technical map info in minimap
At Forum: Technical Help
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-24, 18:36 | Crisis | "Hi i do mean the ingame minimap. i play often random games with very different …" |
2025-02-21, 05:39 | Ron_of_Nord | " Crisis wrote: Hello with a random map the conditions will chance per map. is i…" |
2025-02-20, 18:40 | Crisis | "Hello with a random map the conditions will chance per map. is it possible to m…" |
Topic: only 1 of 16 cores used
At Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Something new in the bug world?
At Forum: Technical Help
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-23, 18:00 | mxb2001 | "This tech. help forum is only for the main game bugs? Addon bugs go to addons f…" |
2025-02-23, 10:13 | hessenfarmer | " mxb2001 wrote: 1.2, Linux and a whole bunch. Well the error messages …" |
2025-02-23, 00:53 | mxb2001 | "1.2, Linux and a whole bunch." |
2025-02-22, 23:03 | hessenfarmer | "well to make this information useful we need to know what version of widelands,…" |
2025-02-22, 21:03 | mxb2001 | "Just found this in my xsession errors. No problems in the game but it says to r…" |
Topic: green flag for fish
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Topic: Building plots
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-22, 09:55 | Nordfriese | "-1 from me too, for the same reason why we don't just show the whole map and al…" |
2025-02-22, 09:35 | kaputtnik | " Ron_of_Nord wrote: I get you're point about the geography, and as you say buil…" |
2025-02-21, 22:31 | Teayo | "The Discussion about this Suggestion is currently still open . Summary of Anarc…" |
Topic: Neutral / wild enemies
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Post |
2025-02-22, 04:37 | Ron_of_Nord | " Schmitti81 wrote: Sounds like the barbarians in Civilizations. Could also be …" |
Topic: Verbesserungsvorschlag : Baustellen produzieren Waren
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-21, 22:57 | hessenfarmer | "Also ich sehe das so, wie @Nordfriese, das Feature lohnt den Aufwand aus meiner…" |
2025-02-21, 22:13 | Teayo | "Ich muss nochmal nachfragen da ich noch nicht ganz das Ergebnis dieser Diskussi…" |
Topic: Verbesserungsvorschlag: Seefahrtstatistik
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-21, 22:57 | Teayo | "Visulalisierung des Vorschlages im Post Schiffsrouten anzeigen von feldschloess…" |
2025-02-21, 13:16 | feldschloesschenprinz | "Bitte die Bestimmungsorte der Schiffe auch in der Schiffeliste anzeigen." |
Topic: large map give above 1000 messages
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-21, 19:08 | Crisis | "Hi, thanks for an extended explanation. Saplings are not Yet counted as trees …" |
2025-02-21, 18:13 | hessenfarmer | " Crisis wrote: please use 2 spaces at the end of each line, to force a line b…" |
2025-02-21, 16:51 | Crisis | "yes a MUTE button, nice. i noticed when a removed an obsolete Lumber Jack that…" |
2025-02-21, 05:55 | Ron_of_Nord | " Nordfriese wrote: Hi, that such a huge list of messages causes the inbox to la…" |
2025-02-20, 18:34 | Nordfriese | "Hi, that such a huge list of messages causes the inbox to lag is a known proble…" |
2025-02-20, 18:00 | Crisis | "Hello i play a 400x400 field with Barbarians. I have severall tree area's and t…" |
Topic: Tool suggestions: Ruler, Dropper and Slope
At Forum: Map Editor Forum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-21, 18:28 | kolober | "Thank you. The first one is pretty much what I was thinking for the measuring f…" |
2025-02-21, 18:12 | kaputtnik | " kolober wrote: I thought of 3 tools that could reduce the tedious parts of map…" |
2025-02-21, 16:49 | kolober | "I thought of 3 tools that could reduce the tedious parts of mapmaking. I am not…" |
Topic: Verbesserungsvorschlag : Alle Soldaten aus Militärgebäude schicken
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-21, 10:04 | Nordfriese | " Die gestiegene Anzahl an verfügbaren Soldaten für einen Angriff verführt ggf.…" |
2025-02-21, 09:45 | hessenfarmer | "Ich sehe hier noch deutlich mehr Nachteile: - Die gestiegene Anzahl an verfü…" |
2025-02-20, 22:07 | Teayo | "Diese Idee stammt auch aus einer Diskussion auf dem Widelands Discord Server (e…" |
Topic: So many duplicate maps
At Forum: [English] - Player Forum
Date | User | Post |
2025-02-21, 06:53 | Ron_of_Nord | "Mxb2001, I recently uploaded my Twisted Paths map as an add-on, it will give yo…" |
Topic: How AIs are looking at Widelands
At Forum: [English] - Player Forum
Date | User | Post |
2025-02-21, 06:50 | Ron_of_Nord | "After doing some AI testing about widelands using several models recently I hav…" |
Topic: Map Server Failure
At Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Gui scaling and scaling in general
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-19, 01:54 | eddieballgame | " tothxa wrote: I haven't tried your FONTS.lua, only compared it to the original…" |
2025-02-18, 19:05 | tothxa | "I haven't tried your FONTS.lua, only compared it to the original. Based on that…" |
2025-02-18, 12:53 | eddieballgame | "Understood & sorry about that. I will remove the Arial Black font & only submit…" |
