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Topic: Button "next" in Building window

Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
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Posted at: 2015-05-14, 10:47

kaputtnik wrote:

GunChleoc wrote:

This is a good idea. At the moment, the sort order for when you click on the building icon is the order in which they have been built. Is this sort order useful for anything? If not, we could simply order them there and turn the productivity button into a label.

I think, if we want a productivity dependent order the productivity button is the right one to handle this. It's more logical than clicking on the building icon... Clicking on the building icon would just step through all buildings of this type anyway.

And with your suggestion, clicking on the productivity icon would also step through all buildings, just in a different sort order. My question is, do we need 2 different sort orders available to the user?

Another nice to have: If the productivity isn't shown (by pressing "s"), clicking on the productivity button in the building statistic window would automatically turn on the showing of poductivity.

We can't use clicking the button to both step through the buildings and to toggle the statistics string above the buildings.

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Posted at: 2015-05-14, 11:44

GunChleoc wrote:

My question is, do we need 2 different sort orders available to the user?

I don't know really. It could be confusing having two buttons which do the same at first look. On the other side: What else is against my suggestion?

Another nice to have: If the productivity isn't shown (by pressing "s"), clicking on the productivity button in the building statistic window would automatically turn on the showing of poductivity.

We can't use clicking the button to both step through the buildings and to toggle the statistics string above the buildings.


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Posted at: 2015-05-14, 20:50

Generally, I like the grid layout but I would combine it with previous design, top of window - grid, bottom - statistics for selected building with arrows to cycle around buildings

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Posted at: 2015-05-14, 22:36

Tibor wrote:

Generally, I like the grid layout but I would combine it with previous design, top of window - grid, bottom - statistics for selected building with arrows to cycle around buildings

Then you have to click twice to cycle through the buildings. One to mark a building and one for cycling.

If we consider the actual state, where each row of a building is clickable and each click on one row cycle in a different way, we have to think about if this is really needed. Just like GunChleoc asks for the icon of the building.

In my opinion the actual UI is usefull, but not really userfriendly. It needs a bit abstract thinking: Why should a click on the "build/under construction" row only(!) cycle through "under construction" buildings? The tooltip helps a bit, but the UI do not reflect what a click does.

Thats a bit uncomfortable ....

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Posted at: 2015-05-15, 07:48

After a sleep, maybe Tibors idea is the best for the UI:

Clicking on a Building will only mark it and at the bottom of the window appear the possibilities to click through.

Saying clicking on the icon "building" or the row "buidl/under construction" let appear the possibilities to click through "builded" and "under construction".

Saying clicking on the "productivity" row of a building let appear the possibilitiey to click through "stopped" buildings, "low productivity buildings" (f.e. from 0% to 60%) and for something like "click through buildings which are out of ressources" (trees/fish/ore).

If the horizontal place for strings is too short, we could may use icons.

I think this would make the ui more userfriendly and its a common behavior because the wares in a warehouse are managed the same way.

Sorry for short explanantion, i am in hurry.

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Posted at: 2015-05-15, 07:55

The bottleneck here is actually vertical space, not horizontal space. I can squeeze in a row at the bottom though.

I would vote for displaying all step-through options for the current building type on the bottom at once - click on a building and you get them all. The writing below the buildings would just be labels then.

I'll post again when I have something.

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Posted at: 2015-05-19, 13:24

I have the next version. I still don't have dynamic window height, so there is a lot of space in this screenshot. Also, I couldn't get the text on the productivity labels to center align.


Building statistics

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Posted at: 2015-05-19, 18:14

Great work face-smile.png

The usability is much higher than the first edition. It needs only some finetuning.

I still don't have dynamic window height, so there is a lot of space in this screenshot. Also, I couldn't get the text on the productivity labels to center align.

Could this be solved?

A few other things:

  1. The name of the building should be shown above the "Owned" section (the section on the bottom where to cycle through the buildings). This is cause you could mark a building and switch to another tab. The "owned" section will still show the values from the marked building, but the player couldn't see anymore which building this values belongs to.
  2. The bottom section should have a wooden background to help distuingish between top and bottom section
  3. The selected building is currently raised. I would prefer to mark the selected building as flattend, or with the same border as it is while mouseover. Flattend marking would be the same like in Statistic main menu and common statistic (where the flags are shown). A colored border would be the same as in other menus you allready created. In my opinion we shouldn't use a third graphic for something that is marked.
  4. Some buildings have available "unproductive" buttons, but they couldn't be productive, f.e. military buildings
  5. It's unclear what "unproductive" means. Maybe we could define a better string here? f.e. "Prod. less 50%"

I think menu will become awesome face-smile.png Thanks a lot for your work

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Posted at: 2015-05-19, 18:45

kaputtnik wrote:

  1. It's unclear what "unproductive" means. Maybe we could define a better string here? f.e. "Prod. less 50%"

What about "unproductive (<50%)"

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Posted at: 2015-05-19, 19:08

Why not have "productive" for military buildings being how full they are? So a 2/8 castle is 25% productive, etc.

If you do that, I recommend basing it on the player-limited maximums, not the absolute maximums. Although a tower may be able to hold four atlanteans, if it's 2/2 because the player limited it to 2 soldiers maximum, then it should count as 100%, not 50%.

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