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Topic: Specific/diff ResourcePages for UserTypes Gamer|GameServerAdmin|ContentDeveloper|ProjectDeveloper


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Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
Posts: 180
Location: Alemania
Posted at: 2014-01-03, 14:07

Specific/diff ResourcePages for diff UserTypes

I fugured out Gamer|GameServerAdmin|ContentDeveloper|ProjectDeveloper as
TopLevel-UserTypeClasses with very different Needs of Informations and Resources

Gamer EndUser of WL Supplies GameServerAdmin Service both of and by WL-Supplies ContentDeveloper Independent Developer at PlatForm-Level (CONF/Lua) ProjectDeveloper Developers working organized by WL-Project-COMM-InfraStructure

        Due to ProjectDevelopment covers all Kinds of Scopes like 
                    ArtWork, Translation, Documentation and PR (HP-Guys got their
                    already their own Section on HP .. sure ;), Translators as well,
        ArtWork as whole , have Developers Kind of Interface to public
                    via GameSuggestions.  StoryWriters are not represent as Kind of
                    own Contributor-Class.  For ContenDevelopers Issues at ScriptingLevel
                    and ArtWork and StoryWriting is relevant.   IF we think ContentDevelopers
                    as Kind of independent small Group with more limited Scope tha compared
        with ProjectDesigners at PlatForm Level (C++ especially) these have
                    similar Demands like ProjectDesigners  between WorkShop Issues and
                    Need for PR to discuss theier Products with Gamers.  It's like feeling
                    inside MechanicalWorkShop due to want buy a Car or explain Trouble with
                    with SideEffects to WorkShopOperations.

Even most of these Sections are provided their Supply does not reflect their logical Order resp in that Context appear untidy resp HP-USers have to figure out where their relevant Sections are located resp labeled in a rather irregular Fassion and Order. If we think Gamers as must often Type of User with Kind of Behavior to keep out of WorkShop due to the different Language there (simpy add EceptionBlock and fire Event..) it address not the Scope of Half of its Audience the Gamer. So that's about InterFace-Section in social Context oten called PublicRelation. (public Interface, em?)

Please consider another Approach to order and label Sections to factor in different UserTypes with their own Section for Non-UserType-interfacing Needs. In that Context another Kind of PR-Demand appears by Systematic reasonable: ContentDevelopers do call for Features with another LEvel of BackGround Knowledge and perhaps ProjectDeveloper think diffferent about Gamers calling for Colors while ContentDeveloper ask for Lua-scriptable Player- and Unit-Colors to do this or that. It's surely close related due to Matter but different in Context of UserType and other Context and Idea of systematic Approach hint here for another Kind of UserType-Interface, so I just list that here without clear Idea how to factor in that. Please think of Kind of independent solely Developers which just contribute and interact without Idea to join any Group or Developers which did join Group to better coordinate their Coop and address Demands of Users visible in Project-Scope.

There exist clear ordered Way to arrange Sections with growing resp more special Demands of UserTypes with Idea of Evolution that ContenDesigner envelope from Gamer before writing own Stuff and therefore the Fraction of Gamers is rather likely a Non-True-SubSet of all Users while eg a Translator appear to me at least somewhat unlikely to perform hin Contribution inside Scope of ContentDesigners like expressed by Inserat Translator is looking for Campaign-Project to do Translation into Language X.

In that Scope I wonder if there exist any Statement from Project to offer to ContentDevelopers for their Products basic TranslationSupport as no single ContentDeveloper is likely ... to do that aside of his technical Capabilities as well. In that Need Localization is rather special compared with other Parts of Development. There exist another still not represented UserType which Work is really important for a Campaign even it may appear as less imporant Part of the Game but anyway it's IMO the most important Part of a Campaign: the STORY. Related to appears Job the Campaign-Scriptor as Kind of Regisseur and Technical to deal with Illumination, Wind and Weather Fake. Point is that at least traditionally due to still not happend Differentiation between Task of archive this and do this by that.

