Topic: Tribe emblems

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 07:47

I currently do some work on tribe emblems. While babarian and atlantean emblerms are available in 32px and 150px, the empire emblem is only available in 32px. See f.e. atlenatean 32px and atlantean 150px. So i begun with the empire:

Old new 32px new 150px
old new32px new150px

Another idea is to get away from the worrier sign and put something in there which is related to the specific tribe. Typical for the empire tribe is the marmor colummn, or the donkey face-grin.png (Pictures are not ready for usage):

new150px new150px

If we choose the donkey or the marble colummn, i need some help with a blender experienced person to get an image for theses signs which comes from the images used in game. I tried to look into blender, and used the blender files from widelands-media, but it's very hard to dive in.

What do you think about that?

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 13:43

I like the donkey idea face-smile.png

Individual shield shapes would also make them more distinguishable, so I like that you changed that.

We should not have writing in these, because it would be hard to localize.

Edited: 2015-05-07, 13:44

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Joined: 2014-09-14, 01:54
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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 16:56

Alternately, you can think up some text in a fictitious language. For comparison, many people recognize that S.P.Q.R. is a reference to the roman empire, but since it's latin, most people have no clue what it means.

Therefore, we'd technically have a "foreign to everyone" acronym for a motto, presumably in latin (fake latin?) or some other language that isn't really used these days. Some latin ideas, going by google translate:

V.P. (Victoriam Populi; Victory for the people)
V.C.D.I. (Victoriae contentione districti de imperio; Victory for the empire)
H.G.T. (Hastas galeae terra; spears, helmets, and land)
P.D. (Posset disciplina; might through training)

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 17:59

I was thinking, the Barbarians could have a crossed axe and thatch reed, and the Atlanteans could have a fire emblem for Satul.

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 19:18

GunChleoc wrote:

I like the donkey idea face-smile.png


Individual shield shapes would also make them more distinguishable, so I like that you changed that.

Yes, this is intended.

We should not have writing in these, because it would be hard to localize.

I think the relevant strings are self explaining and havn't to be localized. Except for languages that do not use the latain characters (f.e. japanese/arabic/russian/...) Something i did not thought about...

Alternately, you can think up some text in a fictitious language. For comparison, many people recognize that S.P.Q.R. is a reference to the roman empire,

Yes, i thought also on S.P.Q.R. A fictitious abbreviation would be like a sign. But i am unsure because of the character localization. If we look from the otherside (if this emblem would be made by a user from a different land) to such an sign, we see maybe something like


and we couldn't do anything with such sign.

I was thinking, the Barbarians could have a crossed axe and thatch reed,

They allready have a crossed ax face-smile.png

and the Atlanteans could have a fire emblem for Satul.

Who, or what is Satul? I thought more on Spider/Crystal/Diamond/Corn

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 21:19

kaputtnik wrote:

and the Atlanteans could have a fire emblem for Satul.

Who, or what is Satul? I thought more on Spider/Crystal/Diamond/Corn

The fire god in the Atlantean campaign face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 21:38

GunChleoc wrote:

I like the donkey idea face-smile.png

Hmm... I guess that this is not the best idea.

In my country (Poland) donkey is a symbol of stupidity. Do you want to make Empire silly? If yes- go for donkey face-wink.png

I guess that in other countries donkeys are that symbol too.

For me Empire is directly connected to the Roman Empire and they had one well known symbol- eagle

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 21:58

I guess we just found them too CUUUUUTE!!!1! *lol

You have a point, something more stately would be more appropriate.

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 22:45

einstein13 wrote:

In my country (Poland) donkey is a symbol of stupidity. Do you want to make Empire silly?

The donkey has more symbolic than stupidity or stubborn. Its also known as a working animal, resistant and sustained. I think we shoudn't work on the game with such a severity. A bit humor gives him a little bit fun face-smile.png In the end the player makes the tribe a good work, not the emblems.

The emblems are also currently not used in the game... but i hope somwhen we will see it there face-smile.png

In general i want to display the things which are typical for the tribe to help to join it to the tribe.

Current state:


The donkeys do not satisfy....

A previous rework to the babarians emblem:

old new 32px new 150px
old babarians32px babarians150px
Edited: 2015-05-07, 22:51

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Posted at: 2015-05-07, 23:06

They are actually used in the multiplayer start game screen.

I always found the Barbarian logo too busy. At the small size, I can't really see what it's supposed to be. Maybe remove the skull entirely?

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