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Topic: game scheduling module

Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2018-03-06, 18:56

Small changes will be easier to review anyway, so yes, get the branch ready face-smile.png

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2018-03-07, 18:30

trimard wrote:

edit: I see all these changes need more thoughts, maybe we should merge the few fix I made now? Or should I wait that you merge your tabbed branch kaputtnick?

I am not satisfied with the tabbed branch, so propose a merge when you think it is ready face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2018-03-07, 19:32

Ok, I don't think it will take long to review face-grin.png face-grin.png

I didn't add an icon yet, as we're still thinking about the need of it (sseing how it was integrated in the tabbed branch). But at least it fix the UTC bug, which is urgent IMO.

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Posted at: 2018-07-30, 16:36

Ok back to some work!

I would like to add preferences in the playtime scheduler, here is a first proposition using Kaputtnick initial one:

  • 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or even 1v2, 1v3, 2v5...
  • map list? Or maybe type of map like with different characteristic (number of players, ports or not, lot of resources..)
  • build!!!! (available and preferred)
  • tribe
  • always available

The always available options would make you always appear with a special design as "always available" in the playtime scheduler.

I also really really want an option to say I'm available for the next x hour in the scheduling module.

==> Directly when you click and playtime scheduler, you have this options to say: I'm available for the next x hours. And you'll be noted and automatically redirected the page with other users available. I guess the best of the best would be to find a way to make that semi-dynamic and have the page refresh when someone else is available?

Any other ideas?

Edited: 2018-07-30, 16:37

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2018-07-30, 18:28

Hi trimad, nice to see you again face-smile.png

Can you first have a look at your merge request? I think it isn't working correct.

You may also need to update your virtualenvironment:

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Posted at: 2018-07-30, 20:44

trimard wrote:

Ok back to some work!

I would like to add preferences in the playtime scheduler, here is a first proposition using Kaputtnick initial one:

  • 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or even 1v2, 1v3, 2v5...
  • map list? Or maybe type of map like with different characteristic (number of players, ports or not, lot of resources..)
  • build!!!! (available and preferred)
  • tribe
  • always available

The always available options would make you always appear with a special design as "always available" in the playtime scheduler.

I also really really want an option to say I'm available for the next x hour in the scheduling module.

==> Directly when you click and playtime scheduler, you have this options to say: I'm available for the next x hours. And you'll be noted and automatically redirected the page with other users available. I guess the best of the best would be to find a way to make that semi-dynamic and have the page refresh when someone else is available?

Any other ideas?

Yes. Because I think that almost nobody uses the playtime scheduler, I would absolutely prefer it if you would put your efforts instead in a player rating system (you've already mentioned that you are also interested in that). What do you think about this?

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2009-03-05, 22:40
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Posted at: 2019-06-29, 21:50

About a rating system

After a bit of discussion with Worldsavior, he suggested using the Glicko system. The main advantage compared to something like ELO, is that Glicko tries to add variation for people that don't play a lot (which is pretty frequent in the widelands context compared to chess for example)

Glicko system

"The RD measures the accuracy of a player's rating, with one RD being equal to one standard deviation. For example, a player with a rating of 1500 and an RD of 50 has a real strength between 1400 and 1600 (two standard deviations from 1500) with 95% confidence. Twice the RD is added and subtracted from their rating to calculate this range. After a game, the amount the rating changes depends on the RD: the change is smaller when the player's RD is low (since their rating is already considered accurate), and also when their opponent's RD is high (since the opponent's true rating is not well known, so little information is being gained). The RD itself decreases after playing a game, but it will increase slowly over time of inactivity. "


How we could envision a rating system without changing anything in regard to game and server:

We create a new page, specifically for ranking, when you click on it the first thing you see is the current rank of everyone who's ranked. Preferentially in the playtime scheduler "index" page, but then it shouldn't be name so face-tongue.png

If you want to be ranked too, there will be a "my rank" page accessible from there:

  • You click on a "get me ranked too" button
  • You play a game against someone who's also already ranked and lose/win
  • You and your opponent both confirm the score of the game in the page "name of player" "win?Loss?tie?"

If we want more automatically update of games

It has also appear the website and the game are starting to be really synchronized (with the password with actual security for example). So I think it's a good time to start and discuss such system. Maybe there could be a way for the website to know directly who you player against and the score of the game? That could pose some problems when the game bug and the game has be restarted?

About the current scheduling module

A few things:

  • I find it hard to see exactly when people are available with the clocks. It demands a bit of concentration at least. Anyone has an idea on how to simplify it?
  • It would be nice to have an incitement between player to play together when there are many available? Maybe a different color when more than one person is available at that time?
  • Are people really interested in a preference option? Wouldn't that be feature overkill after all?
  • I would like to add some image from the game on the index page of the scheduling module. The current buttons seems a bit empty for me face-tongue.png Is that ok?

ps: yes, I'm becoming markdown maniac. Sorry face-tongue.png

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2019-06-30, 11:06

Recently i found another bug in the playtime scheduler: Times shown to others users were shown with a difference of 2 hours. Please compare your given times with the times shown for me:

scheduling times

Are the times shown like you have proposed?

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Joined: 2009-03-05, 22:40
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Posted at: 2019-06-30, 19:50

Oh yes, that was a big bug. Thanks! It also allowed to detect other bug and fix them before anyone say anything face-tongue.png face-grin.png

I pushed on the same branch

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2019-07-01, 07:56

Thanks trimard! The changes are applied now.

The users who use the scheduler, may have to reload the js by pressing CTRL+F5. We should find a better way to note the users about such things...

Regarding the rating system, please open another thread for that.

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