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Topic: Button "next" in Building window


Joined: 2011-12-30, 16:37
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Posted at: 2014-12-01, 21:38

Hopefully you do not misunderstand some statements from me... you've made a great work and because of my minimalistic english knowledge, some statements may read wrong

My English is perfect neither, but (or therefore? face-smile-big.png I understand you very well. And the screenshots are expressive on their own. Thank you for all your suggestions so far.

First row: background, blue marble, green marble, red marble

In the direct comparison, it seems as if green and red indicate something (e.g. productivity), which is confusing. I prefer one of the first two colors.

Second row: The last have a wooden background. AFAIK all real Buttons (not checkboxes or radiobuttons face-wink.png ) in gameplay are wooden. Exeptions are the buttons in the main menus.

No. We have wooden buttons on wooden background (e.g. statistics menu), dark buttons on dark background (e.g. main menu) and dark buttons on wooden background (e.g. scenario messages, news window), but never wooden buttons on dark background (at least I could not find any). Again, in the direct comparison with non-wooden buttons, they look as if they were selected in some way.

third and 4th row: Buttons look like raised to the background

Since they are clickable, they should be raised, I think.
One note: The empty button (productivity) for the warehouse looks a bit odd, as if something was missing. Since clicking on it will have no effect, would it be possible to hide it (only for warehouses and military sites)?

5th row: This would be the style which SirVer and GunChleoc prefer. It shows only the icon of the building and when mouseover, a rectangle with tooltip appears.

But if I do not know that, there is no reason to hover my mouse over the building. Then I would never learn this functionality!

Rectangles are not shown when hooverd (mouseover) but if you click on it. In this case: click = marking.

If I understand it correctly: Once clicked, the image stays marked. But when you click on the icon again, you cannot unselect it (compare this behavior with the one in the general statistics, which has boolean buttons). I think that would lead to total chaos.

The Text at the bottom in left picture is only a hint of what could be done here. If all "what can i do here" infos could be stored in tooltiips, this text could be omitted.

I think we should have tooltips for everything. Widelands is drifting towards that, and I see no sense in designing a window which contains static text.

Regardless of that you not be a friend about wide windows, i want to show this example: it gives you an example of what benefit this format could bring. The additional tab "Construction" is an idea to make a filtered Building statistic list, where only buildings are lsted, wihich are under construction. Currently there is only one such tab, but it could be more. Surely this could also be imlemented in the first pictures, but then you have to put such filterbuttons at the bottom of the window. In phantasie, in future there could maybe userdefined filters to store the buildings i want to observe.

I think you can make this window as wide as the news or the objective window. We would then have some space in the top right corner for such special categories (as long as we do not have too much). For a start, construction and favorites (the only user-defined category) would be enough.

"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg

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Posted at: 2014-12-01, 22:12

wl-zocker wrote:

Second row: The last have a wooden background. AFAIK all real Buttons (not checkboxes or radiobuttons face-wink.png ) in gameplay are wooden. Exeptions are the buttons in the main menus.

No. We have wooden buttons on wooden background (e.g. statistics menu), dark buttons on dark background (e.g. main menu) and dark buttons on wooden background (e.g. scenario messages, news window), but never wooden buttons on dark background (at least I could not find any). Again, in the direct comparison with non-wooden buttons, they look as if they were selected in some way.

Because i do not play widelands everey day, i have still not noticed such details. The dark background is just taken from the build buildings menu (where you could coose the building which you are wanted to build). It isn't fix and should be choosen by the developers. My mockups do only show some possibilitys for technical and UI implementation. How it at the end looks like... who knows face-grin.png

Rectangles are not shown when hooverd (mouseover) but if you click on it. In this case: click = marking.

If I understand it correctly: Once clicked, the image stays marked. But when you click on the icon again, you cannot unselect it (compare this behavior with the one in the general statistics, which has boolean buttons). I think that would lead to total chaos.

May i did the quoting not correct: This has nothing to do with my mockups.

