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Topic: Widelands tournament 2016; official announcements

Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2016-12-08, 22:41

king_of_nowhere wrote:

Maps can still be changed if enough people clamor for it in the forum

I just would like to suggest "Elven Forests" (using red and yellow positions) as an alternative to "Fjords"... For me, "Fjords" is not balanced; and it's that much limiting that you don't play normal widelands there but a different game (maybe 1-dimensional widelands or whatever) face-wink.png Anyone agreeing? face-wink.png

Edited: 2016-12-08, 23:56

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2016-12-08, 23:13

how can fjords not be balanced, when both sides have equal terrain? i mean, sure, it's a bit more difficult for empire, but that's no different from any other map with small terrain, including desert tournament and green plateau. and every map with late contact favors atlanteans. and how could elven forest be better at balance? it's not even symmetrical. plus, it's so big games would last way too long.

i am sorry that you don't like being confined to a small strip of land, but i find the concept fascinating. and i tried to put in different kinds of maps and win conditions to cater to everyone's tastes.

that said, if enough people asked for it, i would change the map.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2016-12-08, 23:50

The blue player has more big building slots, that's creating a difference because there are almost no big building slots. ;-) Yes, Elven Forests are not symmetrical, but they are so big... Maybe because of this, it doesn't matter...

I don't like the green plateau face-wink.png

Ok, you're right about the match-time. But we could use the win condition "territorial lord (time)" - that wouldn't be not longer than the calvisson-matches...

Yes, your concept of fjords is a good idea, because it fits very well to real fjords and it creates the possibility to play matches which are really different to normal widelands-matches... But that is a way too special for me face-wink.png

For me it looks that every single map of the tournament limits you in at least one thing (and most of them limit you in several things), so for me there are maps missing where you are not limited that much (and I guess, "Elven Forests" is such a map).

But anyway, I've already told you what I wanted to tell... And if there would not be enough votes for another map, I would accept fjords, of course...

Edited: 2016-12-09, 01:52

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Posted at: 2016-12-09, 17:03

If there are more building slots on one side, then it is a serious issue and will need to be addressed, since I wanted the map to be perfectly balanced for tournament use. So I opened it and counted the large slots (after removing the immovable, of course), and turns out you are right, there are 46 on the blue side and 42 on the red side. No idea if this translates into the ability to build one more large building: that would require painstaking attempts on both sides. It is possible they are placed in a way that nullify their difference, or not. And I also see why: when I decided how long along the coast there would be green spaces, I picked a coordinate for it. But red has a slightly straighter coastline, which translates to less space.

Well, if the difference was bigger, or if there was more time before the next turn, I would make a newer version of the map that fixes the issue. As it is, we'll keep the map (and I hasten to point out that I will play red, both because I already got 2 blues, and because I made the map and therefore it is my responsibility). That slight imbalance is no bigger than what could be found in virtually any map - except archipelago sea, where I counted all the spaces for each player; but are they equally accessible too?

Finally, I understand your point about limitation. Unfortunately, in multiplayer games, time is also a limitation. Giving a huge map to grow would increase the time too much, especially among the less skilled player, who are not that fast at expanding. You may notice that the bigger map proposed, archipelago sea, is reserved for an hypotetical second phase, where all the remaining players would be skilled enough to play it in a reasonable time. An objective different from autocrat would also be a limitation, as it would limit the time; weaker player would not even see the opponent in that case.

Basically, I considered the points, and I did the best I could to give everyone meaningful games with the limitations of multiplayer. If you have some idea to make it better, I could incorporate it in the next tournament

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Joined: 2016-11-08, 00:13
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Posted at: 2016-12-09, 22:25

To say tando won would be quite an understatement, I guess, so I say he smashed me with logs face-grin.png

I will have to learn how to plant trees. There has to be something special about it.....

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2016-12-10, 00:24

I won against auktionadmin after playing the most time at 1x speed which we both like. Once I found Iron it took some while until the toolsmithies came to work but then all the foresters I had planned reported for duty and the wood chart rocketed up. nice game. Ill upload the replay tomorrow, now I will need some sleep.

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Posted at: 2016-12-10, 00:55

Yes it was a nice game although I never played the win condition "wood gnome" and I never played this map "calvisson". When I found iron and I tried a conquer strategy at the opponent island Hasi50 overran me with his trees in this few 4 hours.

I think if somebody had watched as spectator, or had watched replays of the maps, or actually played the maps before, the opponent would have marginal win chances. I have participated the tournament 2016 because I want to be part of this wonderful community here. So I hope I can find friends to play Widelands if I will have time. face-wink.png

My map WideGreen:

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Joined: 2013-10-30, 08:11
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Posted at: 2016-12-10, 08:53

With that wonderful attitude you certainly will, auktionadmin! ;)

I made a little test on Clavisson in Woodgnome modus and I was wondering how many trees grew on Streppe terrain. I was used to them growing very reluctantly there. Has policy changed for ferility, does Woodgnome provide better growth or must it be something else?

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2016-12-10, 10:56

The probability to grow was changed and tweaked several times between build 18 and build 19, so there were probably some changes. If you have enough rangers/foresters, you can get a forest to grow on that terrain in any case.

Busy indexing nil values

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2016-12-10, 15:42

Hmm, I just did some training on that fjords map, after loading the map I found, there are no fish-resources?. Still I was able to get some fish economy going (no idea about these atlanter magic). Im not sure this map is suitable for Atlanters then. Otherwise its a nice aproach (just the opposite of what I tried to do in my fjords maps)

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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