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Topic: Big upcoming string changes


Joined: 2010-10-16, 17:56
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Location: Slovakia
Posted at: 2014-08-10, 18:23

GunChleoc wrote:

Actualy, no. It might be more clear with an added comma: Scouts like Scotty the scout, scouting unscouted areas in a scouty fashion.

Of course the joke will probably not work in your language, so be as creative as you want. It's a description of the worker.

Oh, I confused myself and for some reason thought that 'unscouted' was supposed to be a verb with the meaning of 'to uncover the fog of war'. My bad. Thanks for clearing that up! face-smile.png

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Joined: 2014-08-17, 12:07
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Posted at: 2014-08-17, 14:30

Hi guys.

I'm in for the french translation, will try to help during this new string translation.

Will Shakespeare and Moliere will do good neighbors ?


Regards, from France.

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Posted at: 2014-08-17, 23:17

Bienvenu face-smile.png

I'm on holiday right now, but let me know if you need any help and I will do my best when I get a chance to come online.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2014-08-25, 15:48

MiroslavR wrote:

Scouts like Scotty the scout scouting unscouted areas in a scouty fashion.

Ahh... I remember this line being added on a wihack by nasenbaer after he hacked the first implementation of scouts into the engine. Good times... face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2014-09-08, 19:33

We have a new "Tribes" template that contains the strings that are used in the new Building Help. At the moment, these translations can't be shown in the game yet for complicated technical reasons, but if you wish to get a head start on these, please feel free to start the translation.

We are planning a big refactoring of the tribes' code, after which we will be able to add these strings. This will take some time though.

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Posted at: 2014-09-19, 14:04

We have a new template called widelands-console. We moved the messages in there that get displayed it you type "widelands --help" into the console/command line/shell/whatever that's called for you operating system

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Posted at: 2014-09-28, 10:09

I have added a section on plural forms to the wiki.

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Posted at: 2014-10-29, 09:06

I am merging wl-zocker's new tutorials, so there will be a bunch of new templates to translate appearing today.

The first 2 scenarios of the Barbarian campaign have been merged, and the tutorial has been split into "Basic Control" and "Warfare" and expanded. There are also 2 new tutorials.

I will merge your old translations into the new files, but we have also made some string fixes, so a few will have to be retranslated.

There are also new strings in the Widelands domain due to a UI redesign.

If you notice any mistakes in the English source text, please let me know so I can go fix ASAP.

A number of strings turned fuzzy, because of some small fixes in the source language. Since Launchpad doesn't do fuzzy strings, here's how you recover them:

  1. Download and install PoEdit or Virtaal.
  2. Get your old translation from Revision 7235. The templates you want are scenario_t01.wmf, scenario_t02.wmf, scenario_t03.wmf and scenario_tutorial01.wmf.
  3. Load the old .po files into the tool you just downloaded, do and undo a small change and save. The tool now has the old translations in its memory.
  4. Download the new templates from Launchpad, translate with the help of the translations the tool will suggest to you, then upload again. A few hours later, your new translations will appear.

The new templates should appear sometime today. The changes are:

  • scenario_tutorial01.wmf => scenario_tutorial01_basic_control.wmf and scenario_tutorial02_warfare.wmf
  • scenario_t01.wmf and scenario_t02.wmf => scenario_bar01.wmf
  • scenario_t03.wmf => scenario_bar02.wmf
  • New templates: scenario_tutorial03_seafaring.wmf and scenario_tutorial04_economy.wmf
Edited: 2014-10-29, 10:52

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Joined: 2014-09-14, 01:54
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Posted at: 2014-10-29, 12:03

So I took a look at the english translations for wares, workers, and buildings. Here are my suggestions:

Raw Stone -> Stone
Trunk -> Log ("Trunk" generally refers to when it's not yet cut down)
Fernery -> Thatchery (ferns have little economic use, and certainly not as roof material)
Weaving-Mill -> Weaving Mill
Traningscamp -> Training Camp
Ferner -> Thatcher
Burner (the worker) -> Collier

Stones -> Stone (Almost no other resources in Widelands are plural)
Trunk -> Log
Wood -> Board ("Wood" is generic and covers everything from living trees to quality furniture)
Goldstone -> Gold Ore (for consistency)
Wood Lance -> Pike ("Lance" is the version used by mounted troops, not those on foot)
Lance -> Spear (Pikes are longer than spears, but have a smaller spearhead)
Advanced Lance -> Spetum (Spetums have short blades flanking the main blade, see polearm pics)
Heavy Lance -> Halberd (there's no perfect match, but Halberds are certainly closer to the icon than lances; see polearm pics)
War-Lance -> Heavy Halberd
Chain-Armour -> Chain Armor
Plate-Armour -> Laminar Armor (it's certainly not plate armor; see below)
Vine Farmer -> Vigneron
Burner (the worker) -> Collier

Trunk -> Log
Spideryarn -> Strand (Yarn is a thick strands, while spiderwebs use thin strands)
Cornflour -> Cornmeal
Gold Yarn -> Gold Thread
Burner (the worker) -> Collier


"Donjon" is a french term; the english version is "Dungeon". But we have a dungeon for atlanteans, and it serves an entirely different purpose -- so it may be best to stick with Donjon or change one of the two into a different type (say, changing Donjon into Tower).

Either grout should be changed to lime, or lime-burner and lime kiln should be changed to reference grout; I have a feeling grout is correct. Even if lime is correct, the worker should be "Lime Burner" not "Lime-Burner".

Technically a brewer is only someone who makes beer (someone who makes wine is called a vintner), but it may be better to have a slight inaccuracy than to introduce an entirely new imperial worker just for making grapes into wine.

Imperial soldiers really seem to be modeled after roman soldiers wearing lorica segmentata, which is a type of laminar armor (armor made of horizontal metal strips, best known for lorica segmentata and for samurai armor). The icon for "plate-armour" should be updated, as it's not laminar armor and defintiely not plate armor (which uses large pieces of metal).

Polearm pics:
Lorica segmentata:
Samurai armor:
Plate armor:

Edited: 2014-10-29, 12:04

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2014-10-29, 12:12

Are you working off Build 18? We have made big changes since then, and a lot of the terms you are suggesting have been changed to something else already. Current terms are here: and a list of changes to the core terms is here:

Can you please open a new thread with the changes that still seem interesting to do? Note that we don't have a resident artist at this time, so the images will have to stay as they are.

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