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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 13:32
That is a good starting point from my side. I love the speckling shine of the wood. Although I would have expected that this might brinbg out better the ends of the logs which seem to be encarved what I like too.
Howeverfor me they feel to be too massive. Can we have massive wooden collumns only as basic structure of the building and have leightweight roofs and walls made of bark, big leafs and liana? As well some open rooms with only a roof and some small poles to prevent big animals from entering might look good.
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 14:16
nice concept, nordfriese. i agree with hessenfarmer, though
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 15:13
More like this?
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 15:37
Definitly yes from my side.
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 17:36
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2019-08-20, 17:38
That's quite a lot like what I envisaged too.
Here's what I think is a useful reference picture?
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 17:56
Nordfriese wrote:
More like this?
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 18:41
Okay, as soon as the datadir is in a state where I can view my models in-game, I´ll start modelling the buildings in this style.
Till then, I´ll implement the coding changes needed for treetop sentry and gardening center.
Regarding the latter – @king please provide a list of all terrains that can be transformed and for each one the terrain it should become after transformation.
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 19:25
king_of_nowhere wrote:
Nordfriese wrote:
A treetop sentry would be quite hard but might be possible. Telling the FieldactionWindow that a field with a tree can become a constructionsite for buildings with a special Size value is possible. Internally, the tree would be gone the moment you order construction. but with some hacking it could still be displayed on the constructionsite and completed building and resurrected when the building vanishes. Would be a lot of coding effort and an ugly hack though…
ah, well, I may put it in the blueprint, but it will be up to the programmers whether to take the challenge.
The biggest programming challenge would be to allow giving the build order on a node where we already have a tree. The rest could be faked by the building animations. We might want support for individual constructionsite graphics too so that the tree won't visually disappear when placing the construction site.
Nordfriese wrote:
Barbarian gamekeeper has a list with all allowed bob types in his init.lua. Only species explicitly listed there are allowed. He chooses one of them at random every time.
Exactly. The hunter then looks for any critters with the tag "eatable."
Busy indexing nil values
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Posted at: 2019-08-20, 21:03
Nordfriese wrote:
Okay, as soon as the datadir is in a state where I can view my models in-game, I´ll start modelling the buildings in this style.
Till then, I´ll implement the coding changes needed for treetop sentry and gardening center.
Regarding the latter – @king please provide a list of all terrains that can be transformed and for each one the terrain it should become after transformation.
wow, i fully expected both ideas would be shot down by the devs
the next two days i'm busy, but i will provide values afterwards. I will also finish the wares, so far I haven't stated how expensive are the promotions.