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Topic: wouldn't it be nice to have a minable tree-friendly terrain?

Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2015-11-10, 16:24

Just a quick attempt... first shot from editor:


We need another tooltip for this type of terrain.

Next shot from a game:


Trees do grow well on this mountain until the old/high mountains. The kind of tree is imho disturbing, i have chosen the affinity values from mountain meadow.

Yes, the wasteland mountains might be a problem, but i think we could manage this.

It's just an attempt, the terrain mustn't have so much green and maybe another green...

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Posted at: 2015-11-10, 16:45

That's look nice and i agreed for a test with a more rare and more yellow grass.

Edited: 2015-11-10, 16:45

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Posted at: 2015-11-10, 16:58

wow kaputtnik, that looks exactly what i had in mind. well, actually i wasnt sure how it should have looked, but it conveys the feeling that i had in mind.

i agree that confierous trees should grow there. this is basically the same terrain of winter maps, only seen during the summer. I suggest values of temperature humidity fertility of 50 0.75 0.5 if we want favorable tree growth there (values of tundra, optimal for coniferous) and of 50 0.75 0.3 if we want trees to grow with more difficulty. set a temperature of 70 if we also want some of the more adaptable deciduous trees to grow there to some extent.

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Posted at: 2015-11-10, 18:36

Nice face-smile.png

Terrain textures could also have a tinge of purple to represent heather growing there.

Edited: 2015-11-10, 18:37

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Posted at: 2015-11-10, 22:14

GunChleoc wrote:

Terrain textures could also have a tinge of purple to represent heather growing there.

I think this is a great idea face-smile.png


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Posted at: 2015-11-11, 00:10

This could be the final for green biome:


Terrain affinity is set to temperature humidity fertility: 50 0.75 0.5 and i think it fits very well.

There is other graphics stuff to do, so for now i would leave this. You could maybe think of terrain affinities for the other biomes and maybe make some color suggestions face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2015-11-11, 01:01

kaputtnik wrote:

You could maybe think of terrain affinities for the other biomes and maybe make some color suggestions face-smile.png

for winter i'm not sure, with all that white I can barely distinguish the terrains now, it's hard to make another combination of white and brown look distinctive. maybe a combiination of white, brown and grey, like a mix of mountain1 with tundra3. values could be 35 0.75 0.3 same as taiga, we want it colder than tundra but we want trees to grow on it. or maybe 35 0.75 0.4 if we want it mmore tree-friendly.

for wasteland I can't really say about colors, but a mix of hard ground and mountain should be fine. not sure about values, because coniferous trees don't fit well with wasteland environment. could be 80 0.4 0.8, a bit cooler but fine for adaptable trees, and wet enough that even some summer trees could grow there. but too dry for coniferous. 70 0.5 0.75 should yield an even mixture of coniferous, wasteland and summer trees. could be interesting to see.

For desert it is pretty straightforward, the brown or red of the mountain with the green of meadow. being colder than desert, summer trees should grow on it, although it should be more dry than most summer terrains; we could try with 120 0.5 0.5

EDIT: the name of the terrain could be forested mountain, or mountain foothill, or mountain valley floor. foor the editor tooltip, now saying "mountainous and treeless", it shoud spel simply "mountainous", since arable grounds do not make distinctions with treeless and forested. or, if we want to add a tree-friendly in the tooltip, it should be implemented on the arable terrains too.

Edited: 2015-11-11, 01:09

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Posted at: 2015-11-11, 08:57

Tree-friendly in the tooltip isn't trivial, because it all depends on the trees' terrain affinity. We have a discussion in the forum somewhere on this.

How about just changing the label of "mountainous" to "mineable"? There should be no further code changes needed then.

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Posted at: 2015-11-11, 10:51

GunChleoc wrote:

Tree-friendly in the tooltip isn't trivial, because it all depends on the trees' terrain affinity. We have a discussion in the forum somewhere on this.

The Tool tips for terrains are combined with the descname form /world/terrains/init.lua (the part before the semicolon) and something depending on the is -value (also in world/terrains/init.lua). There is no real dependency to the terrain affinity values. The only dependency, if we want to call it this, is a theoretical dependency like: If we have mountains, those should be "treeless". To make this theory real in the game, the terrain affinities has to be adjusted to confirm with this theory. So the possibility of growing trees is only defined by the terrain affinity, not by the is-value. In my mind the "is" value should only reflect the accessibility of a terrain: Is it walkable/arable/navigable/mineable?

How about just changing the label of "mountainous" to "mineable"? There should be no further code changes needed then.

The current label is "[descname] + ; mountainous and treeless" face-wink.png That's because "mountain" are also hardcoded as "dry".

"mineable" would be fine imho, but the german word for this is "abbauwürdig"... no idea how this could be translated to something like "arable only with mines". And this is the meaning we want to have here, isn't it? But do not know something better face-smile.png

Because we have no idea how to implement the terrain affinities in a proper way at this moment, i would suggest to describe them inside the descname in world/terrains/init.lua and not in the code. So we could have something like "Tundra - like coniferous trees; arable", "Beach - treeless; walkable", "Mountain - treeless; mineable" or "Mountain - like coniferous trees; mineable".

Edit: I forgot... king_of_nowhere, if you want to play around with the terrains, have a try on gimp I've begun also a terrain related wikiarticle You could upload images to the bugreport.... And thanks for you suggestions on colors and terrain affinities face-smile.png Please add them to the bugreport, so they won't be lost here in the forum.

Edited: 2015-11-11, 11:02

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2015-11-11, 20:59

kaputtnik wrote:

"mineable" would be fine imho, but the german word for this is "abbauwürdig"... no idea how this could be translated to something like "arable only with mines". And this is the meaning we want to have here, isn't it? But do not know something better face-smile.png

You could just translate it as "mines", or "Minengelände" or "Bergbau" or something like that.

Edited: 2015-11-11, 21:00

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