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Posted at: 2015-02-26, 20:42
So it’s 2 for Kundschafter, 1 for Späher at the moment?
Next words (we really should decide on some soon…):
I translated the future term "garrison" with "Garnison". That sounds about right to me.
About the "blockhouse": The translation "Baracke" could be used for the future term "barracks", unless we want to translate that with "Kaserne", what would be fitting, too. Anyway, I deleted the translation for blockhouse as it’s not used yet.
And after I finally found out that the word prom had added wasn’t "reply" as he wrote – he meant "replay", I wonder how to translate it. It’s used as "Replay", "Spielaufzeichnung", "Aufzeichnung", "Wiedergabe" and "Aufnahme"… Which one do we prefer?
Last for today: "savegame" and "saved game" are randomly translated with "Spielstand" and "gespeichertes Spiel". What about that?
Edited: 2015-02-26, 21:02
Two is the oddest prime.
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Posted at: 2015-02-26, 21:27
I'm not involved in the translation process, but a german player. So I want to contribute what I think from a players side:
- scout: like wl-zocker said I, too, have the feeling that "Späher" has a more military meaning than "Kundschafter". Therefore I'd prefer the latter one.
- savegame: I think in widelands "savegame" refers to the file on the harddisk. So "gespeichertes Spiel" would fit better. With "Spielstand" I think more or less of sports like soccer (aktueller Spielstand 2:1)
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Posted at: 2015-02-26, 21:41
fuchur wrote:
I'm not involved in the translation process, but a german player. So I want to contribute what I think from a players side:
Sure, that’s the input we need.
- scout: like wl-zocker said I, too, have the feeling that "Späher" has a more military meaning than "Kundschafter". Therefore I'd prefer the latter one.
- savegame: I think in widelands "savegame" refers to the file on the harddisk. So "gespeichertes Spiel" would fit better. With "Spielstand" I think more or less of sports like soccer (aktueller Spielstand 2:1)
True, thanks for your comments.
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Posted at: 2015-02-26, 21:57
+1 for "Kundschafter"
+1 for "gespeichertes Spiel"
"Replay" is something that could be replayed, therefor it should be "Wiedergabe" imho. I think "Wiedergabe" is also known for cassette-desks (who of the younger knows about this today ) or for a video player.
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Posted at: 2015-02-26, 22:28
- garrison = Garnison sounds fine to me.
- blockhouse/baracks: "Bei einer Baracke [...] handelt es sich um eine behelfsmäßige Unterkunft, als einstöckiger, nicht unterkellerter leichter Bau, besonders aus Holz." (source: I think this definition hardly fits to a place where soldiers are trained. But I think it fits to a small, cheap building that can only be occupied by one soldier. For the place where soldiers are recruited, I suggest "Kaserne". This does not really fit the description I found, but players might know the term from other games.
- replay: I do not know which word is the best. I do not like "Replay", it is an unnecessary anglicism. One could say that a Wiedergabe is the showing of the replay, and the replay is then a (Spiel-)Aufzeichnung or an Aufnahme. Aufnahme sounds a bit like a film that you only watch, but in a replay, you can scroll around and choose what you want to see.
- savegame: Maybe I have played too much Widelands, but I understand Spielstand. However, I can follow fuchur's argumentation: The Spielstand is the state of the game (Stand des Spiels), e.g. "2:1" or "The blue player has had great land gains.", whereas the savegame we use mostly refers to the file.
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Posted at: 2015-02-27, 08:38
Replay: I like Aufzeichnung. To watch a replay would be "Aufzeichnung wiedergeben"
Barracks: For the future meaning, definitely "Kaserne", That's what it's called in Die Siedler anyway.
Blockhouse: Just use whatever you're using for "Barracks" right now, unless it's "Kaserne". If you're lacking a term, browsing the German Wikipedia might help. How did you guys use to translate "Stronghold"? Maybe you have a building where this term will fit, and then you can shift terms around. You don't have to be too literal with each military building as long as the name fits its size and appearance.
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Posted at: 2015-02-27, 09:27
I try a summary. If no objections come, I’ll take the terms as they are here:
- "scout" will be translated as "Kundschafter", the buildings as "Kundschafterhaus/-hütte", the verb still "erkunden"
- "garrison" = "Garnison"
- "blockhouse" = "Baracke" (so the translation won’t change even when the term will)
- future "barracks" = "Kaserne"
- "replay" = "[Spiel]Aufzeichnung"
For "save[d ]game" = "gespeichertes Spiel": How does "Speicherstand" sound in your ears? I just try to make the term a bit more handy.
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Posted at: 2015-02-27, 13:30
I think Speicherstand is ok. It sounds a bit strange, but Google finds 121,000 hits, mainly from computer games. I also think that "gespeichertes Spiel" is too long.
I am fine with the other terms. Kundschafterhaus is a bit long, but it is best to have it fit with the worker. And we won't use it often.
@GunChleoc: Stronghold was translated as "Bastion", which makes me think of something bigger and stronger.
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Posted at: 2015-02-27, 13:46
wl-zocker wrote:
@GunChleoc: Stronghold was translated as "Bastion", which makes me think of something bigger and stronger.
I figured as much, which is why you would have had to shuffle terms - call something bigger a "Bastion" and then shift the term you used for the other building - a bit of round-robin or musical chairs, so to speak - or should I say merry-go-round?
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2015-02-27, 16:45
- Scout: “Kundschafter” seems good to me
- Scout's hut: “Kundschafterhaus/-hütte” looks a bit strange but I don't know a better term …
- to scout / to explore: “erkunden”
- Garrison: either “Garnison” or “Besatzung”; “Garnison” is rather military jargon …
- future “barracks”: “Kaserne”, as it's as well the correct German translation and meets the future purpose.
- Blockhouse: either “Baracke” or “Fort”, where the latter seems a bit too “big” to me …
- Replay: “Aufzeichnung” (without “Spiel-”) and “Aufzeichnung abspielen”
- Tab: “Reiter” (→ “Tab” is a Anglicism)
- Savegame / saved game / save game: Although “gespeicherter Spielstand” would fit most, it's too clumsy and bulky. But “Speicherstand” really sounds peculiar …