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Topic: Button "next" in Building window


Joined: 2011-12-30, 16:37
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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 09:02

In first row it looks like a plate for each building. Because its a darker background the contrast is much higher. Looks it allways like a button? I don't think so. The last one (mill) is flattend just for you to see how it looks like.

IMHO, they still look like buttons.

Another way would be, to make real buttons from the build-icons and a click would step forward to the next building. Disadvantage in this case is, that you could only get forward, not to the previous building.

It is possible. Use Shift/ Alt button like in the Editor!

We could use Shift to step backwards. This would also make the arrow buttons redundant, thus we need less space for a building. My apprehension is that there will be too many features in those few buttons and that this confuses the player.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 09:22

It would also be one more interface action to learn - better display the two arrow buttons.

I'm also not fond of the buttons in first row or the lines in between rows, or lines as separators. Plain is better than those two options.

I had been thinking about a frame around each entry, or maybe a table grid.

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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 10:59

So, the next one:


I could provide the gimp-xcf-file if you whish to experiment for your self face-smile.png

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Joined: 2014-09-12, 09:53
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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 11:42

Do the pictures of buildings have mouse over text? If not it would probably be a game killer for me, I already have enough problems knowing what each building is from looking at it. A list was much easier.

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Joined: 2011-12-30, 16:37
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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 12:22

They definitely need a tooltip, also explaining what the numbers mean.

"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 16:00

I think that looks awesome. They will get a tooltip and in general follow the build selection window (i.e. the ordering will be the same and the tooling too). We can also add a text under the scrollable list.

My suggested improvement would be to get rid of the arrow buttons, clicking a building gets you to the next of any kind (in build, productive or not) and clicking the numbers for build not in build would get you to those, clicking the productivity could get you to the unproductives. Howering over them could draw a rectangle around them, clearly identifying them as clickable. I think that is a great mockup!

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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 18:50

Howering over them could draw a rectangle around them, clearly identifying them as clickable.

That would be a complete different behavior as in all other windows of widelands (except the playground), and in all other applications i know. So it breaks all of the experience in playing/computing. Sorry, but a clickable thing should look like clickable, not only if you hoover it. And widelands do have it's own style for windows (wooden, a little bit middle age). Colored borders or just rectangles, do not fit in this style imho.

Tooltips are highly recommended for this window... for all displayed things. But tooltips are generally used in widelands, so i think this the slightest problem.

In the next mockup i will try to show the building statistic window without the arrow buttons and put some tooltip examples in it.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
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Posted at: 2014-11-29, 20:06

Howering over them could draw a rectangle around them, clearly identifying them as clickable.

That would be a complete different behavior as in all other windows of widelands (except the playground), and in all other applications i know. So it breaks all of the experience in playing/computing. Sorry, but a clickable thing should look like clickable, not only if you hoover it. And widelands do have it's own style for windows (wooden, a little bit middle age). Colored borders or just rectangles, do not fit in this style imho.

That is not true. Checkboxes are getting a rectangle drawn around them when you mouse over them and in the general statistics menu (the one where you can compare the players) the radiobutton to select the graph also get a rectangle drawn around them. So we already have UI examples for this.

Tooltips are highly recommended for this window... for all displayed things. But tooltips are generally used in widelands, so i think this the slightest problem.

We agree here, tooltips are useful and should be there :).

In the next mockup i will try to show the building statistic window without the arrow buttons and put some tooltip examples in it.

These mockups are a great way to discuss UI changes, your work making these is greatly appreciated.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2014-11-30, 11:36

This is comping along great!

The tooltips could also explain what clicking does.

Busy indexing nil values

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 19:48
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Posted at: 2014-12-01, 20:48

Checkboxes are getting a rectangle drawn around them when you mouse over them and in the general statistics menu (the one where you can compare the players) the radiobutton to select the graph also get a rectangle drawn around them. So we already have UI examples for this.

Rectangles are not shown when hooverd (mouseover) but if you click on it. In this case: click = marking. But this should be discussed in another thread (e.g. "Do we need a style guide to prevent style chaos?") face-smile.png

Your suggestion is shown in this pictures in the last row. The left picture shows the window without tooltips, the right with it:

Build statistic

First 2 rows: Buttons look like they are in the same level as the background. The buttons do have different colors:

 * First row: background, blue marble, green marble, red marble
 * Second row: The last have a wooden background. AFAIK all real Buttons (not checkboxes or radiobuttons ;) ) in gameplay are wooden. Exeptions are the buttons in the main menus.

third and 4th row: Buttons look like raised to the background

5th row: This would be the style which SirVer and GunChleoc prefer. It shows only the icon of the building and when mouseover, a rectangle with tooltip appears.

The Text at the bottom in left picture is only a hint of what could be done here. If all "what can i do here" infos could be stored in tooltiips, this text could be omitted.

Regardless of that you not be a friend about wide windows, i want to show this example:

buildstatistic wide

it gives you an example of what benefit this format could bring. The additional tab "Construction" is an idea to make a filtered Building statistic list, where only buildings are lsted, wihich are under construction. Currently there is only one such tab, but it could be more. Surely this could also be imlemented in the first pictures, but then you have to put such filterbuttons at the bottom of the window. In phantasie, in future there could maybe userdefined filters to store the buildings i want to observe.

I used only such colors/media/images, which are allready implemeted.

Hopefully you do not misunderstand some statements from me... you've made a great work and because of my minimalistic english knowledge, some statements may read wrong face-smile.png

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