IMXP are the Campaign-Designers either Artists or Technicals with enough wide spread Abilties to do both either do fine Scripting or do good Artwork with enough Abilities to learn missing Essentials while if there exist Kind of ArtWork-Pool to take from ArtWorks like fancy ancient FireSword to render a Story around while ArtWorkers are more likely to look for interesting Projects to contribute their with ArtWork. I do not remind ever have seen ArtWorker doing ArtWork for own Campaign and looking for Guy who just code that all simply.

Remind History of MovieMaking and Regisseurs were Guys with private Cam and Idea to create something new People liked it before Industry originated and some People can just do Mask for Actors and other know to glue the Strips into a single large. In that Context, what ever State WL is in there is no Differentiation done for StoryWriters which are Kind of literal Regisseurs and Programmers which represent the technical Share for Capaign and Regisseur is someone who direct Stuff how it should look like while Producer is Kind of Guy who manage Crew and perhaps represents Technical Chief which manage technical Issues at SuperVisor. So can rationalize Campaign Work more and more but for sure have to address Status quo and most of Points before are actually still to much rationalized into specific Task while I do strongly advice to investigate that Matter in deeper AbstarctionLevel then finally resp actually necessary resp rational applicable to have better Idea how to define actual resp next Abstaction Approach.

Actually I don't understand why Artists for visual and audial ArtWorks share same Forum. Same Way we could put theoretically put also Translators and Programmers into same Forum due to they write so little and both write anyway respecting either Sytax or Grammar or even both - another Argument that is close related! face-smile-big.png

In Context of ArtWork is StoryWriter the artistic Analogon of Painting and Music and Sounds. Btw I wont't put for Sound Composer into same Ring with Guys who run with Micro around to record Sounds or Guys who synthesize Sounds with Tools.

It's one Thing to create cool or realisitc sounding Sounds or compose from Sounds for Instruments something that sounds greet resp does not nerve Players hearing it the tenth Time. Btw the BimBam-Sound was Reason to me to disable Sounds sometimes as I heard any moderate Guy telling, oh well, bim bam you know instead alerting BIIIIM BAAAM!! (Watch your Ass!) sounding like someone who could bit a young Tree simply with his Tooths. Perthaps take any Soccer-Pro-Fan for that Sound. Instruct Sound-Actor about Context of Matter and note often Lumberer die due to Accident! They have to hear Alert for suree and not to scear or get angry about Alert. VOLUME! In that Context Composer do a total different Work even if share FileFormat.

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
Posts: 180
Location: Alemania
Posted at: 2014-01-03, 14:11

For Audio and Painting it's IMO also about Kind of Respect: Translators and Programmers have own (common) Forum! ... oh really? Don't have to share with Problem-Forum and reflects Matters of Professionality. Idea to safe SubForum to safe DiskSpace or any thing (what exactly?) appears that HP-Admin was Father of Idea and not Project-Admin (Project-Admin says we need, HP-Admin says we do not can..) . Point is that Need was overdriven by Intention to reduce HP-Management Issues .. no Idea how that could work. I doubt that works while do not have XP to state for sure the Opposite. Actually nobody writes into ArtWork-Section and I exclude that that Forum splitteed would change that negatively and would in that actual Utilization beyond Thread ReAlLocation cause more Work or Traffic aside of increased Traffic by increased Attractivity for Users. So I can not follow Idea to safe Work here aside of Relevance of causing Idea that Project does not know that Sound, Music and Paintings are anyway totally different Arts .. the literal Aspects are much better specialized even they work mostly with PlainText.

Hit da Nail: spltting ArtWork into Visual, Audial and Literal can cause just more Work when its causes Success in ArtWork Category which gets considered to be actually insufficient and this Proposal address that Problem arguing that this Category-Fusion is surely a relevant Reason with Constraints of Style and Respect for the single different Arts. Looking for Reasons by Artists should IMO make it rather likely to consider this appearingly missing Respect as another Reason for no Matter is that Idea is wrong or or true. I don't ask for Respect in Way of blaming about cheaty missing Respect (Excusion first,!) but ask for visual Respect for different ArtWork Kinds to give ArtWorkers Idea that their Work gets respected even it is not about programming.

Edited: 2014-01-03, 14:37

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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