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Topic: Widelands tournament 2016; official announcements

Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2016-12-10, 19:49

king_of_nowhere wrote:

If there are more building slots on one side, then it is a serious issue and will need to be addressed, since I wanted the map to be perfectly balanced for tournament use. So I opened it and counted the large slots (after removing the immovable, of course), and turns out you are right, there are 46 on the blue side and 42 on the red side. No idea if this translates into the ability to build one more large building: that would require painstaking attempts on both sides. It is possible they are placed in a way that nullify their difference, or not. And I also see why: when I decided how long along the coast there would be green spaces, I picked a coordinate for it. But red has a slightly straighter coastline, which translates to less space.

Well, if the difference was bigger, or if there was more time before the next turn, I would make a newer version of the map that fixes the issue. As it is, we'll keep the map (and I hasten to point out that I will play red, both because I already got 2 blues, and because I made the map and therefore it is my responsibility). That slight imbalance is no bigger than what could be found in virtually any map - except archipelago sea, where I counted all the spaces for each player; but are they equally accessible too?


Finally, I understand your point about limitation. Unfortunately, in multiplayer games, time is also a limitation. Giving a huge map to grow would increase the time too much, especially among the less skilled player, who are not that fast at expanding. You may notice that the bigger map proposed, archipelago sea, is reserved for an hypotetical second phase, where all the remaining players would be skilled enough to play it in a reasonable time. An objective different from autocrat would also be a limitation, as it would limit the time; weaker player would not even see the opponent in that case.

I can imagine matches on fjords whith a very high duration... BECAUSE of the limits... But howsoever...

Basically, I considered the points, and I did the best I could to give everyone meaningful games with the limitations of multiplayer. If you have some idea to make it better, I could incorporate it in the next tournament

Maybe asking also other players which maps they would recommend... face-wink.png

Edited: 2016-12-10, 19:50

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Posted at: 2016-12-11, 18:43

Hasi50 wrote:

Hmm, I just did some training on that fjords map, after loading the map I found, there are no fish-resources?. Still I was able to get some fish economy going (no idea about these atlanter magic). Im not sure this map is suitable for Atlanters then. Otherwise its a nice aproach (just the opposite of what I tried to do in my fjords maps)

I don't understand. there are fishes on fjords (just tested for myself). Fisheries work just fine. Maybe you did make a road along the coastline? A road or immovables like trees block fishers.

toptopple wrote:

I made a little test on Clavisson in Woodgnome modus and I was wondering how many trees grew on Streppe terrain. I was used to them growing very reluctantly there. Has policy changed for ferility, does Woodgnome provide better growth or must it be something else?

Trees planted on steppe has around 60% probability to grow to adulthood. With a forester going, the terrain can support a forest. Barren steppe grows trees less than 5% of times, but it's a different terrain.

Hasi50 wrote:

I won against auktionadmin after playing the most time at 1x speed which we both like. Once I found Iron it took some while until the toolsmithies came to work but then all the foresters I had planned reported for duty and the wood chart rocketed up. nice game. Ill upload the replay tomorrow, now I will need some sleep.

Was the same for me. Needed two hours to find iron, after I did and my 60 foresters were manned the game changed.

WorldSavior wrote:

Basically, I considered the points, and I did the best I could to give everyone meaningful games with the limitations of multiplayer. If you have some idea to make it better, I could incorporate it in the next tournament

Maybe asking also other players which maps they would recommend... ;-)

Ah, thank you for giving me this WONDERFUL opportunity to rant about how some people are uncooperative when you ask them their opinion, but that won't stop them for complaining later.

Now, you can see from this thread I already declared I was likely going to organize a tournament in september, two months before it started. That first post became heavily edited, as I updated it with more recent news, but the first post (still visible at the end) stated

It's been a long time since I played widelands against humans, and an even longer time since I played against a worthy opponent. therefore I propose that a new tournament be made. And since I was told that >the people normally organizing those things don't have time, I volunteer to do the organizing myself. It will also be a good way to beta-test the new version.

