Topic: Menu graphics/backgrounds


Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
Posts: 1440
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Location: Germany - Munich
Posted at: 2010-04-12, 10:22

If you need the buttons to be moved, we can get this aranged. The programmers just need a list of where each button should go (best in relative coordinates like 11/118 of the screen width or so) and how wide it should be.

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Location: New York - USA
Posted at: 2010-04-12, 14:47

Hi, fraang!

I'm a relative newbie to the project, but as such, let me offer my observations.

This is a great bunch of people. Listen to their comments which come from their experience, and OBEY their instructions EXACTLY on anything to do with uploads!

Aside from that, let your imagination fly! Hey, the worst that can happen is the work doesn't get merged into the main project. In the meantime, you have a wonderful opportunity to stretch your wings and work with some wonderful folks.

I like what I've seen of your work and would love to see more.


I see little people.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
Posts: 239
Posted at: 2010-04-18, 21:57

After a long time from my last "life sign" (I hope that is correct but I am no native speaker. ;-)) - I am alive!

I will upload my work into the /widelands-media/menu-media branch. In the last time I was a bit busy and had to take some decisions.

I have to expand the leather background to give more space for placing gui elements.

After that I do the bumps.

Have I missed somehting?

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
Posts: 239
Posted at: 2010-04-18, 22:31

Ok here are previews of the new menu background after applying the bump on the current postions:

I think some things should be moved. There now be enough space with the expanded leather background.

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Joined: 2009-12-16, 13:40
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Location: Budapest, Hungary
Posted at: 2010-04-18, 23:12

Well, maybe higher resolutions? But if you did all this work in this resolution it might not be possible, then this is ok.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
Posts: 239
Posted at: 2010-04-18, 23:33

What resolution is recommended for the background graphics? Higher resolution will increase the file size.

The current resolution is 800 x 600 pixels.

EDIT: What is better for the menu backgrounds? JPG or PNG?

EDIT2: If I change the resolution of the background graphics it would not fit better. The postion of the gui widgets would be relativly the same as before.

Edited: 2010-04-18, 23:38

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Joined: 2009-12-16, 13:40
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Location: Budapest, Hungary
Posted at: 2010-04-19, 00:06

Well I think many people play widelands in higher resolutions than 800x600 and scaling up images doesn't look that nice, that's why it would be better. Of course the proportion of the buttons would remain the same, that wouldn't need to change. As far as I know if size would become too big in png, jpg is just as okay for this. But I don't have the word in this, so we should wait until someone who knows about these things comments here.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Location: Germany - Munich
Posted at: 2010-04-19, 10:23

Note that there is one more button "Play tutorial" in b16 in the main menu.

If you make a mockup of how you want the menu to be layout and look (including buttons) we can surely adapt the position of the buttons.

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
Posts: 239
Posted at: 2010-04-19, 11:23

Ok. I will do mockups. I would recommend a general rework of the menu.

Perhaps like this:


Singelplayer - Choose screen (Tutorial, Campaign, Scenario, Skirmish)

Choose map/chapter | Game configuration (Tribe, Headquater type, ...)

Multiplayer - Choose screen (Local area network, Internet/Meta server)

Lobby/Chat & game creation/joining

Options (User interface & Input) | Options (Video & Graphics) | Options (Sound & Music) | Options (Network) I don't know if we need such a category

Readme/General information about the game



Something I missed?

Edited: 2010-04-19, 11:24

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Joined: 2009-02-26, 11:50
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Posted at: 2010-04-19, 16:17

I'd like to suggest to provide them in different size aspect ratios. The current ones look horrible when stretched, and it'd be nice to have them in 4:3 (1024x768 - that's what there is now), 5:4 (1280x1024) and 16:9 (1280x720). And maybe 16:10 (1280x800). If of course such a thing could be implemented in-game. This would be further resized (down or up) depending on the screen resolution, but at least would not be stretched. But of course, only if that's possible.

Edited: 2010-04-19, 16:19

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