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Topic: Social media

Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2015-04-08, 15:50

I understand why stuff appearing on Twitter might make people feel uncomfortable; however, it is no more public than posting here. This forum is indexed by Google, which means that the NSA has it and anybody else that they will trade data with. And anybody who wants your username from Twitter can just click the link. Your username being one click away is ZERO protection.

Privacy is a very important issue, public information appearing in an equally public place is not.

If Widelands was publishing or trading private account information, this would be a privacy violation or need a privacy statement. We are talking about public information here, and posting in on Twitter doesn't make it any more public than it was before.

Edited: 2015-04-08, 15:52

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Posted at: 2015-04-08, 19:11

auf twitter folgen dem widelands konto 66 konten, demzufolge wird es nicht nur von einem genutzt wie zuvor starköpfig behauptet

First we should find out how many of those 66 followers are actively reading the tweets and would miss them (and thus respond to SirVer's question). There are over 3000 user registered on this site, but only a very little part of them writes anything.

durch twitter muss ich zum beispiel nur einen verweis abonnieren, gäbe es dies nicht müsste ich mindestens 6 verweise abonieren.

Could you please tell me which six references that are? The benefit you are talking of is still unclear to me.

der der interesse hat sich die seite, den inhalt, die gemeinschaft ... anzuschauen findet den weg auch wenn dein name bei twitter steht oder nicht.

Exactly, so why write the username on twitter and cause all this controversy?

it is no more public than posting here

I understand your argument, and you understand my feeling ("uncomfortable" describes it quite well). However, when I write something in the Widelands forum, I can only be read by people who are visiting this page, and they therefore show an interest in the game. With my username appearing on twitter, it is visible to a huge community who has nothing to do with Widelands. It is not "more public" in the sense that people who could not find out otherwise can find it out now, but it is "more public" in the sense that random people can see my username more easily.

the NSA has it and anybody else that they will trade data with

No one is safe from them. They probably know more about my internet habits than I do, so I do not let that argument count.

And anybody who wants your username from Twitter can just click the link.

Yes, but he actively has to do that. At least for me, there is an inhibition threshold for clicking on a link only to find out the username. If someone is really evil, there is very little protection against him.

Your username being one click away is ZERO protection

What do you want to tell me with that link. I know that people knowing my username can google it. But again, that requires the active overcoming of an inhibition threshold.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2015-04-08, 20:17

With my username appearing on twitter, it is visible to a huge community who has nothing to do with Widelands. It is not "more public" in the sense that people who could not find out otherwise can find it out now, but it is "more public" in the sense that random people can see my username more easily.

I do not agree on this point. In fact the RSS stream and twitter contain the same information (the RSS stream even a bit more) and need the same actions to get accessed. For RSS:

  1. go to
  2. click the RSS icon -> all information are shown
  3. subscribe

for twitter

  1. search Widelands on Twitter
  2. click on the account name @Widelands -> all information are shown
  3. click to follow

You could even argue that RSS is worse, because you do not know who subscribes to the RSS feed, while twitter makes it public who follows @Widelands. Twitter is not a community, it is a platform. There is a (small) Widelands community on twitter and only these people will follow @Widelands - if at all.

The RSS feed is very useful to me - in fact that is how I keep track of the forums. So maybe I was to quick to dismiss the Twitter account, not everybody likes/uses archaic technology like RSS these days.

Edited: 2015-04-08, 20:43

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Posted at: 2015-04-08, 20:18

ich werde dann für dich mal die sechs verweise heraussuchen:
* ...

um eines möchte ich dich noch bitten. lies den text bitte in der gesamtheit, versuche ihn zu verstehen und suche dir nicht nur die sahnestückchen raus um sie dann ins lächerliche zu ziehen. du möchtest nicht das ich dein schlechtes englisch kommentiere. ich komme dir schon entgegen und schreibe es auch in deutsch das du wirklich verstehst was ich meine und du nicht raten musst.

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Posted at: 2015-04-08, 21:00

janus wrote:

auf twitter folgen dem widelands konto 66 konten, demzufolge wird es nicht nur von einem genutzt wie zuvor starköpfig behauptet.

I don't know who asserts this.

ich werde dann für dich mal die sechs verweise heraussuchen:

I can't see the feeds from outer on witter.

um eines möchte ich dich noch bitten. lies den text bitte in der gesamtheit, versuche ihn zu verstehen und suche dir nicht nur die sahnestückchen raus um sie dann ins lächerliche zu ziehen. du möchtest nicht das ich dein schlechtes englisch kommentiere. ich komme dir schon entgegen und schreibe es auch in deutsch das du wirklich verstehst was ich meine und du nicht raten musst.

This is a style of discussion i don't like. In my opinion nobody wants to travesty what your have written and nobody has attacked you. Why do you? There is no reason for that. If you want the twitter feeds, great, thats your opinion face-smile.png Some of us don't like it in this way, so this is our opinion.

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Posted at: 2015-04-08, 21:19

To SirVer's post: Thank you for the explanation. Since I use neither the one nor the other, I have no idea how easy/difficult it is to get access to those feeds/tweets.

janus wrote:

ich werde dann für dich mal die sechs verweise heraussuchen:

Thank you, I did not know there were so many. However, please check your information. Not all of them appear at twitter. But since you indicate that there are more, I will not elaborate that. I got your point.

um eines möchte ich dich noch bitten. lies den text bitte in der gesamtheit, versuche ihn zu verstehen und suche dir nicht nur die sahnestückchen raus um sie dann ins lächerliche zu ziehen.

