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Posted at: 2014-11-04, 09:46
Both seem to be fine; I'd go with "building spaces".
On a late note, "six cheeses" probably should be "six wedges of cheese" -- although that would likely wait until a fourth tribe (either official or fanmade) shows up, as none of the current three use cheese! ;)
Edited: 2014-11-04, 09:47
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Posted at: 2014-11-04, 16:13
DragonAtma wrote:
On a late note, "six cheeses" probably should be "six wedges of cheese" -- although that would likely wait until a fourth tribe (either official or fanmade) shows up, as none of the current three use cheese!
"Cheese", in the sense of a definable chunk, is actually a count noun with the plural of "cheeses", and while that's not entirely common usage anymore, it's still grammatically correct.
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Posted at: 2014-11-06, 15:19
"Cheeses" is more used when talking of a bunch of different types of cheese. Anyway, getting a bit off topic here
I have been thinking about another issue, which is that we will hopefully have a "Casern" building in the future, now "Casern" is a rare term in English with "Barracks" being more common. So, we will need a new name for the Imperial Barracks.
Does "Garrison" sound good to everyone?
The Imperial military buildings are:
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Posted at: 2014-11-06, 16:07
"Garrison" sounds fine to me.
"Casern" is not a common english word (at least not in the NY area!). It's much more common in french-speaking areas ("caserne de pompiers" is french for "fire station"), but presumably that would be in another topic. :Þ
As for "castrum" (and its plural form "castra") I believbe they only show up in works specifically about the roman empire. Since we're not calling advanced armor "segmentata", we probably should skip "castrum".
If we need more terms for military places, try these:
* Encampment
* Stockade
* Military Base
* Stronghold
* Blockhouse
* Redoubt
And, of course, you can always modify current names for upgrades if needed (Grand Castle, Fortified Tower, Large Barracks, etc.).
Edited: 2014-11-06, 16:08
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Posted at: 2014-11-06, 18:13
Just some thoughts from a non-native English speaker:
- There was an idea of allowing the player to define a minimum number of soldiers that should always be present in a headquarters. They were planned to be called "garrison". See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/widelands/+spec/garrison-on-headquartes. However, I do not know about the current state of this idea.
- I am no fan of using latin/Roman words for the Empire. The tribe was inspired the the Roman empire, but I think Widelands should try to distance from the real world. Furthermore, such special words may not be common to everyone.
- The stronghold was a Barbarian building that was removed some years ago. I think most players will not remember it, so reusing the name would be no problem.
- The barracks is a small building (the smallest military building at all). If possible, the name should indicate this already in some way. For example, according to Wikipedia, a redoubt "is meant to protect soldiers outside the main defensive line and can be a permanent structure or a hastily-constructed temporary fortification", which would fit the current image I have of the barracks.
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Posted at: 2014-11-07, 15:27
I posted the "Castra" link, because it have me the idea for he "garrison" name - I agtee that we shouldn't have Latin names. The redoubt has now led me to a nice list as well:
Since "Garrison" might be needed in the future, we should go with something else.
I had been thinking abot "Stronghold" as well, but I somehow picture it as a bigger building.
I think that "Blockhouse" fits the graphics best.
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Posted at: 2014-11-30, 09:15
I have started working on the name changes. Please do speak up if you don't agree with them.
All tribes
- (Raw) Stone(s) => Granite
- Barracks => Blockhouse
- Wood => Planks, use the Atlantean icon
- x Lance => x Spear, because lances are cavalry weapons
- Plate Armor => Gilded Armor (fits the icon best)
- Spideryarn => Spider Silk
- Gold Yarn => Gold Thread
- Cornflour => Cornmeal
- Donjon => Tower
- Strongbeer => Stout
I also think we should rename the "granite" resource in the mountains. It can produce granite (formerly (raw) stone(s)), marble, quartz and diamonds. Shall we use "stones"?
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Posted at: 2014-11-30, 13:02
I don't like "Blockhouse" for "Barracks", i've the feeling it misses the military character of the building.
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Posted at: 2014-11-30, 14:48
Do you have a better idea for it? I need to reserve the name in case we ever get a casern feature. Casern is a very rare word in English, and people will understand "barracks" better.
Edited: 2014-11-30, 14:48
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Posted at: 2014-11-30, 14:58
Tino wrote:
I don't like "Blockhouse" for "Barracks", i've the feeling it misses the military character of the building.
Blockhouse is a legitimate military term for a structure that's been built as long ago as 1398. It feels more modern to me than much of Widelands, but that may not actually be an accurate impression.