Edited: 2014-12-01, 22:13

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Posted at: 2014-12-01, 22:49

kaputtnik wrote:

wl-zocker wrote:

Second row: The last have a wooden background. AFAIK all real Buttons (not checkboxes or radiobuttons) in gameplay are wooden. Exeptions are the buttons in the main menus.

No. We have wooden buttons on wooden background (e.g. statistics menu), dark buttons on dark background (e.g. main menu) and dark buttons on wooden background (e.g. scenario messages, news window), but never wooden buttons on dark background (at least I could not find any). Again, in the direct comparison with non-wooden buttons, they look as if they were selected in some way.

Because i do not play widelands everey day, i have still not noticed such details. The dark background is just taken from the build buildings menu (where you could coose the building which you are wanted to build). It isn't fix and should be choosen by the developers. My mockups do only show some possibilitys for technical and UI implementation. How it at the end looks like... who knows face-grin.png

I have not found a rule when which background/button combination is used - probably there is none. I do not know if SirVer has a preference here or whether he just takes what you write.

Rectangles are not shown when hooverd (mouseover) but if you click on it. In this case: click = marking.

If I understand it correctly: Once clicked, the image stays marked. But when you click on the icon again, you cannot unselect it (compare this behavior with the one in the general statistics, which has boolean buttons). I think that would lead to total chaos.

May i did the quoting not correct: This has nothing to do with my mockups.

Sorry; when answering to an answer to a quote, I lost the overview :). However, the the general statistics, there is a grey border when you hover over the category button. However, I never noticed that (or at least I never paid attention to it) until today.

"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg

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Posted at: 2014-12-02, 05:35

I have not found a rule when which background/button combination is used - probably there is none. I do not know if SirVer has a preference here or whether he just takes what you write.

I am just a puny engineer and know little about UX design. The mockups are super helpful to come to good ideas though. The raised buttons looks strange to me, but you are right that most buttons in Widelands are raised (except for radiobuttons). Though this is no longer needed to communicate clickablility (see I OS or Android Lollipop).

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2014-12-02, 09:15

I am in two minds about the raised buttons - they make it clear that they are clickable, but they are also visually very noisy. If we use a color scheme similar to the warehouse inventories, I think the user would get it.

As to filters, we have a precedence for filter buttons in the other statistics windows, where they are below the graphs. I'd prefer sticking with the vertical design and having any filter buttons on the bottom - I would still like to keep the horizonal space consumed by this window as small as possible.

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Posted at: 2014-12-02, 17:16

If we use a color scheme similar to the warehouse inventories, I think the user would get it.

In my mind those color shemes do not fit the widelands style. But i am aware of that often a compromise has to be done. E.g. to get a higher contrast between fore- and background for each ware and a unic style. Sometimes it gets hard to find such a compromise. And each of us has his own taste, which makes it also harder... so keep on programming and don't worry about my criticism face-smile.png

I think my work is done and you could implement the things we where talking about, if you get some time to do this face-smile.png

If you want further mockups, for other things too, i will try to make it.

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Posted at: 2014-12-05, 11:38

Bug is filed:

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Posted at: 2014-12-05, 17:19

Thanks face-smile.png

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2015-05-12, 09:37

We now have a branch ready for testing:

Please give it a spin and let me know if you think anything should be changed about the design, or if you find any bugs.

The window can now be toggled with the hotkey "b".

I did not manage to give the production statistics colors. This will become easier to do once we have the new font renderer.

Edited: 2015-05-12, 09:42

Busy indexing nil values

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Posted at: 2015-05-12, 19:18

Great face-smile.png face-smile.png

I looked into it for short and find it very good. Also that the buttons gets highlighted (not are shown as raised) feels good.

Stepping through the buildings by clicking on Image/Build/Productivity feels also very nice. Tooltips are also great.

By pressing "b" the buildings statistcs window is shown on the left side of the screen, also very good.

All together: Awesome

Maybe i find some more time for testing face-smile.png

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