Topic: Configure Economy and production controls?


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Joined: 2009-12-27, 22:06
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Posted at: 2009-12-27, 22:19


First of all, I want to say that I really love this game. I've been playing with it for a couple of days. It's quite engaging.

I started playing the version that came with Ununtu 9.04 (not sure what build that is, it says "unknown build" in the window.

Now I've switched to Build14.

Got some hints and questions. Rather put em all in this one message I'll post a couple of them, one per "topic" roughly, so that they can have nice identifiable Subject lines face-smile.png

First question: Configure Economy, what does it do exactly? I get the idea that is supposed to set targets for different wares. But what exactly is the difference between "temporary" and "permanent" targets.

And how does it affect the consumption of wares will things stop consuming wares if the stock is below target? Or does it only control production?

Now let me ask a very specific question with an example. I'd like iron mines and smelting works to simply produce as fast as possible. I see no reason to leave the ores in the mountains likewise I see no reason to leave the ores lying around, since the only thing you can do with them is make them into iron (I'd see value in stockpiling ores if they could be turned in to two different products later and I'd want to keep the flexibility to decide what I need later.

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Joined: 2009-02-26, 11:50
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Posted at: 2009-12-28, 10:19

picoday wrote: Hiya, First of all, I want to say that I really love this game. I've been playing with it for a couple of days. It's quite engaging. I started playing the version that came with Ununtu 9.04 (not sure what build that is, it says "unknown build" in the window.

It is b13.

Now I've switched to Build14. Got some hints and questions. Rather put em all in this one message I'll post a couple of them, one per "topic" roughly, so that they can have nice identifiable Subject lines First question: Configure Economy, what does it do exactly? I get the idea that is supposed to set targets for different wares. But what exactly is the difference between "temporary" and "permanent" targets.

Permanent: It will attempt to always keep it at this level.

Temporary: Once it hit the target, it'll simply keep it up at permanent quantity.

And how does it affect the consumption of wares will things stop consuming wares if the stock is below target? Or does it only control production?

I think it controls only production currently. Though I'm not 100% sure.

Now let me ask a very specific question with an example. I'd like iron mines and smelting works to simply produce as fast as possible. I see no reason to leave the ores in the mountains likewise I see no reason to leave the ores lying around, since the only thing you can do with them is make them into iron (I'd see value in stockpiling ores if they could be turned in to two different products later and I'd want to keep the flexibility to decide what I need later.

Ah, but melting them requires coal as well. So if you're low on coal, you can simply decrease it for some time. But I agree that I'd rather not keep a limit. It'd be nice to have a way of lifting these limits permanently.

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Posted at: 2009-12-28, 13:37

picoday wrote: what exactly is the difference between "temporary" and "permanent" targets.


And how does it affect the consumption of wares will things stop consuming wares if the stock is below target? Or does it only control production?

In build14 it only affects production. It skips production if there are that many in warehouses.

In the development version, the value is also used in another way: If there are that many in the warehouses, the ware can be used freely even if the product is not really needed (yet). For example, if the target quantity of trunk is reached, the atlantean smokery may use trunks to smoke fish or meat, even if there is already enough smoked_fish or smoked_meat.

The code is not yet good enough. Those 2 uses of target quantities should be separated, because some ware types need both kinds of quantities (and they should not have to be equal). For example coal should have a target quantity so that the charcoal burner will produce up to that value even when trunks are scarce. Then there should be a higher quantity for the consumption of coal. If there is that much coal, it may be used freely to smelt iron or gold even if the product is not really needed.

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Joined: 2009-12-27, 22:06
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Posted at: 2009-12-29, 00:23

Thanks for that. That clarifies things.

I also take it that this does not affect the production of basic wares (like water, wheat, wood). As far as I can tell these get produced as much as possible. This seems to be quite logical, since they don't require inputs, so limiting there production seems not to be useful.

(Caveat, I've noticed that when I produce too much stuff, I can create traffic jams face-smile.png

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