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Topic: Some suggestions


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Joined: 2009-09-14, 18:53
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Posted at: 2009-09-14, 19:48

Hi everybody,

I know about Wideland project quite long and I am trying nearly all releases and the last release 14RC is really cool. I admire people who works on it. However it is still much work to be done.

My first suggestion is about AI. I know, that AI is in alpha state, but it can build and attack and it can be enough. Big weakness of AI is fact, that it can not create healthy economy. So feature like "Super cheating AI" in AI types will be really good.

It can work very easily. For example every x (10) seconds will some code check quantities of goods in HQ and if it find some item with quantity 0, it will add some (+1 or +2).

I play Widelands with AI when I am tired for relax and this cheating AI can be real opponent. The best implementation of cheating AI can have some settings how much AI will cheat, but it is not necessary.

My next suggestion is about Breweries. I thing, that upgrading any building should not change items that are produced, it should only add new types (like Tavern -> Inn -> Big Inn).

And last suggestion is about work area showing. If I want to build Farm, it will appear blue dots where fields can be, but they can not be at all of them. It will be nice if blue dots will appear only on places, where field can be in current time. This should work only with work area of buildings witch are seeding something, not lumberjacks or queries...

And I have one question at end. Can I upload somewhere my print-screens of Widelands?

Thanks developers for their effort and keep working...

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Joined: 2009-02-26, 11:50
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Posted at: 2009-09-14, 21:18


It's in a working stage (and will always stay as there's always something to work on face-smile.png ), so there's always much to be done.

AI has been already quite improved since b13, and I think it is quite competitive. I'm not exactly sure what you're pointing at, as I've not noticed it having this problem.

The suggestion about breweries is, hmm..., a bit done. (tavern...) Maybe some more discussions on irc would decide on changes - come there and participate! face-smile.png

I think it should stay as it is, but instead of not showing, a different dot (there are 3 types I think).

I guess, but the screenshots section is limited to devs (not us, regularl users), so submitting them somewhere (here?) and hoping that they'll upload them would be the only possibility.

Regards, Soeb

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2009-09-14, 18:53
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Location: Czech Republic
Posted at: 2009-09-14, 22:38

About AI, I think, that AI is not good enough for me and if AI should be as good as human, it should cheat little bit.

I am quite good in programming, but I do only C# and PHP so i can not contribute and try do some cheating AI, but I think that it shouldn't be hard...


Different dots will be pretty cool


I will maybe visit IRC and discuss thiese suggestions...

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Joined: 2009-03-05, 19:02
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Posted at: 2009-09-14, 23:10

NightElfik wrote: My next suggestion is about Breweries. I thing, that upgrading any building should not change items that are produced, it should only add new types (like Tavern -> Inn -> Big Inn).

Barbarian breweries should create "normal" beer too

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