Topic: Background Bird Singing

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Joined: 2014-09-29, 02:11
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Location: Slovakia
Posted at: 2015-04-14, 05:28

Hello, i could participate in sound development by recording birds in my area. I could record various spieces that are active in different daytimes. My question is how big sound files would be acceptable so the game doesnt grow in size too much. I think i could provide lots of sound effects, the only limit is space and i know the background sounds are not a priority.

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Joined: 2009-03-23, 23:24
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Posted at: 2015-04-14, 20:15

I dont enable sound when playing but this seems as very interesting idea.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2015-04-14, 20:20

Having more variation in sounds would make things more lively face-smile.png

The sounds for the birds are in sound/animals, and they are ca. 20-40 KB in size each. They are triggered by tree animations, e.g. world/immovables/trees/alder/init.lua

If you have some ideas, maybe more sounds for buildings might be interesting too?

Edited: 2015-04-14, 20:21

Busy indexing nil values

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Joined: 2013-07-30, 22:58
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Posted at: 2015-04-15, 10:43

What is actually missing are fighting sounds for the soldiers. Animations are more convincing when accompanied by sounds. But whether it's a good idea to record sounds? It should come with as less noise as possible.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2015-04-18, 13:34

There are toooons of useful sound effects missing. It is hard to look at any animation and not think: "Hey, that would be better with a sound effect".

So, I would not worry about the data size of sound effects at this point in time. We deal with it when/if it becomes an issue. But adding new sound effects would be awesomest!

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