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Topic: Geberal ramble

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Joined: 2014-05-07, 00:20
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Posted at: 2014-05-10, 13:02

Just a few thoughts

And we all know what Thought thought, Thought thought his feet were cold and got out of bed to tuck them in!

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

On a more serious side, I noticed that we have a lot more people viewing posts than we have people replying to posts. This is normal in any forum, except here we have many hundreds of people viewing and almost no-one posting. What's the story there?

The "create account" and "login" aren't very scary. In fact they're almost identical to any other site with a forum.

The people that do reply to posts aren't scary, in fact I've found them to be very polite whilst also being informative and helpful.

The graphics on the site is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

Is it because they all do this "chat" stuff these days? Sorry but I'm a genuine misanthrope that couldn't really deal with that, I like forums because I can pretend that I'm just talking to another computer instead of conversing with real humans.

Would a "General Conversations" forum get them started maybe?

I went through the "non english" forums out of curiosity, even though I can only understand 1 word in 20, and the same thing is happening there. 3 posts and 800 views. So it's not because the majority of viewers don't speak English. Judging by some of the posters, many of you speak English better than most people who grew up with English as their home language.

The only life experience I have that relates is when I was going to move to another city looking for better work. An old man that I worked with said "Melbourne? Why would you want to go to bloody Melbourne? No one will talk to you down there because they're all too scared they're going to get robbed or rooted.".

Sorry if this was a pointless ramble but I'm 3/4 pissed and enjoying myself.

Back to my game now.



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Joined: 2011-12-30, 17:37
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Posted at: 2014-05-10, 15:34

I am happy that you like the design of the website. It has just been reworked (a year ago).
Your observation is an interesting one. I never look how many views a topic has.

There might be different reasons why there is this ratio:

  • I cannot answer to the topic because of missing knowledge, because I do not have time or because I have not yet formed my opinion. A good example is this topic: I am interested in his progress, but I cannot help because I do not understand enough of coding. I just read the lastest post when it pops up on the right side.
  • This is my next point: I think that the number of views is increased everytime a person reads a post. Whenever a post is made, the topics appears in the "Latest Posts" section, which will cause many people to read the new post, but the whole topic gets a view. So one person can give some views to the same topic (at least I think so).

I think it would be nice if more people joined a discussion, especially when it is about a new idea (see also (another topic I was reading, but where I had no opinion)). However, people not answering mails is also a problem in real life. So I think another topic would not be helpful.

Btw, I think it is a good thing that you try to be active and answer to different posts. However, you answer here is not what Astuur asked for. He does not want to change the files, but he tries to understand what the different parameters mean. I think he said clearly what he wants (the green texts) and since I could not answer his questions (though I would have interpreted the lines the same way), I wrote no post.
I could have written this last paragraph in the other thread, but I felt it was not important enough. The next person that comes across and knows the answer will answer, and if Astuur thinks he has to clarify that you did not give him the desired answer, he will write that himself. I see no sense in submitting a post, though I have already read it twice.

"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2014-05-10, 17:11

Like wl-zocker, I only reply when I have something to say.

There might also be bots increasing the post counts, I don't know if they are filtered out by the software.

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Joined: 2009-03-23, 23:24
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Posted at: 2014-05-10, 21:38

I had similar thoughts when posting new maps and asking for feedback - my conclusion is that 90% of map downloaders doesnt have an account and nobody will register just to post one comment...

I know some sites allow posting via facebook or gmail account - this could be the way. Thought I would consider some restrictions for such posting - f.e. one post per day and no edit. As an action against spammers.... but this would be secondary

BTW I hope "viewing" is rather "unique viewers" then simple "views"...

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 20:31
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Posted at: 2014-05-10, 22:10

Tibor wrote:

BTW I hope "viewing" is rather "unique viewers" then simple "views"...

I wouldn’t be too sure about that.

But what could go into account is the RSS feed. I for example get every single post made on every forum via RSS. Though I didn’t read much lately the fact that my feed reader gives me the head lines could count. I don’t know how RSS works, so that could be complete nonsense, sorry about that. face-wink.png

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2014-05-11, 08:25

Since this is custom-made software, somebody would have to program an RSS version of the frontend. This isn't very difficult, but somebody will need to find the time.

Busy indexing nil values

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