Topic: Widelands tournament 2016; official announcements
king_of_nowhere![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2016-11-08, 17:30
---------------------------------------------------------------- TURNS, DEADLINES AND STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Signup was open until 13 november If you cannot play the first turn, and you found someone else who cannot, and you want to agree to a draw, you can do so until the next turn is published You can change the tribe you want to play until the tribe is published with the turn Pairings for fifth will be announced on 25 december or after the last game of the fourth turn ends, whichever comes first Last day to inform me that you will be unable to play the fifth turn in time without incurring in penalties is 25 december or two days after the end of the turn, whicever comes first. Regular fourth turn is between 11 december and 18 december Overtime turn (will incur a penalty of -1 to bucholz score) is 19 to 25 december If you have a game still going, and it must be judged by a referee, you must send the replays no later than 25 december If you failed to play in time, and you think you are not guilty for it, you must send me proof that it was your opponent who refused to play no later than 25 december You must declare the tribe you will play on the next turn before the next turn is announced Games not yet finished will be assigned and second turn pairings will be announced on 25 decemberù EDIT: link to replays --------- FIRST TURN ----------- To avoid making this page even longer than it is already, old turns and rankings will be moved to the wiki page for statistics about the tournament: --------- SECOND TURN ----------- To avoid making this page even longer than it is already, old turns and rankings will be moved to the wiki page for statistics about the tournament: --------- THIRD TURN ----------- --------- FOURTH TURN ----------- --------- FIFTH TURN ----------- Game will be played on "the pass through the mountains", win condition: autocrat (so far, it has been the less used of the 1v1 tournament maps, having been played only once in the 2010 tournament and once in the 2012 tournament)
You have time until 15 january to play without being penalized. You have time until 22 january to play before your game is considered a forfait. Ranking after round 5
--------- SECOND PHASE ----------- games will be played on "archipelago sea", win condition: autocrat (I've been wanting to use that map since I made it, but I cannot use it for everyone: it is very difficult to expand on it, and weaker players may end up locking themselves.) The four remaining players will play in teams of 2v2, changing teammate and starting position at every game. highest individual score wins; in case of a tie, there will be more than one winner.
The second phase ends in a draw, and three people win the tournament Edited: 2017-02-01, 00:28
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king_of_nowhere![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2016-11-08, 17:32
---------------------------------------------------------------- RULES AND REGULATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The rules and regulation can also be found in the other thread (, but here they are copied for your convenience SHORTENED VERSION (see the full version for details) the tournament will be played with the swiss system. the pairings will be declared at the beginning of every turn, so keep an eye on the forum. once the turns are declared, contact your opponent and set up your game. after the game, notify the result to me and send me the replay. you also have to notify if you want to play a different tribe. there will be one week to play normally, and one week overtime. People are expected to play in the first week. Going overtime is penalized, except in a few specific cases, most notably if you start a game without finishing it. after two weeks, games not played will be assigned by forfait as a loss to both players, except for a few cases. Games started but still ongoing will be assigned by a judge, generally as draw unless there are good reasons not to. In no case a game will be allowed to continue after two weeks, as all the results will be needed to make the new turn. I, king of nowhere, will be the arbiter for all disputations. However, in the interest of having a judge who is not a player and therefore potentially biased, einstein is the supreme arbiter. If you think my judgment was unfair, you can appeal to him, but you have then to accept his decision. FULL VERSION 1) pairings and ranking.
2) time schedule
-if it can be demonstrated that the delay was clearly the fault of one player (for example, if one player failed to be there at the appointed time of the game, or if one was only available for very narrow time windows while the other was much more available) then only the player at fault will be penalized. After two weeks, the game will be won by forfait by the player declared not at fault. EDIT: of course, if you failed to play and think it was not your fault - or not only your fault - you should send me some kind of proof that your opponent set an unreasonable schedule. Copy of mailed messages is the preferred method, of course.
-If one player will notify in advance that he will have problems playing one week, he will not be penalized for going overtime. If he still can't play after the two-weeks deadline, he will be declared loser by forfait, but will not face any more penalties. If you know you cannot play, you can try to agree a draw with another player with a similar score: if you find one willing, I'll try to manipulate the turn so that you can be paired against each other and get a draw by agreement. -Since I, king of nowhere, cannot be considered an impartial arbiter on this matter, since I will also be a player, einstein13, as an old member who will not play this time, will be the final arbiter for deciding which players should be penalized for tardiness and how to assign unfinished games; he has agreed to this position. Though I will make the first decision in any game where I am not directly involved, anyone can appeal to him if he believes my decision is unfair. -If one consistently fails to answer communications (i.e. never answering, or never discussing game schedule; missing one message is acceptable) for more than one week, he's considered retired from the tournament. Edited: 2016-11-22, 23:51
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king_of_nowhere![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2016-11-08, 17:32
---------------------------------------------------------------- FURTHER DETAILS AND FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The algorithm is simple. 1) I will start with the player with the highest ranking (one at random if there is a tie), and pair him against the lower-bucholz player of higest score that he hasn't played yet (again, one at random if there is more than one). 2) remove those two players from the ranking 3) Go back to 1. Repeat untill all players have been paired up. It is easier to explain with an example. Say there is the following ranking:
Alice is leading the tournament, and should ideally play against someone else at 4 points. But there are none; highest are at 3. Then Alice should play against Charlie, the one with the lowest bucholz of those at 3 points (bucholz penalties for tardiness will not be counted for the pairing). But! Alice already played against Charlie. So he will play against Bob instead. If he had already played also against Bob, he should have faced Eleanor. So Alice and Bob are against each other. The higher player without opponents now is Charlie. He has no one at 3 points to face, since Bob is already paired up against someone else; so Charlie will get one of those at 2.5. Specifically Eleanor, who has the lower bucholz. Next in line of those who need an opponent is David, who will go against someone at 2 points... Why do it like that? If I did the reverse, pairing those of higher bucholz against the players with the highest score, then winning against a harder opponent will give you even harder opponents, while winning against weaker opponents would give weaker opponents. This would create an imbalance, in that some players would always pick the stronger foes, while some would always pick those who come up from the lower ranking.True, the first will have a great bucholz, but it will be no good for winning since in case of tie at the first place there will be a second phase of the tournament. The way I'm doing it, instead, among players with equal score, those who faced the easier opponents are more likely to get harder ones, and viceversa. Seems fairer.
