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Topic: variable resolution

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Joined: 2017-10-09, 13:07
Posts: 16
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2017-10-09, 13:17

Hey there folks!

I had a look through the widelands media and I noticed, that
the image resolutions of the buildings are not consistent. I
am not familiar with the building sizes however. I was wonder-
ing what would happen, if someone would, say double the
resolution of such an image? I guess the image would be
scaled accordingly to make it fit to the dimensions the buil-
ding has in the game. Is that correct?
Also, is there a way to test the game with modified graphics?
For example to test if a model fits the style of the other mo-

Also I couldn't find the correct terrain textures. I would ex-
pect to find them under
but all I can see are the loading screens. I can see tilesets
but I guess they are only to see if the roads will fit the terrain.
Are those ground textures seen ingame present in the cur-
rent state of the widelands-media project?

Thank you for your time and efford
with kind regards

Edited: 2017-10-09, 13:46

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2017-10-09, 18:29

Hi Hendrik and welcome to the forums face-smile.png

I guess you'r talking about the widelands-media repository. This repository is a bit messy and does not contain most of the images used in game. Mostly it contains some basic files for creating images, such as Blender files (*.blend) or GIMP files (*.xcf).

You can find all used images, also for the terrain, in the widelands data folder after installing widelands. Where you can find this directory depends on your operating system.

HendrikL wrote:

Also, is there a way to test the game with modified graphics? For example to test if a model fits the style of the other models?

You can make a copy of the widelands data folder, put in there your modified images, adjust the corresponding lua file(s) and run widelands with option --datadir=/path/to/your/personal/datafolder

But i guess i did not really understand what you mean.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2017-10-09, 18:51

If you re-export Blender animations with a higher resolution, you can set a scale factor to make them fit again (c.f.

We haven't done so yet, because it would make the downloads too big. We need to finish implementing spritemaps first.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2017-10-09, 13:07
Posts: 16
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2017-10-10, 10:04

Hello Kaputtnik, hello GunChleoc!

Thank you both for your fast answer.
I managed to test some images in the game (my headquarter
has a red smily-face now). I also was able to test a build ani-
mation for a building which had none before. So far I have to
say, that your config API is extremely easy to understand and
to use. I wanted to ask if the scale factor applies to the time
scale, since it is in the animation category, but since there
also is a setting for fps this question is already answered, I

I will try some things out and report back to you guys.
By the way: I noticed a lot of german words for the textures
like "wiese01". Is the core team of developers german? Das
wär ja der hammer!

Thank you for your time and efford
With kind regards form the green heart of Germany

I tried changing the terrain texture resolution. I tried 256x256
and 128x128 at first, which caused the game to crash. But
then I also tried 64x64 for my texture, which also made the
game crash. I simply exported a .PNG file with GIMP. when
I replaced my faulty texture with a copy of one of the other
standart textures it worked again. So my question is: Do
terrain textures need a special encoding for .PNG? I just ex-
ported the image with standart settings which includes an
alpha channel I think (not that I need one). Could that be the
cause of the trouble and are higher resolutions possible?

Edited: 2017-10-10, 11:23

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Location: Germany
Posted at: 2017-10-10, 18:58

Terrain textures have to 64x64 pixel and must be colorindexd. See also Helpterrains

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
Posts: 3317
One Elder of Players
Location: RenderedRect
Posted at: 2017-10-14, 17:43

HendrikL wrote:

I will try some things out and report back to you guys.
By the way: I noticed a lot of german words for the textures
like "wiese01". Is the core team of developers german? Das
wär ja der hammer!

This project was founded by a German and there have always been Germans on the core development team, although we're an international bunch. Kannst den Hammer also auspacken face-smile.png

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