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Topic: What can players in a team do?


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Joined: 2010-08-04, 18:51
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Posted at: 2010-08-09, 19:11

How can players that form a team in a multi-player game do work together? I'm thinking of exchanging goods for example or even giving goods, soldiers, workers for free to a team member. I read a thread here - I think in the 'game suggestions' area - about ideas for a trading system. I assume that is not yet implemented. So probably team players can exchange goods yet?
Is there anything else team players can do, that others can't? Maybe building on the ground of the fellow team player? Seeing his map? Attacking the common enemy although the fellow team player's land lies in between? It seems there is a blocking mechanism that prevents the player from attacking there team fellows. Is there any additional difference to an enemy player?

Regards, Marvin.

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Posted at: 2010-08-09, 20:26

So far this is not implemented. Sorry my knowledge about this will be bit of outdated as I was away from active development for few time. But it lets you attack a common enemy by sharing the visibility face-wink.png

We would like to here more suggestions for a trading system machanism face-wink.png

Cheers, SAM

NoOb KiWwaTa NoOb Ma NeWeI

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Posted at: 2010-08-10, 16:36


As being a new widelands player I am not so deep into it. But I played Widelands many times in multi player mode and a way of trading for teams would be very great. I can think of some special building (or maybe reuse the Warehouse). Players have to build one of these buildings close to the border and can interchange things from this Warehouse. Not everything they own, just things from this Warehouse. When "sending stuff" one guy just walks to the Warehouse on the other side of the building. So players have to find each other before they can interchange things and the stuff has to be there to be send.

Just my 2 cents.

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Posted at: 2010-08-11, 16:44

Thanks Ansi, well cent by cent we can make some good money face-smile.png

But normally warehouses arnt supposed to build in borders face-smile.png as we normally keep more defenses there. Plus, anyway players in the same team can view each other face-smile.png

But, the this you say is something easy and possible to create.

Cheers, SAM

NoOb KiWwaTa NoOb Ma NeWeI

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Posted at: 2010-08-11, 17:12

samithdisal wrote:

Plus, anyway players in the same team can view each other

in fact it is not that way at the moment - shortly after release of build15, there was an attempt for shared vision, but due to some bigger changes to team play code, that shared vision feature was removed (and will hopefully be reimplemented in future) - so in short: at the moment allied players are only disallowed to attack each other + win togehter if the goal is reached.



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Posted at: 2010-08-11, 18:08

Nasenbaer wrote: ... in fact it is not that way at the moment - shortly after release of build15, there was an attempt for shared vision, but due to some bigger changes to team play code, that shared vision feature was removed (and will hopefully be reimplemented in future) - so in short: at the moment allied players are only disallowed to attack each other + win togehter if the goal is reached. ...

I'd like to support that statement: Team players should have shared vision

It makes sense that they can not trade or send support to the team members, if 'enemy' country is in between. Unless there are ships and a way by sea is open, maybe. But when the team player have their areas expanded until the areas touch each other, trade and support should be possible. Maybe there shouldn't be the need to build a warehouse or market place near the border. Perhaps it should be possible to build a road crossing the border between the team players areas. And once this road is established trade and support sending is possible.


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Posted at: 2010-08-12, 18:45


I reimplemented the team view feature a few minutes ago. If you want to test it, either build your own version from current bzr code or wait until one of the nightly builds are updated. face-smile.png



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Posted at: 2010-08-14, 12:50

Nasenbaer, thank you! Actually I only wanted to support that team players should have shared view in general as a default part of the multi player feature. I didn't want to rush you to implement it! I know you are a volunteer and you are doing this in your free time. So thanks again, I appreciate what you are doing.

I downloaded bzr-5466. I'll try it. I also downloaded the source code. From a hint on one of the widelands pages I got the impression, the only things I have to do to download the source, was getting bazaar and issuing 'bzr get lp:widelands'. Unfortunately bzr downloaded for a while and then stopped with 'connection reset by server' (or was it 'peer'?). I tried several times until I additionally got a launchpad account, placed a public ssh key on launchpad, put the private key in %USERPROFILE%.ssh (There seems to be no way to tell bzr where the private key is? It has to be in %USERPROFILE%.ssh ?) and issued 'bzr launchpad-login <username>'

Although I do understand that someone who wants to commit changes, needs an account and a key pair, I had rather expected for downloading only that wouldn't have been neccessary. But maybe I made a mistake somewhere and if I had done it correctly, I would have been able to download without account. What I guess happened is that bzr downloaded for a while data that was public accessible until it hit something that was private (and thus needs an account) and the server stopped unfortunately without a message stating 'no access - private data', but just with a general Python error 'connection reset'. But, of course,I don't know for sure. That's the first time I'm using bazaar.

Yet although I have the source now, I have still a way to go until I can compile. I do have a version of msys and MingW, but it's probably outdated and I need additional packages and a gcc (gcc-4) from another project, if I understood the building description on the BuildingWidelandsUnderWindows - Wiki page correctly.

So for the time being I rather go with the builds that a kind soul provides on .

My thanks are going to the generous builder for that service!


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Posted at: 2010-08-15, 17:01

I tried the new version. Shared view works. That definitely improves playing! Thanks fo re-implementing it!


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Posted at: 2010-08-15, 17:42


NoOb KiWwaTa NoOb Ma NeWeI

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