Topic: Bugs
Nordfriese |
Posted at: 2017-03-02, 16:01
Good point... I have changed my method of calculating the costs so that it accounts for all your points. New method: First, calculate the acc-cost in the old way. Then, it is multiplied with a factor that depends on the size of the producing building: 0,4 for small buildings, 1 for medium and 2,6 for large buildings. (This is because certain difficult maps contain approximately 2.6 and 0.4 times as many big and small as medium buildings. I have taken the values from the map "Archipelago Sea". Of course, it is not possible to use really accurate values because all maps are different.) Next, the value is multiplied with the space requirement (If the building has a working area. I have not considered that for fisher/hunter/woodcutter, because that would be useless.) A farm has an work radius of 19 fields total. 7 of them are blocked by the building, flag and road. The total space requirement is therefore 12; vineyards have 5 (total field number 7; 1 flag, 1 building). Then the value is multiplied with the average amount of this ware that is needed to fully promote 1 untrained soldier. The result is the new acc-cost. I now assume 80 seconds for imperial and atlantean farms and the blackroot farm. For soldier promotion, I have calculated the following values:
This gives the following new statistics:
The values have changed, but my point about the huge jump from level 1 to 2 and small jump from 3 to 4 is still standing. Also, the barbarian advantage in early game isn´t that great: Empire level 1 mines are not much more expensive. The acc-cost for barbarian bread is very high. Taverns should be able to work without it after all. I have calculated statistics for a changed model which also uses JanO´s suggestion about beer and strong beer. The changes are:
And here are the new statistics:
The statistics speak for themselves. Top Quote |
king_of_nowhere |
Posted at: 2017-03-02, 20:03
I will formulate a more complete answer in the new thread worldsavior has made (; anyway, if your point is that there is a huge difference between barbarians working with level 1 mines and barbarians working with level 2 mines, I fully agree. I have never seen it as a problem so far, though. There is also no difference between using level 2 and level 3 mines, as strong beer and beer cost the same. Again, I never saw it as a real problem - just annoying, because breweries produce only strong beer, and to simplify my economy I generally keep only breweries, so I must upgrade any mine twice in a row and I'd rather do it in one step, but that's beside the point. Probably it would be good to lessen the transition, but I worry that it would require radically changing the way barbarian economy works; and I absolutely hate it when games I like change the gameplay every few months. I like a game, I play that game, then the developers will turn it into something unrecognizable and I won't have fun anymore. For that reason I am extremely reluctant to make any change besides the slightest balance fixing (and I had a couple of those implemented in the past, but they are invisible unless one is trying realy hard to powergame) Top Quote |
einstein13 |
Posted at: 2017-03-02, 21:59
I am against adding the bread to barbarian consumption. Many tournament games proven that this is one of the weakest point in their economy. I need strong numbers: calculating how many bread need this economy to produce fully promoted soldier: for small, medium and deep mine. Also what are expenses for other tribes too. This comparison will show if changing any factor will differ a lot or not. einstein13 |
JanO |
Posted at: 2017-03-07, 20:14
Where do I place a savegame, which the interested spectator can watch a crazy soldier fighting hot air in? Top Quote |
kaputtnik |
Posted at: 2017-03-08, 08:08
There is currently no possibility to upload a file (except maps). You have to use an external filehoster or something like DropBox if you want to provide a savegame. Top Quote |
JanO |
Posted at: 2017-03-08, 09:10
AyeAye By the way: This is not about my disability to create a balanced economy Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2017-03-08, 12:07
Savegame looks normal to me. Seems like problems with battles fix themselves when loading a savegame, so they are pretty much impossible to debug Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |
JanO |
Posted at: 2017-03-08, 17:40
It is a normal savegame. I always save before I start an attack. This time this funny soldier behaved weird so I decided to load again an check if it was reproducible. Sadly, that he does not survive... So this one cannot be fixed. Ok, I think that is not a problem because it is kind of very special. And it doesn't disturb anything Edited: 2017-03-08, 17:41
Top Quote |
kaputtnik |
Posted at: 2017-03-08, 18:58
I can see the crazy soldier After the green player destroys the sentry the blue soldier is attacking, the blue soldier walks back to the castle. Now one of the green soldiers follows him, stops walking and fighting the air a bit on the border. Then the blue soldier comes back and both soldiers do a normal fight. Top Quote |
GunChleoc |
Posted at: 2017-03-08, 19:50
Now I see it too. The green soldier starts an attack, but the blue soldier walks out on him. The attack cycle is finished before the green soldier starts looking for enemies again. Busy indexing nil values Top Quote |