Topic: Homepage design

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Posted at: 2019-03-29, 11:15

kaputtnik wrote:

While it looks good on dark backgrounds, on the website it looks not that good, imho:


I'd blame the website background for that. Why not replacing it by a dark background? Many people think that beige is ugly, that's not the case with black, is it?

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Posted at: 2019-03-29, 11:31

-1 from me. A dark background is awkward to look at, I´m actually rather unhappy that the forum posts are white on dark grey. Making everything like that is too hard for the eyes in my opinion.

And the background is not really beige, it´s more cream-coloured like parchment. I like it.

(Regarding the logo: Why not replace it only in the game and keep using the old one on the website?)

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2019-03-29, 12:34

Nordfriese wrote:

-1 from me. A dark background is awkward to look at, I´m actually rather unhappy that the forum posts are white on dark grey. Making everything like that is too hard for the eyes in my opinion.

Regarding the colors: We could make a light and a dark version of the theme and make it switchable. But that of course means extra work. Probably a lot of extra work.

Nordfriese wrote:

(Regarding the logo: Why not replace it only in the game and keep using the old one on the website?)

Because the old one has blown out colors (the white areas). Also we should convert it into an SVG to make scaling easier and smooth curves (without the curves being pixelated) possible.

Edited: 2019-03-29, 12:38

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Posted at: 2019-03-29, 18:19

An SVG image would be the best face-smile.png

In my opinion the new log does not fit, because the yellowish color clashes with the back ground. Of course this can be adjusted, and also making a shadow would be possible.

Regarding the website design: I my opinion it has some weaknesses, especially for people with impairments / disabilities, but in general i like it. If some one provides a new theme, i think no one would be against this. Making it switchable would be an option too then face-smile.png

WorldSavior: Every browser has an option like 'inspect Element' if you make a right click on the page. There you can change the css temporarily, e.g. the background-color (and background-image) of the page is defined for the <body> tag. I think some browsers do also allow custom css settings for a specific website.

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Posted at: 2019-03-29, 19:39

Nordfriese wrote:

-1 from me. A dark background is awkward to look at, I´m actually rather unhappy that the forum posts are white on dark grey. Making everything like that is too hard for the eyes in my opinion.

Why "awkward"? And isn't the opposite the case: The dark background is good for the eyes because it means less light from the monitor?

And the background is not really beige, it´s more cream-coloured like parchment. I like it.

There is no big difference. For me it doesn't look like parchment, but like mud or worse...

kaputtnik wrote:

WorldSavior: Every browser has an option like 'inspect Element' if you make a right click on the page. There you can change the css temporarily, e.g. the background-color (and background-image) of the page is defined for the <body> tag. I think some browsers do also allow custom css settings for a specific website.

Thanks for the tip. Even if the background is just black color it looks better, should maybe be the default background of the homepage ;-) Now I just have to find out how to achieve that the background looks always like this, also when I open a new tab of the homepage...

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Posted at: 2019-03-29, 20:19

WorldSavior wrote:

Nordfriese wrote:

-1 from me. A dark background is awkward to look at, I´m actually rather unhappy that the forum posts are white on dark grey. Making everything like that is too hard for the eyes in my opinion.

Why "awkward"? And isn't the opposite the case: The dark background is good for the eyes because it means less light from the monitor?

It depends on the environment of the monitor: In a bright environment (room) having black text on white background is better, because the eyes didn't have to adjust themselves when looking into the room and looking onto the screen (both are bright). Of course the opposite is also true: In a dark environment white text on black background is better, because the eyes don't have to adjust between dark environment and dark screen.

Edited: 2019-03-29, 20:20

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Posted at: 2019-03-30, 07:53

I used to have everything with a white background, but now that I have a new laptop with a bigger screen, having a dark background is better. So, it also depends on screen size and how close you are to the screen.

We could certainly make it darker, and the sidebar background as well - having dark background for everything or light backgrounds for everything will make it easier to design font colors to have enough contrast.

Edited: 2019-03-30, 07:55

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2019-03-30, 19:59

Just wanted to drop a useful link regarding colors:

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2019-04-08, 05:08

Is there a SVG file for the new in-game menu logo? If not I will try to create one that looks as close as possible to the one in-game. As far as I can see it doesn't use the "Widelands" font, right? Or at least a modified version of it.

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