Topic: Widelands customization

Joined: 2014-09-12, 10:53
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Posted at: 2018-07-04, 13:31

For creating buildings, or editing existing ones you need blender, using the template to get the perspective correct.

Your suggestions for weapons costs look a bit odd but it is early days, I am sure there will be many revisions.

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Posted at: 2018-07-04, 14:46

I will change everything until community is satisfied.Good thing is that i already have blender on my PC.

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Posted at: 2018-07-04, 22:08

TheHunter wrote:

Well you see i had couple of ideas I thought a little bit about egyptians,they will be smillar to Atlanteans,

I would like them to be not to similar, because for me the fun of a tribe is difference to the other tribes in gameplay not just optics.


Log-Normal log everyone uses

Sandstone-smillar to granite/stone that other tribes use.

Planks-Nothing special used for building

Gold ore-Mined from mountains

Coal-Mined from mountains

Copper-used for weapons and tools

Fish-main food of egyptians

Meat-Nothing special

Reeds-Used for cloth

wheat-Used for wheat flour

Wheat flour-used in bakery for bread

Cloth-Made out of reeds.

And crystals-Mined in mountains.

Well no objections on this list so far except it seems to be to short face-wink.png Main drink in old egypt was beer made out of wheat or barley sweetened with dates. so we should have beer and we need dates. what about having a dates collector collecting dates from palm trees. Would make this tribe harder to play on winter maps or we would need some special palm tree. Beer should be used in kitchens for rations and to train evade.
Next thing that would be interesting is milk as egyptians had milk as well. Maybe we could have a sheep/cow farm delivering milk and meat, cause we need a renewable food supply of either meat or fish. If we have milk we could think about cheese as well.


Woodcutter-Cuts wood

Stonecutter-Mines sandstone

Fishers hut-Gets fish from rivers

Hunters hut-Hunts animals for meat

Reed farmer-farms reed for ropes

Palm planter-hut-plants palms for woodcutter

well-produces water.

Barrier-small military building.

Bakery-produces bread

Kitchen-Makes rations can be enchanced into Royal kitchen and produce snacks.

Smeltery-Smelts ores

Workshop-Creates tools/if enhanced into Smithy creates weapons.

Military building(give a name if you have idea)

Horse breeder-Breeds horses for faster transportation of ware.

Farm-grows wheat

Pyramid-Training site for defense

Gladiator arena-Training site for health/evade

Fort-Like castle houses soldiers

Port-Used for transporting wares across sea.

And shipyard-Creates ships.

some buildings seem to be missing. e.g. mill. However as outlaid above I would vote for a more complex economy. So we could have

date collector

sheep / cow farm


cheese maker


Egyptians soldiers can be trained in only defense health and evade.

sounds interesting. However if we would implement this we should not have 4 attack weapons but shields instead.
On the other hand if I think of egyptian heros then chariots come to my mind. What about having chariots for upgrading attack at least by two levels. They could be made in a chariot workshop from wood, ropes(reed) and use one of the second carriers.

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Posted at: 2018-07-06, 13:20

Chariots are an interesting idea - it would need some engine changes though, because we would need different animations for the upgraded soldiers. Upgrading a soldier with a chariot and not seeing him ride it would be strange.

I think it could also look good to have a Kush-inspired tribe rather than Egyptians - it would give us some racial diversity. A lot of research has been done on the 0AD forums

The main documentation on how to create a tribe:

Edited: 2018-07-06, 13:25

Busy indexing nil values

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Posted at: 2018-07-06, 15:46

I agree.Chariots will be really cool in game but as GunChleoc said we will need some engine changes.Also hessenfarmer you are right we are going to use shields as well and date idea is good.We need some sort of drink for miners and soldiers training.I know some buildings were missing because i just wrote some of my ideas before i write whole list of everything i need to talk with community so i can write every single ware and building for egyptians.More ideas are welcome.

