Topic: Random Map Generator


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Posted at: 2010-02-17, 14:41


I like to tell, that there is an excellent map generator, build for settlers 2.

It works under windows, (unfortunately I myself use Ubuntu) and creates wonderful maps.

The only disadvantage is, that after the map is created, you have to load the map into the widelands editor, to place the players. That was not neccessary for settlers 2, but for widelands you have to do it that way.

The program nowadays is free to download at

Maybe, someone can rebuild it so you can also use it on Ubuntu.

with regards, Flip

Edited: 2010-02-17, 15:24

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Joined: 2009-12-29, 22:47
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Posted at: 2010-02-17, 16:32

More information can be found at this page:

No license information at the first glance, if one would want to use that, we'd have to contact the author. Nobody knows if that contact address is still valid, though...

I'd say, better invest in updating the Widelands Editor face-smile.png

Edited: 2010-02-17, 16:35

CMake is evil.

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Posted at: 2010-02-17, 18:12

Hi, I always used the editor from settlers 2, until i discovered this program.

The disadvantage of the editor in settlers as well as in widelands is, that you always know what you can expect. You know were everything is, because you made the maps yourself.

With a program like this, you do not know were al the stuff is.

with regards, Flip

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Posted at: 2010-02-17, 22:50

Widelands has a very strong map generator itself. Try one of the latest builds, go to the editor. Inside the editor, create a new map and you can choose to make a new random map. Set your parameters and enjoy. It makes really great maps.

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Posted at: 2010-02-17, 23:09

Yes, widelands generates great maps, but after the map is created, i have to place all the resources myself. So if I like to play that map, I exactly know where the resources are.

If you make maps for other people, there is nothing wrong with it. If you make maps for yourself, then it is not so exiting.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2010-02-18, 09:21

I agree. How about adding this feature to the map generator then? Also the setting of the player positions from s2 maps should be easily done. Two excellent features a new programmer could jump into development.

Cheers, !SirVer

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Posted at: 2010-02-18, 15:49

If this feature was added to the map generator of widelands, that would be better of course.

Unfortunately I'm not a programmer.

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Joined: 2010-04-07, 15:28
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Posted at: 2010-04-07, 15:39

I have a tip, that you don't now what you expect: Create a lot of random maps and wait a few of days before you play. I forgot in this time on which map I have set the startpoint.

Edited: 2010-04-07, 15:40

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Joined: 2009-05-11, 17:50
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Posted at: 2010-04-07, 17:13

what we really need is random map generation that noone gets to look at before playing

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Joined: 2009-11-18, 12:41
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Posted at: 2011-02-07, 11:52


the map generator is not yet ready in my opinion. These are the features still "open" on my list (I developed the exiting one):

1.) Finish the generator by adding auto-positioning of players For my surprise, this is by far the trickies part of the whole generation thing - thats why it still isnt available. (By the way: The generation of resources is implemented in the mean time).

2.) Only when 1.) is implemented it makes sense to implement some kind of "create random game" UI to start games using random maps. This is the feature the whole map generation thing is all about in my opinion - i added it to the map generator because i wanted to test the generator face-smile.png But of course it also makes sense to generate a map in the generator and then change it after your own likings... In my opinion you should be able to (optinally) enter a "map generator ID" into the start UI to replay the same generated map over and over again - under exactly the same starting conditions.

I am looking forward to finish the map generator, but my problem is always a lack of spare time - i work fulltime and also have family (wife an children). I think i will try to add these new features step by step after build16.

Greetings, Axel (DunkelBrauer)

Edited: 2011-02-07, 11:54

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