Topic: What is starting gear for Imperials?


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Joined: 2010-05-27, 06:11
Posts: 13
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2010-06-08, 03:19

(Build 15) Wooden Spear and helmets? Then why when I have a bunch of them and tons of vacancies in forts, are no Imperial soldiers being created? They are getting created..albeit extremely slowly like 10 new soldiers per iron mine versus like 40 new barbarian soldiers with the same amount of iron. I usually don't have problems equipping I must be missing something...3 warehouses with wooden spears, helmets and lots of vacancies..what else could the problem be??? And in case the problem was missing brown armor or helmets..I have tons of them stocked fact the I have at least one of each armor and weapon and still they trickle out at a rate of 1 every 10 minutes or so, sometimes much longer. I think I created like 30 soldiers total after several hours...

update Well it seems they need helmets and wooden spears...would be nice if like wares, there was basic descriptions of each tribe's soldier and what's needed to make one. It does say things like 'the basic armor of imperial soldiers' but you have to still assume 'basic' means 'no training needed'...basically. They still seem to trickle out tho..yet the economy is bustling..can't help but wonder where all that iron and coal is going.

Edited: 2010-06-08, 03:59

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Joined: 2009-02-27, 14:28
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Tribe Member
Posted at: 2010-06-08, 11:05

The first thing to do is to check your warehouses: do they already contain wooden spears or helmets? If they are in different warehouses, then Widelands tries to bring them together, but there are some inefficiencies there in build 15 (which have been fixed in the latest development version), so it makes sense to plan your economy if at all possible such that the final production step always happens close to only one warehouse (typically the HQ).

If you don't have anything in the warehouses, it becomes a matter of backtracking: Which buildings produce wooden spears and helmets? Are they working productively? If not, why not? Which prerequisite materials are missing? And so on...

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Joined: 2010-05-27, 06:11
Posts: 13
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2010-06-09, 08:31

Ya ok..I got it going. It was just a adjustment using them the first time..but that keeps things fresh. face-smile.png

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