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Joined: 2014-09-12, 10:53
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Posted at: 2018-07-06, 17:58

I like the idea of chariots, that would make a big difference in how they appeared. I also like the idea of camels as carriers and archers. Dates are definite requirement and for drinks what about fruit wines, a berry picker, like the Frisians, could collect berries which are made into wine.

I would suggest that rather than wait until everything is agreed before starting work, create a launchpad account and create a branch to add things to. Use other tribes images as placeholders and their scripts as templates. You will get an idea of the work involved and if you wait for concensus you will never started. People will be requesting changes even after you think you have finished, especially when people start playing competitive games against other tribes.

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Posted at: 2018-07-06, 20:03

Sandstone-smillar to granite/stone that other tribes use.

Egyptians used to work with various sort of Stones: Granite, Limestone and of course sandstone. What about introducing a tool for the stonemason? Egyptians used a 'Dolorite Pounder' to work with granite. Didn't found a better description

Camels are nice face-smile.png Did someone ever ride a camel? It's amazing face-grin.png

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Joined: 2018-04-20, 00:22
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Posted at: 2018-07-07, 03:53

Camels as carriers are nice, but ancient Egyptians didn't bother much about them. And they weren't the champions of milk either. And I cannot see how chariots could get implemented within Widelands' battle-model. The more I think about it, the more I find Egyptians to be a non-ideal choice.

I would prefer some more exotic tribe, which would have more to do with the Arabic desert than with Nile. Like Atlanteans are about water, that tribe could be about desert, sand being both their friend and their enemy, occasionally destroying their settlements and forcing them to load their camels and settle elsewhere, being cursed to meet green civilizations on their way, only to desertify them in their struggle for survival. The parallel fate could be the only resemblance with the Atlanteans, the rest of the tribe being very different, their most precious ware being their animals.

That drives my imagination wild, so I'm writing down some thoughts. It could be the only tribe without the ability to sustain a forest neither to cultivate cereals nor to produce coal nor to dismantle their buildings nor to fish. They could use leather instead of logs (still possessing woodcutters for ground-clearing operations) and processed leather for advanced buildings, the smallest of their buildings being tents (instead of huts and houses) and suffering erosion over time (they could have a maintainer of buildings instead of a collector of food, using leather to serve buildings in a limited range), their wells mining petroleum after water gets exhausted (which they use in place of coal and in their ship construction), they could build small military caves on mining sites, having goat-breeders along with camel-breeders, seeding grass instead of cereals (grass can grow on mountains as well) then fold buildings could release goats there instead of bees (both need big working areas), producing wool, leather, meat, milk and yogurt (differences between camels and goats could increase the variety of foods for miners, trainers and other jobs). Could also get some inspiration from Dune. Such ideas could make for a tribe diversified enough from the existing ones.

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Posted at: 2018-07-07, 18:56

As always there is a problem when i use blender.I made woodcutters tent and everything is working builder constructs it and worker is working however its to small.I dont know how to make them bigger if anyone can help me with this problem i can start modeling buildings.Thank you.

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Posted at: 2018-07-07, 19:56

TheHunter wrote:

its to small.I dont know how to make them bigger if anyone can help me with this problem i can start modeling buildings.Thank you.

I found fiddling with the building size horrible when I started to create the frisian buildings face-smile.png
I assume you´re using the template file? I always render at 800×800px resolution with an ortographic camera scale of 6.250, then I need to resize the rendered images to a scale of 0.162, then they have the correct size.

I´m not sure about attack-upgrading soldiers with chariots. It´s certainly cool, but are they really agile enough to attack and withdraw within 1 second? I can´t imagine how that could work…
Having a tribe that doesn´t train in attack could also be nice. Perhaps the soldiers could get a very high attack strength, and their rookies would have low health+evade as recompense. Heroes could then have ultra-high defence and health. Battles between their and other heroes would then last very long though – which makes new strategies possible face-smile.png

And what about fish/meat supply? Are they able to replenish fish resources like atlanteans, or do they have piggery/aquafarm-like buildings?

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