I do read the whole comment (more than once) and I think I understand it. I do not pick the "cherry on the cake" to make it ridiculous, but I omit the parts of your post that are not absolutely needed for understanding when I quote you. This is to avoid to avoid that the post grows unnecessarily long. I know that single phrases can easily be misinterpreted, but I do not want that. Having read your whole post, I try to give an answer to the whole post. If you feel ridiculed somewhere, please point that out to me. That was not my intention. I try to give serious answers with substantive reasons and examples, where possible.

du möchtest nicht das ich dein schlechtes englisch kommentiere. ich komme dir schon entgegen und schreibe es auch in deutsch das du wirklich verstehst was ich meine und du nicht raten musst.

Feel free to send me a message with the mistakes I made, including better ways and explanations. I know that my English is not perfect, but I cannot improve it unless someone tells me what I do wrong. If your English is as good as it seems (when I read between the lines), I doubt I will have problems to understand it. There are some forum members who do not speak German at all who I do not want to exclude from this discussion. If you wrote in English, not only they could follow this thread, but also I could hopefully learn from your English to improve my own language skills.

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Posted at: 2015-04-14, 15:10

Hmm, I have some RSS feeds about Widelands too, so let’s see…

janus wrote:

ich werde dann für dich mal die sechs verweise heraussuchen:[br] *


Really? I only get messages for the one article I’m interested in the most, and that’s running via the notifications tool. But, OK, if it’s important to you…

Granted. Like SirVer, that’s my way to stay up to date to the forums. BTW for the people who don’t use it: The information I can see without looking at the RSS link is

  • Title of the thread and the corresponding forum
  • Date it was posted
  • Name of the comment’s author

Only to see the contect of the post I have to click the link in the reader.

Eh, is that even necessary? Widelands moved from Sourceforge a long while back, I think even before my time here.

Not using that too. Instead I use to follow the code changes in trunk, that’s enough for me. face-wink.png

There is a GitHub project? I read of some thoughts, whether Widelands should move away from Launchpad over to GitHub (especially since the translation isn’t running on Launchpad anymore), but I don’t think, that will be any time soon.

Instead, to follow Widelands even more (…), I have the feed and follow the bug tracker via e-mail. So, all in all I have 4 RSS feeds and 3 e-mail resources for Widelands. And I have subscribed to every single one of them. That’s not exactly too much work.

Back to the initial discussion: Of course the forum is public, as everybody can read everything we post, but as already stated, only people with an interest in Widelands normally come here. On Twitter you always have a chance someone "stumble" over the account, whether he’s interested in the project or not. Granted, I don’t think that will happen often and that person most likely will forget what he read as soon as he leaves the account. I guess some people (including me) just have a profound aversion against Twitter and are surprised (and maybe a bit pissed) that our data (i.e. user name and part of our post) is mirrored there without our knowledge. I think, that’s the main problem. That someone took the RSS feed and trumpets it into world via Twitter without any information to the users whatsoever.

Conclusion: Janus’ first post sounded a bit like an introduction text, that could be posted as a sticky (or just an general info in the overview or with the registering ;-)). I think the whole discussion wouldn’t have started with informing (or discussing) about a Twitter account first, but from what I get, nobody really seems to know who is to blame (i.e. in charge) for that…

I hope my post wasn’t too incoherent and you can follow me.

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Posted at: 2015-04-14, 18:19

But if i understand it right, there is no known user who owns this twitter account. So there is currently no chance to change the tweeds...

I remember a strange curiosity on Someone has found a printer related website which copys (steals) topics and whole threads form the printer subforum on and shows them as topics/threads in their forum. After contacting them they swear not to do so anymore....

So, in modern times all is possible and there is no guaranty that someone somewhere on the earth is stealing all public data. And there is nothing we can do against it.

With removing the links to not official social media sites, its ok for me. This belongs to, not to twitter or anything else that graps data from

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Posted at: 2015-04-14, 23:13

For me, the shocking news was that my username appears on twitter, without me knowing. If the twitter messages really come from the RSS feed, as SirVer suspects, I suggest to remove the username from the RSS feed.

That would make me (I cannot speak for the others) feel more comfortable. At the same time, people who have subscribed to the RSS feed or are a follower on twitter would still receive the update. And Widelands would still have some publicity if someone stumbles across it on twitter.

What are the others' opinions?

"Only few people know how much one has to know in order to know how little one knows." - Werner Heisenberg

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 20:31
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Posted at: 2015-04-21, 20:33

OMG, I just had a look at the Twitter feeds… From the look of it, it’s impossible to remove the usernames, as it’s the beginning of the posts. And that’s kind of confusing. There’s no information about which topic the user is talking about or even in which subforum. From my point of view the information there is kind of useless, at least in comparison what I get when reading the RSS feed. The main information probably is, that there is some activity in the forum at all. Still… Apart from my aversion against Twitter in general I think, it would make more sense to show the header of the RSS feed instead of the content. But the main problem obviously is: How the heck do we contact the guy who’s in charge of that account?

BTW, I’m alright with my name showing in the feed, especially since it shows me I don’t have to have a look at that post, because I already read it. And if I’m waiting for an answer of a certain person to one of my posts, that information is nice to have, too. face-wink.png It’s not vital, though, I guess.

Two is the oddest prime.

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