Topic: Proposal for wideland Music

Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2016-02-29, 09:15

As I posted above, I still think that the tune needs some refinement. The part I mentioned needs to flow more gracefully, and it is also too repetitive.

I can't help fixing this because I don't have a keyboard, and I'm not a good piano player anyway.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2016-02-29, 19:51

Hasi just linke me this track in chat and I just want to post my thoughts real quick: I find the first build to repetitive, the main melody is too short with 4 bars and the melodic scheme never changes away from that - I could not listen to this for hours on end, it gets old rather quickly. I also put that up as quality bar for the music in Widelands, but I think it is pretty hard.

Also, I find the instruments rendering very 90ths? Are you using VSTs Hasi?

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2016-03-05, 11:13

I may ride a dead horse here, but still I would like to complete this.

I attached a musical score and the final midi to: So if someone with an orchestra may pick up.

and I got some ideas for text to sing on this (mhh, that may need some tweak to make it fit, well)

Here are the Widelands where People may dwell, walking around, care that everything`s well.

There are the people walking the ways, from flag to to flag to carry the wares.

There are the workers at all the places, producing the items economy needs.

There is the See the Graslands and Hills, there´s Desert and Mountains where Ore you will find.

We are the soldiers that widen our Borders, We are the soldiers that widen our Borders, Fighting the enemy!

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2015-07-26, 00:51
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2017-03-18, 00:29

You asked me in another thread to see if I could do anything with this tune. Well, I sort of liked the melody but I wasn't a big fan of the instruments, so I re-scored the first minute or so for violin, viola, cello, double bass, harp and choir. I got this:-

What do you think?

Edited: 2017-03-18, 00:38

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2017-03-18, 08:09

Hello NonServiam,

sounds, like you have some good DAW to render such tunes. I am used to my instruments so much that I will not be able to be neutral here. After a second and a third listeting I got more used to it. So I would ask you to keep the main Melody with strings and only the "Ah" parts with voices (see score The bass should be a bit louder or fatter, at least later, the beginning is fine. Gaming music is often reproduced on lousy sound equipment and deep bass will not be heard there. Please use some kind of Trumpet for the Horn as it plays the Role of the Soldiers: "Wer are the Soldiers, we widen the Borders, we are the soldiers, we fight the Enemy!".

Maybe we could even arrange some "online music session" with wahtever tools you prefer (and I can use on OSX face-smile.png please send me a PN to get my direct contact.

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2015-07-26, 00:51
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2017-03-18, 12:52

Hi Hasi50

Actually I use only free soundfonts and free software.

I can change the music as you suggest but wouldn't it be better if I show you how to do it? That way I can focus on my music and you can focus on yours. face-smile.png

Which operating system do you use? Mac, Windows, some flavour of Linux?

All the best


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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2017-03-18, 14:22

Hello NonServiam,

I use OSX (with MacPorts) which allows me to use most Linux style Programs, if you give me tome hints to these free software I will be fine.


Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2015-07-26, 00:51
Posts: 48
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2017-03-18, 16:39

Hi Hasi50

To work with this file, you will need:-

(1) LMMS for Mac (please download version 1.1.3, from

(2) A free (MIT-licence) soundfont file called FluidR3_GM.sf2 (you can find it using your favourite search engine)

Then install the soundfont file into LMMS by opening LMMS and selecting edit --> settings --> paths --> default soundfont file and browsing to it.

(3) Then you will need my LMMS version of your music, which you can download from

If you open that file in LMMS then you should get a screen that looks roughly like this:-

(It will perhaps look a bit different because I'm using Linux)

To change one of the choirs into a violin, you can click on it which brings up a menu:-

If you click where it says "Patch", then you get a second menu which is all the instruments you can choose from:-

Optionally you can change the name of that music track to something like "Violin #2"

If you wanted to make the bass deeper, then you might click on the "Upright bass" tab where there is a little cog wheel on the left, and select "clone this track". Change the cloned track to a different instrument (I suggest tuba).

You can obviously add more music tracks with other instruments as well. Play with it, it's fun!

All the best NS

Edited: 2017-03-18, 16:41

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