Topic: documentation for "is" / terrain affinity
kaputtnik Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2015-02-11, 20:50
Is there somewhere a documention of the terrain property "is"? There are currently 7 values for that:
Some of them are selfexplaining, but some are not. What is the diference between "dead" and "acid"? Both are unpassable and dry (inarable) The only values where buildings can be build, is "green" and "mountain" (only mines). "green" isn't very descriptive for this terrain type imho. And there are the terrains affinites, which also plays around if a terrains is "green" (where plants can grow good or bad). *confused* Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2015-02-11, 21:59
I'm afraid we only have the source code The rules are:
The strings that get displayed in the Editor Info Tool are:
The reason that these strings don't match up with the properties in the init.lua files is that people had already started making maps before we designed the strings, and we didn't want to break the maps. It's all a bit complicated, but I hope this helps... Edited: 2015-02-12, 09:11
Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |
wl-zocker |
Posted at: 2015-02-11, 22:06
A quick search revealed this (in /world/terrains/init.lua):
And to avoid confusion, a small dictionary for programmer's language and what is shown to the mapmaker:
My try for an explanation: The default benavior is that flags can be set on the fields, but no buildings.
Note that some properties include others. For example, water is only defined as I think this explanation (once it is satisfactory) should be added to the Wiki somewhere. Otherwise, they will help the map maker very little. There has already been a bug report, see especially #8-#10 about outdated icons. Edit: I did not see GunChleoc's post, but I hope my attempt to explain helps you. Btw, GunChleoc, your links do not work. Edited: 2015-02-11, 22:11
"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg Top Quote |
kaputtnik Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2015-02-11, 23:24
I understoud. Otherwise there is allready a hint about maps: "This map requires a version of Widelands newer than build18!"
Because of the hint there is no need to keep these old properties? And what about the affinites? I ask, because i created a map with different terrains and wondering about trees do not grow, or very spare grows, even while the terrain is "green". Because the terrain affinity isn't shown anywhere, i couldn't regard the affinity. The only thing i could regard is the "is" value, because it is shown in the terrain menu. Maybe it would help to difference more between "is" and "affinity":
Is it possible to make a switch button on the menus? If so, could it be made to switch the tabs from "is" values to "climate zone" values? Explainig: In normal view the terrains are shown in tabs for the "is" value: Buildable, unpassable, only walkable.... Clicking on the "switch button" will turn the tabs to: plants grow good, grow middle, grow bad. Maybe my thoughts aren't finished yet... Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2015-02-12, 09:14
I am not familiar with the terrain affinity code. @wl-zocker: thanks, WikiSyntax didn't like the links.
We had a big change after build18 ("One World"). People then submitted maps, and we didn't want to break things again. Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |
kaputtnik Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2015-02-12, 17:58
Its because of the double point...
Understandable. Maybe it would be the best, if the description of these strings is stored in the corresponding init.lua file Suggestion:
The "swimmable" meaning of "water" is just guessed. Not the best way, but maybe better as no explanation. Edit: Thanks for clarifying Edited: 2015-02-12, 18:00
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gnarfk |
Posted at: 2015-02-14, 10:22
there is a slight difference between unpassable and dead/acid. We can build road on borders of unpassable zones, and cross very thin unpassable zones by roads . Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2015-02-14, 10:42
Does this work? I also suspect that acid and dead do the exact same thing. Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |
wl-zocker |
Posted at: 2015-02-14, 12:31
I think that acid and dead are the exactly same thing (see Same goes for dry/treeless. "Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg Top Quote |
kaputtnik Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2015-02-14, 13:41
I think this is related to the dithering (which terrain covers an other terrain). The terrains are splitted into triangles and the corners are sometimes difficult to see. Next week i will try to explain this further. Today i couldn't because of not at home ....
I think so. BUt im unsure about the "trees don't like this terrain". Today it is maybe so, but in future we may need "unbuildable" terrains where trees could be grow good. Maybe some kind of jungle...
treeless isn't a value for "is". Thats what i meant: The current values do not explain the fertility or the things what can be build or not. Top Quote |