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Topic: widelands tournament 2019: subscriptions started

Joined: 2016-06-16, 09:41
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Posted at: 2019-08-07, 23:35

I won against janus. It's a game in two parts. And a Barbarians fight.

janus vs ektor, in 2 parts

king_of_nowhere wrote:

worldsavior decided to draw by agreement against the-x, ending the tournament in such an anticlimatic manner

What a pity!

face-cool.png face-confused.png Shouldn't we force them? face-upset.png face-cool.png

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2019-08-08, 07:09

Trimard and I sheduled a Game today 2019-08-08 18:30

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2019-08-08, 09:02

ektor wrote:

I won against janus. It's a game in two parts. And a Barbarians fight.

janus vs ektor, in 2 parts

There is a nice Bug/Feature in the replay :

I assume ecctor is playing en Francais, so some messages , e.g. "No Coal" are translated in French.

Janus, please take lessons! I will offer them for free. Even World Savior sometimes gives lessons.

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2019-08-08, 20:16

ektor wrote:

king_of_nowhere wrote:

worldsavior decided to draw by agreement against the-x, ending the tournament in such an anticlimatic manner

What a pity!

face-cool.png face-confused.png Shouldn't we force them? face-upset.png face-cool.png

What are you talking about? And do you like the following sentences? "Ektor and Modellbahner decided to draw by agreement. Shouldn't we force them to play?"

king_of_nowhere wrote:

worldsavior decided to draw by agreement against the-x, ending the tournament in such an anticlimatic manner

It rather looks like that the-x and me decided this together, doesn't it?

Before that, I tried to play with him, last saturday. But he didn't want.

Edited: 2019-08-08, 20:17

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2019-08-08, 21:41

I played with Trimard tonight, we had one disconnnect (I assume its an IPv6 Issue on my side).

We agreed to play play in peace and thus we did and lived long and prosper :-) In Addtion we played at 1x speed what we both really like (and makes us incomaptibel with WorldSavior and the-X)

We stopped at about 2:40 game time. Trimard was ahead of me but this game is not over yet. We will continue tomorrow 2019-08-09 18:30 again.

Thanks to Trimad so far au revoir.

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2019-08-09, 17:08

I won against trimard after playing the full 4 hours. When we stopped trimard was in the lead, but that was just the minute when I fired upp all my GoldMines, he learned a lot e.g. you need more than one toolsmith on such a big economy. In the End we had 1763 points vs 1112.

Now I wonder, after so much draws where is my Ranking noww?

Thanks again for that game.

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Posted at: 2019-08-09, 18:07

Hasi50 wrote:

Janus, please take lessons! I will offer them for free. Even World Savior sometimes gives lessons.

danke für das angebot aber, ich möchte nicht in einen zustand verfallen, wo punkt genau abgestimmt ist, in 10 min einen helden zu haben oder andere resourcen. genau so wenig will ich, mir vor einem spiel eine map anschauen damit ich dann weiß, wo die rohstoffe zu finden sind oder andere dinge bzw wo es zu feind kontakt kommen könnte. ich spiele das spiel um spass zu haben, eine karte immer und immer wieder neu zu entdecken oder auch immer und immer wieder den selben fehler zu machen. was meine spielfreude stört und mein spiel kaputt macht sind meist kommentare von zuschauen, die mit sicherheit wissen, wie es besser geht oder wo etwas zu finden ist, dass ist aber nicht mein spiel. am schlimmsten empfinde ich es, wenn man von zuschauern kirre gemacht wird, wenn vielleicht etwas nicht stimmt oder es dann doch richtig ist. wenn ich fragen habe, stelle ich diese. das ist wie mit dem zauber würfel. da gibt es eine vielzahl an möglichkeiten im netz, wie man diesen lösen kann aber das sind nicht, ich löse den mit sicherheit nicht effektiv, meine lösungen.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2019-08-09, 20:14

Hasi50 wrote:

Now I wonder, after so much draws where is my Ranking noww?

You finish the tournament with 3 of 5 points, which brings you a rank which is higher than average. (Same number of points like in the 2016 tournament by the way. Trimard reaches also the same number of points like in that tournament, somehow curious.) Your problem is that you had to "play" against "forfait" in round 1, so your Buchholz-number is rather low.

Thanks, but all parts between the first and the last part are missing. Don't you want to upload them, too?

It's an interesting match.

Hasi50 wrote:

In Addtion we played at 1x speed what we both really like (and makes us incomaptibel with WorldSavior and the-X)

It depends. In some situations I also prefer 1.0x. And I think that it's possible to play at that speed sometimes at small maps without getting bored.

Edited: 2019-08-09, 20:26

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2019-08-10, 08:50

WorldSavior wrote:

Thanks, but all parts between the first and the last part are missing. Don't you want to upload them, too?

Ah, yes we had a disconnect, let me dig into my files ... Here you are:

I think I had a more dense road network. e.g. I use roads ove the ice which leaves more spaces for buidings, too. And I tried to use every space as good as possiblle, e.g. planting trees even in the vincintiy of farms. And I want to have each and every buiding connecct by at least two roads to avoid accidential economy splits. We could use the last replay as a performace test, only the Nile might result in bigger economies.

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2016-06-16, 09:41
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Posted at: 2019-08-10, 14:24

WorldSavior wrote:

ektor wrote:

king_of_nowhere wrote:

worldsavior decided to draw by agreement against the-x, ending the tournament in such an anticlimatic manner

What a pity!

face-cool.png face-confused.png Shouldn't we force them? face-upset.png face-cool.png

What are you talking about? And do you like the following sentences? "Ektor and Modellbahner decided to draw by agreement. Shouldn't we force them to play?"

I tried to make a joke. That's why I surrounded it with smileys.... Apparently it was taken badly. I beg your pardon.

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