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Topic: Editor help

Topic Opener
Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2016-01-04, 14:39

I could imagine an Atlantean upgrade of the Fisher's House to have a fishing boat and an extended range - we don't have a graphic artist at the moment though, which is a problem. We will have to think about balancing though. I'm in favor of implementing the casern feature first, and if we have the manpower afterwards, I'm willing to explore the idea.

For the immovables, I think this is a good idea - I don't know how easy it is to implement though. Time to create a bug, so we won't forget to look at this?

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2016-01-12, 09:36

The current help window is very big. The help related to terrains and trees is also not very helpful because one has to scroll around and compare the terrains he had placed on the map with the little pictures in the help, then search for the tree which is good for this type of terrain. He may has the big help window open and the immovables menu which restrict the view on the map.

Last night i couldn't sleep and thought on something similar to the info tool for the help:

  1. Click on the question mark in the main menu opens a little window with another question mark and a text like "Click on the question mark and then on the map to get specific help to each point on the map"
  2. The cursor changes to a question mark if one clicks on the button in the small help menu
  3. Clicking on the map changes the content of the help menu and shows appropriate help to the point on the map he has clicked onto
  4. The cursor get normal

The help which is then be shown could be filled with

  1. Terrain name
  2. Trees that may grow
  3. Resources that could be set
  4. ?
  5. The question mark Button should always be in that window

This would reduce the help to the point on the map where the user is interested in. So this would be more like a "specific help" instead of a "generic help" which may get very big and confusing.

Is this doable? What do others think about that?

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2016-01-13, 14:31

We could marry the info tool to the building help - so, clicking on a terrain with the help tool would open a window the same size that you get when you click on the ? in a building.

Alternatively, we could also add the info to the bottom of the info tool.

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Joined: 2010-08-22, 08:51
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Posted at: 2016-01-13, 19:55

Aren´t here was some else at priority? example these bug fixes? But well... Easy do/Easy use/ Get helping info... same time... these two first at easy but with that 3. is not so easy... But... i talking now wery usually form.

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Topic Opener
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Posted at: 2016-01-16, 16:12

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean face-sad.png

Could you post this in your native language too?

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Topic Opener
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Posted at: 2016-01-25, 08:51

wl-zocker has now sorted the terrains/trees by percentage, and I have added resource info:

Terrains + resources

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Joined: 2013-07-29, 00:01
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Posted at: 2016-01-25, 09:48

Great! I think that all the values are now clear! face-smile.png

calculations & maps packages:
backup website files:

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2016-01-25, 10:49

Yes, information is clear.

The example with steppe terrain is quite good, because it shows also one thing: Default amount of water is 5 and Birch has a probability of growth about 59%. This may lead to to a conclusion that placing more of resource water let increase the probability of growing trees... But maybe i am thinking too much here face-confused.png

Is it possible to change some strings?

  • "Resouces" -> "Valid resources"
  • "Trees that may grow" -> "Probability of growing trees" (or something like that)

All together it's not an easy task .. related to the bug report there are also the keyboard shortcuts missing.

Is this intended to have it in build 19?

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Location: RenderedRect
Posted at: 2016-01-25, 11:34

I see no reason why this shouldn't go in build 19, since it's almost done, and the information is needed.

The keyboard shortcut thing I am planning for build 20, that's separate code.

New screenshot ("Valid Resource" will become "Valid Resources" if there is more than one):


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