Topic: Social media
kaputtnik Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2015-04-07, 16:08
The first time i clicked on the social media links on the right side...
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wl-zocker |
Posted at: 2015-04-07, 18:21
I do not use twitter myself (and have therefore never clicked on the link), but I do not want my username to be spread somewhere without I being informed. I do not know how people use twitter, but I cannot imagine that a few words, part of a whole post, possibly meaningless without context, are interesting for other people. I could imagine that it was more interesting to have a tweet for every new thread started, but without showing the name. I am fine with news and announcements being written in different social networks, to hopefully increase the number of players and developers. Since the users' privacy seems to be rather important to SirVer, I hope he reacts fast disables/changes the automatic tweeting. "Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg Top Quote |
Venatrix |
Posted at: 2015-04-07, 20:44
As my adblocker blocks social media links, I never even considered to click there (where? ).
Eh, not cool. I don’t use Twitter and don’t want any of my user names to be seen there. I could live with showing new threads there, as wl-zocker said, even with posting in which thread the latest discussion is taking place (i.e. "new post in thread …"), if one really wants to generate traffic, but all anonymous please. If a follower (how many are there?) really is interested in the topic, he will follow the link (that I guess is there) and see those information anyway. Are there other social media sites, that you didn’t mention, where Widelands is active? As I said, I don’t have ANY link in that section. And should we probably file a bug report? Two is the oddest prime. Top Quote |
SirVer |
Posted at: 2015-04-07, 21:28 has an RSS stream which contains the same information than the twitter - which I and maybe a ton of other people subscribe too to find out about new posts. The same information is also displayed on the left in the "Latest Post" box and the Website also sends email to people "subscribed" to a topic. So I do not quite follow the privacy argument here. The twitter can be seen as a high-tech RSS feed and apparently 64 followers find it useful for that. However I agree that the twitter is hardly a Widelands official account and I do not even know how the forum content ends up there - it is definitively not something done actively by the homepage. I guess some bot scrapes the RSS stream and posts to the twitter. I'll investigate and - if I can - put a stop to it. But just to reiterate: I do not own that twitter account and the data it posts is publicly scrapeable, so I doubt that privacy concerns can be put forward and the owner of the account is in perfectly legal territory. In the meantime I removed the twitter link from the social media box - we do not tweet at this point in time. And I also removed the youtube link - it used to be connected to the GPlus account, but that seems to have gone away in some refactoring of gplus. I cannot remember ever seeing a video on the channel anyways. The facebook and gplus links I kept because some members of the community semi-regularly post to these right now - and I do have access to them. The whole social media stuff was added because a community member was interested in maintaining them - but he lost interest/ran out of spare time, so they kinda dried up. Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2015-04-07, 22:33
I am also all for privacy and not a fan of social media, but everything you post here is publicly accessible by anyone who wants to read it anyway - we have no "members only" section. If we did and that was posted on Twitter, or your e-mail addresses and/or passwords would be published, it would be a privacy violation. But this is not the case, so there is no problem really. I guess the Twitter thing just made people aware how public everything is and I fully understand when this kind of thing makes people feel uncomfortable. Removing the usernames from the RSS would just make accessing them 1 click/tap away, and not hide them at all. Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |
janus |
Posted at: 2015-04-08, 01:07
dies ist ein öffentliches forum in dem jeder lesen kann was der andere schrieb oder schreibt, da alle foren für jeden einsehbar sind also auch für google und andere dienste die einfach nur das netz abgrasen. der, der sich angemeldet hat, hat zusätzlich die möglichkeit neue beiträge zu erstellen oder auf andere beiträge zu antworten. diese beiträge sind dann auch wieder für alle einsehbar. zusätzlich bietet das forum die möglichkeit, beiträge, ob neu oder alt, über einen rss verweis zu abonnieren. in zeiten wo wir noch offen für neues waren, war dies eine sehr gewünschte und geforderte eigenschaft die das forum bereicherte. zu dieser zeit gab es die möglichkeit, über einen zusätzlichen dienst, rss verweise auszulesen und bei twitter als beitrag schreiben zu lassen. somit wurde vor vielen monden ein twitter konto erstellt um damals aktuelle aktivitäten bei sourceforge und später launchpad, neuen beiträgen im wiki, neue nachrichten beiträge und neue beiträge im forum bereitzustellen. somit war es ein einfaches, einfach nur das widelands twitter konto zu folgen und immer auf dem aktuellen stand zu sein ohne jede seite einzeln abgrasen zu müssen. das ersparte viel zeit.
Edited: 2015-04-08, 01:08
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SirVer |
Posted at: 2015-04-08, 08:11
Momentan haben wir keinen zugriff auf den twitter account, also scheint es passend, dass er nicht verlinkt ist. Sobald wir wieder Zugriff haben können wir dort ein paar mal tweeten ob der account nutzen für jemanden hat. Wenn sich niemand meldet ist er vor allem noise. Wenn sich jemand meldet hat er einen guten Grund weiter zu existieren. Wie klingt das? Top Quote |
wl-zocker |
Posted at: 2015-04-08, 08:32
I am not completely against twitter. As I wrote above, it is important to have some kind of publicity. I just do not want my name being shown somewhere, all without my knowledge! And this thread shows that I am not the only one. I know that this forum is public, but nevertheless, only people visiting the website can see my username (that's what I thought). If my username was not visible on twitter, people who want to see it would have to do one more click (actively!) to get to the website. Janus, I cannot follow your argument that one has only to follow the twitter account get all news. As far as I can see, only new forum posts appear there, and no news from Launchpad. You still would have to visit those pages. People with a regular interest in Widelands can use the "Latest Post" section on the right side to stay up to date. EDIT: @SirVer: Sounds like an idea. Edited: 2015-04-08, 08:33
"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg Top Quote |
kaputtnik Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2015-04-08, 11:18
Yes, this problem 1.
Yes, thats the main difference of a normal RSS-feed, Emailnotifications and the Website itself: Someone has to actively do that.
I don't believe that someone wants to read all posts, even it contains a fiew words, to get informed if he/she is not involved in the game in a great matter.
Yes, this should be done. But it solves not the problem that people not get informed about the twitter feeds. Top Quote |
janus |
Posted at: 2015-04-08, 13:50
auf twitter folgen dem widelands konto 66 konten, demzufolge wird es nicht nur von einem genutzt wie zuvor starköpfig behauptet. auch finde ich es schade das durch nicht nachdenken immer mehr und mehr hindernisse aufgebaut werdem um einem die wenige kostbare zeit, die man eh zu wenig hat, immer mehr und mehr zu nehmen. durch twitter muss ich zum beispiel nur einen verweis abonnieren, gäbe es dies nicht müsste ich mindestens 6 verweise abonieren.
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