2025-02-18, 11:50 | kaputtnik | "Sorry eddieballgame, i had to remove your post Reason is that the Arial Font …" |
Topic: Map uploading
At Forum: Map Editor Forum
Topic: Verbesserungsvorschlag : Kein Schiffe stapeln
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Topic: Unpassable terrain
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-18, 00:02 | Ron_of_Nord | " tothxa wrote: hamogu wrote: I think the last level of the Frisian campaign ha…" |
2025-02-17, 23:23 | tothxa | " hamogu wrote: I think the last level of the Frisian campaign has something lik…" |
2025-02-17, 22:17 | Ron_of_Nord | " hamogu wrote: I think the last level of the Frisian campaign has something lik…" |
2025-02-17, 18:42 | hamogu | "I think the last level of the Frisian campaign has something like that. I don't…" |
2025-02-17, 01:45 | Ron_of_Nord | " kaputtnik wrote: You may can take a look at the add-on "Impassable Water" (cat…" |
2025-02-16, 10:54 | kaputtnik | "You may can take a look at the add-on "Impassable Water" (category "Wold") to g…" |
2025-02-16, 09:47 | tothxa | "Yes, this is possible with add-ons." |
2025-02-16, 03:17 | Ron_of_Nord | "I dont know if this has been brought up so I will ask, widelands currently offe…" |
Topic: Homepage mobile testing
At Forum: Homepage
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-17, 15:23 | hessenfarmer | "indeed much better. not sure whether the following is a apple issue : when I…" |
2025-02-16, 17:24 | fuchur | "I just had a quick look, but it is much better than the current website. At lea…" |
2025-02-16, 17:17 | kaputtnik | "bump Not any testers? If you want to test, grab your mobile and open https://al…" |
Topic: Map name
At Forum: Game Suggestions
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-16, 11:16 | kaputtnik | "flipflipsen, sorry for my bad assumption. Sometimes, especially in long games, …" |
2025-02-16, 09:55 | tothxa | "I tried to look into whether this is possible with an add-on, but AFAICT there'…" |
2025-02-16, 03:05 | Ron_of_Nord | "If I may venture a comment here, I don't believe having the map name displayed …" |
2025-02-15, 22:10 | flipflipsen | "Oké, thanks for your reply." |
2025-02-15, 22:02 | hessenfarmer | "I believe this might be possible, however it might clutter the panel especially…" |
2025-02-15, 21:52 | flipflipsen | "No, I mean the name of the map wich you are playing, in the info-bar next to th…" |
2025-02-15, 21:45 | kaputtnik | "Hi, i guess you mean the map list in the add-ons? The problem is here that it w…" |
2025-02-15, 21:30 | flipflipsen | "Hello, is it possible to display the map name in the info-panel" |
Topic: diplomatic function
At Forum: Coding & Scripting
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-13, 21:15 | Ron_of_Nord | "Thanks, I must have missed that, I'll have another good read of the documents o…" |
2025-02-13, 10:08 | Nordfriese | "To change teams, you can use the property. For trading, I p…" |
2025-02-13, 06:45 | Ron_of_Nord | "Hi folks, I've been searching the Lua interface documents but couldn't find a f…" |
Topic: Upload of add-ons
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-10, 16:15 | OIPUN | " kaputtnik wrote: Probably the related bug report:…" |
2025-02-10, 10:45 | kaputtnik | "Probably the related bug report:…" |
2025-02-10, 10:21 | Nordfriese | "I suppose you mean the listing of the add-ons and maps? Listing → fetching the …" |
2025-02-10, 10:14 | OIPUN | "The upload (fetching) of add-ons in 1.3 in comparison to 1.2.1 takes ages. Woul…" |
Topic: New experimental tribe: Europeans
At Forum: Add-Ons
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-10, 05:28 | MarkMcWire | "It should stay that way. All basic buildings should require all three types of …" |
2025-02-09, 20:51 | Nick222 | "Could You change the settings for building construction to break the vicious ci…" |
Topic: Rekruten sowie Arbeiter Eigenschaft abfrage möglich
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-06, 09:29 | JanO | "Der Rekrut wurde eingeführt, als die Kasernen / separaten Rekrutierungsgebäude …" |
2025-02-05, 23:40 | Teayo | "Wie kam es dazu das man für die Kaserne einen neuen Arbeiter für alle offiziell…" |
Topic: Geologo soll "Jippie!" rufen
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-04, 18:50 | kaputtnik | " MonteChristo wrote: Den Download-Link würde ich freilich statt des Sounds mit …" |
2025-02-04, 17:58 | mxb2001 | "Ich glaube wenn die copyrighted file NICHT im add-on ist kannst du den addon up…" |
2025-02-04, 11:07 | MonteChristo | " kaputtnik wrote: MonteChristo wrote: Ich fand die Idee super und habe ein ent…" |
2025-02-04, 10:22 | kaputtnik | " MonteChristo wrote: Ich fand die Idee super und habe ein entsprechendes Add-On…" |
2025-02-03, 18:25 | MonteChristo | "Ich fand die Idee super und habe ein entsprechendes Add-On entwickelt, das ich …" |
Topic: Neues Volk - Europäer
At Forum: [Deutsch] - Spielerforum
Date | User | Posts |
2025-02-03, 07:42 | MarkMcWire | " Caldessa wrote: Hallo Mark Danke für deine Arbeit. Habe die Addons Ingame runt…" |
2025-02-02, 19:35 | mxb2001 | "Versuch's auf 'ner grossen Karte. Die Euros brauchen wirklich riesen Platz." |
2025-02-02, 13:26 | Caldessa | "Hallo Mark Danke für deine Arbeit. Habe die Addons Ingame runtergeladen (Europe…" |