Topic: Out of rocks/stones?

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Posted at: 2015-02-24, 20:36

I am not sure whether the new message "Out of rocks" (for the old message "Out of stones") is really a good idea. The point is that "rocks" are not a ware in the game and should actually not be referenced to ('it breaks the illusion'), and it also creates a problem for translation. I think that it is best to continue with the old sentence.

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Posted at: 2015-02-24, 20:50

There is a glossary entry for "rocks". Comment: "Game entity - stones cut by a quarry."
Though when I look for the phrase "Out of rocks" it’s still translated with "Out of stones" in German.

But… I don’t see why we shouldn’t use "rocks" in this case. It’s like the message "Out of trees". Like the lumberjack cuts down the trees to get whatever kind of wood and states that he has no trees, when he can’t work, the stonemason or whoever can’t work, when there are no rocks in the vicinity.

So I’m for translating it with rocks, not stones.

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Posted at: 2015-02-25, 07:27

I agree with Ventatrix, a quarry will run out of rocks like a lumberjack will run out of trees. The semantics is that the quarry turns rocks into stones, so it will stop producing stones when there are no rocks left.

On another note, we will rename "(Raw) Stone(s)" to "Granite" in the future (in the one_tribe branch I have been working on). Once the one_tribe coding change is finished, we will have the following "stone" terms:


  • Rocks: stones lying on the ground, turned by Quarries into Granite and Marble
  • Stones (currently "Granite"): Stone resource in mountains, turned by Mines into Granite, Marble, Diamonds and Quartz


  • Granite (currently "(Raw) Stone(s)"): A ware cut from rocks or mined from stones (Quarry, Granite Mine, Marble Mine, Crystal Mine)
  • Marble: A ware cut from rocks or mined from stones (Quarry, Marble Mine)
  • Diamond: A ware or mined from stones (Crystal Mine)
  • Quartz: A ware or mined from stones (Crystal Mine)

We also have a complete list of planned changes in the Wiki. They were agreed upon in the English translation thread.

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Posted at: 2015-02-25, 08:56

The reason is understandable, I hope that the world is waiting for your new texts and ready to become translator. The difference in my language after translation is so tiny that it is not worth the time nor the effort. Speaking personally, I would first have filled in the gaps in the game, and only after that write, draw and code in a better way what has already be done. I am really surprised how much is done with the game without improving the gameplay in any way. The game has never been so boring as it is now, albeit syntactically more correct.

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Posted at: 2015-02-25, 10:14

I understand that it is costing translators a lot of time to fix things up after changes, and that I have introduced a lot of changes in the past year. This is a necessary evil though if we want the project to move forward, e.g. getting rid of the ugly "New Objectives" formatting, or making strings translatable at all for some languages - actually, the original reason I started coding on Widelands was that a good number of strings couldn't be properly translated into my language. I am trying to get all necessary changes done now, so there won't be many (hopefully almost none) in the future. However, this is the first time that I have taken on a project like this from the programming side, so things didn't all work as smoothly as I had hoped.

Once you become familiar with the Transifex platform though, you will notice that you will save a lot of time compared to working with Launchpad. It will show you similar strings that you have translated in the past and you can recover them with a mouse click. I have uploaded two older states of the project to give everybody the maximum number of possible string suggestions.

Most of the coding work we have been doing this year are internal changes that form the base for new features to come, so I admit that there is no big "wow" factor involved in what we have done recently.

And I don't think it would be a good idea to wait with changing all these strings until everything else is finished, because building an in-game help system is one of the things we are planning to do soon. If we waited until after that, then we would have even more string changes for translators.

Edited: 2015-02-25, 10:25

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Posted at: 2015-02-25, 11:15

Once you become familiar with the Transifex

You are too hopeful. First I upgraded the translations because it contained many errors. The next time, because the English translation contained many errors. The software is limited and it was very understandable that other translations would be effected too. But after a year, the translation can for the bigggest part be done again, with only changes like "forge" from "produce." These changes are from a gamepoint of view totally irrelevant. It looks more like a personal hobby than improvement of the game. Therefore I think that you are too optimistic. But time will tell. I hope for you that you are right.

so I admit that there is no big "wow" factor involved

I made no allusion to a 'wow' factor, as filling in gaps is not quite what I would call a 'wow' factor.

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Posted at: 2015-02-25, 11:30

fk wrote: I made no allusion to a 'wow' factor, as filling in gaps is not quite what I would call a 'wow' factor.

I'm sorry I didn't find better words for this - I was reacting to that you said the game was boring.

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Posted at: 2015-02-25, 11:42

I see, I named a lot of things what can be a cause of confusion.

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Posted at: 2015-02-25, 17:32

Well, most of us aren't native speakers of English, which makes things a bit difficult sometimes. Don't worry about it face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2015-04-03, 19:38

GunChleoc wrote:

On another note, we will rename "(Raw) Stone(s)" to "Granite" in the future (in the one_tribe branch I have been working on). Once the one_tribe coding change is finished, we will have the following "stone" terms:


  • Rocks: stones lying on the ground, turned by Quarries into Granite and Marble
  • Stones (currently "Granite"): Stone resource in mountains, turned by Mines into Granite, Marble, Diamonds and Quartz


  • Granite (currently "(Raw) Stone(s)"): A ware cut from rocks or mined from stones (Quarry, Granite Mine, Marble Mine, Crystal Mine)
  • Marble: A ware cut from rocks or mined from stones (Quarry, Marble Mine)
  • Diamond: A ware or mined from stones (Crystal Mine)
  • Quartz: A ware or mined from stones (Crystal Mine)

Why is the "stone" should be replaced by granite? Yes, I understand that the mine produces different kinds of stone (quartz and "granite" is better than quartz and stone). But ... it turns out that the barbarians make grout from granite. They crush granite. Mix with water. Not limestone, for example, GRANITE. Are you seriously?

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