First, a premise. I think you will be sportsmanlike, and I sincerely hope that I will never have to arbitrate cases of players accusing each other of obstructive behavior. I believe that I will not, and that einstein, who has graciously agreed to be the final referee, despite many time-consuming issues in his real life, will never have to be callled upon. But as organizer, it is my duty and responsibility to plan for the worst and make rules for it. That said, at the expiration of the deadline, if I got no news of how the game ended, I am going to call it a 0-0 (forfeit loss for both), assign a -1 bucholz penalty to both players, and move on without prrodding further. So, if you haven't played the game after two weeks, or if you played, but it became too late and you had to leave before there was a winner, and you don't want to be losing by forfait, you must notify me as soon as possible, preferrably the very evening when the deadline for playing expires. If you do it later, you will get a -1 bucholz penalty anyway, though you may avoid losing by forfait. When you contact me, you must state your case, and possibly offer proof of your claim. If you say "we we scheduled game for this time, I was there, opponent did not show up", and your opponent goes "no, I was there, it was him who did not show up", and no one witnessed anything, I will be forced to assign a loss to both. A good trick then could be to open Widelands, reduce it to window, enter in multiplayer lobby, open an internet browser in the background, open a news site, and take a screenshot. The widelands window will show your opponent missing from the lobby, and the news site, with the "latest news" feed, will offer proof of the time you took the screenshot (unlike your pc clock, which you may have manipulated beforehand). Again, I hope and confide that you all will be sportsmanlike enough that the party at fault willl admit "yes, it was my fault, I messed up the time zones, forfait victory should go to my opponent", but I have to make rules for the worst cases. Let's see it with some examples:
Notice that while the turn pairings will not be changed once published, the score can be changed afterwards. So, in the aforementioned example, Alice contacts me on 29 november night, and I assign the game as won by her. Then I make the pairing for the second turn. Bob is notified that I ruled against him, so he presents his own evidence. I reverse the judgment and give the victory to Bob, but the pairings for the second turn are not changed. In case you did manage to play some, but did not finish the game, send me the replay. If you do not send the replay, it will count as if you had not played. If you send the replay and you played over 6 hours, it counts as if you have played, and i will assign a victor, or a draw, after seeing the replay. If you think my judgment was biased, you can appeal to einstein, but you can't appeal his judgment. In case you played less than 6 hours, it will count as a game not played, but send the replay anyway. If it shows that your opponent "had to leave" when he only had the headquarter left, and "by coincidence" he was never available when you were, it will strongly bolster your claim that your opponent intentionally failed to reschedule to deny you a victory.
Edited: 2017-10-02, 11:25
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king_of_nowhere![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2016-11-08, 17:32
TABLE (an excel version of this will be made available after the tournament)
Edited: 2017-01-22, 22:14
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king_of_nowhere![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2016-11-13, 23:31
Tournament is open! first turn is posted in the first post of this thread, here Contact your opponent as soon as possible to set up a game. When you have agreed on a time, please post it on the forum, so that those who want to spectate may come. After you play, communicate the result and send me the replays. For all players is specified the tribe they decided to play with. I made an exception for LAZA and tando, because LAZA hasn't declared the tribe he will play. So I choose to also let tando change his in case. Also, while I did not specify penalties for not declaring a tribe, I am giving a -1 bucholz to LAZA for that. Also, a couple things I forgot to speciify:
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Kristin |
Posted at: 2016-11-14, 20:41
Which tribe plays toptopple? Did you forget to indicate that, king_of_nowhere? Just contacted him to find a date to play. ![]() ![]() |
king_of_nowhere![]() Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2016-11-14, 21:02
woops, my mistake. fixed now. I also updated LAZA, who answered. ![]() ![]() |
SirVer |
Posted at: 2016-11-14, 21:15
Janus and myself will play tomorrow, Tuesday 15 November, at 9.15pm CET. I will host and spectators are welcome - meet us in IRC or in-game in the lobby. We will play b19. ![]() ![]() |
toptopple![]() |
Posted at: 2016-11-15, 07:17
How can I download a branch from BZR for the release 19-rc1? Thanks! ![]() ![]() |
GunChleoc![]() |
Posted at: 2016-11-15, 07:37
Busy indexing nil values ![]() ![]() |