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Topic: Mines and miners


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Joined: 2009-12-27, 22:06
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-12-29, 00:59

I'm using build 14. I've experienced something "funny" and wonder if it is a "bug" or some problem in my understanding of how this works.

I've noticed when upgrading a mine it stopped working with a message "waiting for 1 worker".

I've read about this problem already, and I understand you need to wait until your miner has enough experience...

But... I actually did. My miner was a "master miner" and when I upgrade from an "iron ore mine" to "deep iron ore mine" the mine seemed to get stuck.

It was sitting there with one master miner and one "vacant" position.

Not sure what was going on, but here are some guesses (not sure which one is correct).

a) I need two miners but only had one so it was waiting for a second minor.


b) The "deep" mine doesn't work until it has a chief miner, but master miner (though more experienced) isn't seen as filling that need.

Further info: I had been playing a while and built many mines. (Hence my guess a)

What struck me as a bit odd is that the master miner was listed as the second worker, the first worker's position was vacant (and though I' not sure of this, I thought that's were the more experienced minor should be to lead the mine.)

I got out of this jam by finding another non upgraded mine with a master/chief miner in it and then demolishing and rebuilding it. This releases a chief/master minor and when the mine is rebuild, an "ordinary" minor can work there.

Edited: 2009-12-29, 01:04

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Joined: 2009-03-05, 19:02
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Posted at: 2009-12-29, 01:50

picoday wrote: What struck me as a bit odd is that the master miner was listed as the second worker, the first worker's position was vacant (and though I' not sure of this, I thought that's were the more experienced minor should be to lead the mine.)

Unfortunately the worker upgrading feature was never fully designed and only sketchily implemented. So the problem seems to be that when the upgraded mine was finished, it requested a miner. There was no miner, no pick and no chief-miner. So the warehouse had to send the master-miner to fill the position. Then the request for the chief-miner was processed. There was (as already noted) no chief miner, and no master miner either (since he had been assigned already).

To avoid this problem, the player has to make sure that the pick is available when the mine upgrade completes. He should also avoid upgrading sevaral mines at the same time in the same economy. Or play the Atlanteans until someone implements worker upgrades properly.

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Joined: 2009-12-27, 22:06
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-12-29, 02:27

Still not sure what went wrong, or I understand it.

Let me try to confirm I got it.

In the conf file it says for a deep oremine:

[quote] [working positions] chief-miner=1 miner=1 [/quote]

What is going wrong is that when we request a chief miner... there isn't one, and for some reason it doesn't want to use the master miner in its place.

So it then tries to find a miner for the second position... and in this case it does use the master miner.

Now we have a problem, because we still need a chief miner and there's no way to create one except by having a miner work in a mine.

Is that correct?

If so, then...

Would it be a workaround (until this stuff is better implemented) to simply edit the conf files here... and do away with this idea of needing a chief miner for a deep mine:

[quote] [working positions] miner=2 [/quote]

Edited: 2009-12-29, 02:29

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Joined: 2009-09-07, 17:31
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Posted at: 2009-12-31, 13:11

Sigra, are now fully designed worker upgrades? Where are the documentation then? I could try to fix them if there is a design. Else I need all info available to create a new design doc and implement it.

picoday, another workaround is to implement 'expulsion' of workers on mines, so when you have a chief-miner, you could expulse the master-miner and chief-miner will go to work at deep mine.

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Joined: 2010-01-19, 23:14
Posts: 10
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2010-01-23, 16:55

picoday, another workaround is to implement 'expulsion' of workers on mines, so when you have a chief-miner, you could expulse the master-miner and chief-miner will go to work at deep mine.

That would be a very helpful feature! I also requested it here:

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