I'd like to get some feedback for the proposal. I'd also like to set up a poll on whether to make a solo tournament or a team tournament, and what maps would be most liked, and how many people would
roughly participate. Then, unless someone knows a reason why it cannot be done, I will set up an official announcement.

(emphasis mine). Now, you can read the whole thread, and you won't see a single suggestion on a map to be used. Notice how especially you answered the thread on 15 october, one month before the tournament started, and you said nothing about maps. Then I declared the maps before the tournament started, almost one month ago, I explicitly said that people could complain, and nobody complained.

long story short, I asked if people had proposals, and nobody said anything. Then I proposed some maps, and nobody said anything again. Then somebody, one week before the 4th turn, suddenly said that he didn't want that map. But hey, that's ok. I guess most people only look at the map before they have to play it. But at least don't give me the smartass "you should have asked first" when I did exactly that and you remained silent at the time.

I always accept constructive criticism. If anyone have ideas that you think could help me do a better job, feel free to share. I am not perfect. What I do is not perfect. Constructive criticism is a way to improve. Just avoid berating me for not doing something that I actually did.

Thanks for finding that imbalance, though. I would not want to sound ungrateful about your useful contribution.In fact, if the imbalance had been any bigger, I would have made a quick fix to the map.

P.S. I think I will organize a new tournament in 6 months or so. After this tournament is over, I will open an informal poll to collect opinions. I suggest those who want to make themselves heard use that option, instead of waiting until one week before the relevant game.

P.P.S. I am not angry. Quite amused, actually.

P.P.P.S. while some people won't give you feedback when you ask your opinion, only to complain later, there are many other people who will either give you ffeedback, or actually accept what you try to do afterwards. Thank you for your support.

Edited: 2016-12-11, 18:45

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2016-12-11, 18:56

Ok, sorry... I just forgot that

Edited: 2016-12-12, 19:25

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2016-12-11, 19:20

I must admit that I did not find the time to look at the map king_of_nowhere suggested. But I am not too concerned about balance - I know that king tried his best to balance it and he knows the game like no other, so I guess it will be a job well done. Of course a not-that-often played map might have imbalances that will only come out during playing, but then we improve it and it will be better the next time around. For me the tournament is about the joy of playing and improving Widelands first and I think this tournament already helped quite a lot with this.

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Posted at: 2016-12-11, 20:02

Trimard announced that he forfeits his game. new turn will be up shortly.

EDIT: they are up

Edited: 2016-12-11, 23:05

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Posted at: 2016-12-12, 20:26

me and sirver will play wednesday at 19 UTC

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Posted at: 2016-12-13, 10:30

I will play Kristin tonight at 19:30 GMT.

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Posted at: 2016-12-13, 23:36


it was found in the gunchleoc-kristin game that the fjords map has some bugs concerning fish. the origin of the bug is not clear, but large parts of the map have no fishes. other times, a fisher may not work, then it will work again if dismantled and rebuilt. a bug report was made. to provide a playable map, I made a new version. Since I was there, I also fixed the imbalance with large building slots - now should be 46 on both sides - and I made fishes relatively plentyful, so that empire can stand a better chance in a map that is otherwise bad for it. the new map is here

EDIT: also, since this bug affected heavily the game, I gave the players the chance to repeat the game. gunchleoc seems prone to declining for personal reasons, though. the players were also gracious enough to not blame me for insufficient playtesting face-smile.png

Edited: 2016-12-13, 23:41

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Posted at: 2016-12-14, 09:59

Apart from having fun, one of the reasons for having tournaments is to find bugs and tweak the maps. So, we got all 3 out of that game face-smile.png

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2016-12-14, 22:13

I lost my game against King - I had a nice mid-game advantage, but was unable to capitalize on it. King got his economy problems fixed eventually and then ran me over. Congratulations!

A very enjoyable game and I really like the map - it requires reshuffling of buildings from starting place to further to the borders and good road management.

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