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Posted at: 2016-04-08, 16:50
I always was wondering what kind of tool a "Milking Tong" might be and now (finally) found it is used by the Atlanters to fetch the silk from the Spidelers.
So I propose to introduce a new name for that tool:
* Silk spindle - This tool is used to coil up the silk from the spiders
* Silk coil
We can imagin how this could look like at
for example.
Perhaps we should invent the Silk coiling device?
Native english speakers, please step forward.
In German this might become:
* (Spinnen)-Seidenwickler
* (Spinnen)-Seidenspindel
Edited: 2016-04-08, 17:02
Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.
Topic Opener
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Posted at: 2016-04-08, 17:03
When we have agreed on the new name we will need a new picture, too.
Edited: 2016-04-08, 17:03
Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.
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Posted at: 2016-04-08, 21:36
Hmm... I tried looking for real life comparisons, but I don't think we have any.
"Due to the difficulties in extracting and processing substantial amounts of spider silk, the largest known piece of cloth made of spider silk is an 11-by-4-foot (3.4 by 1.2 m) textile with a golden tint made in Madagascar in 2009. Eighty-two people worked for four years to collect over one million golden orb spiders and extract silk from them." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider_silk#Human_uses
If we're going with an actual silk-collecting device, I recommend "Silk collector" or "Silkspinner". If we're going with a silk coiling device, then I recommend "Silk rods" or "Silk holder".
As for graphics, we'd have to look for tools that don't match 100%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Silk_raw_01a.jpg is indeed reels of silk -- but standard silk, not spider silk. If we're going with an actual silk collector, the current graphic is fine (at least in my opinion; I never tried collecting spidersilk!). But if you prefer a name like "Silk rods", then I'd draw silk rods (without the silk).
My suggestion? Go with the name "Silk collecter", use the current icon (or something similar) for the tools, and use a silk rod (with silk around it, of course XD) for the unit of actual spidersilk.
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Posted at: 2016-04-09, 09:51
Renaming units at this stage might complicate the code - I will want to match the internal unit name to its display name, and there might be compatibility issues. I should have a look at that code again though, it might not be a problem. I will have to look into it.
I think both spider silk and gold thread would look nice if they were on little spindles
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Topic Opener
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Posted at: 2016-04-09, 10:00
Gun: this is something for the time after RC 19, unless you feel like this is a really tiny task
Edited: 2016-04-09, 10:02
Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.
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Posted at: 2016-04-09, 11:36
I am fine with "Milking tongs" for now.
Changing this should be targeted to build 20. My opinion.
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Posted at: 2016-04-09, 18:37
I love "Mliking tongs"!! Nasenbaer came up with that and the thought of some person sitting with tiny tongs mliking spiders is hilarious to me. Granted, it is not very intuitive...