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Topic: some graphics peanuts


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Joined: 2010-06-22, 00:10
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Location: Germany, Bird Mountain
Posted at: 2010-08-07, 13:51

Hi there, i've got two litte questions (like the subject sais, just peanuts):

  1. Why are the three different building symbols (small/red, medium/yellow, big/green) not shown from the same perspective angle like the general view in the game is? Like it is now, the building symbols seem to be looked at from a lower, more front-side view.

  2. Some buildings with an all-time open door have also grass inside, witch just looks some kind of unfinished. A wooden floor or whatever would be more fitting.

my 2 cents, thank you for any kind of answer.

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2010-08-07, 16:02

Hi, Gannaf!

Good questions! While I may not have direct explanations for your "peanuts", I'll share my understanding on them.

Why are the three different building symbols (small/red, medium/yellow, big/green) not shown from the same perspective angle like the general view in the game is? Like it is now, the building symbols seem to be looked at from a lower, more front-side view.

The build-help symbols to which you refer are intended to be merely indicators of the types of structures a particular site on the map can support and are not intended to actually BE buildings. If you would like to offer some alternatives for the current symbols, I'd like to see what you would suggest. We're always looking for new ideas. face-smile.png

Some buildings with an all-time open door have also grass inside, witch just looks some kind of unfinished. A wooden floor or whatever would be more fitting.

Great observation! If you could provide a list of the buildings with this (or other) anomalies, we could address them as a Bug. Better still, I urge you to create a Bug Report at the Widelands project site on Launchpad. You can find it at

Thanks for your "peanuts"! face-grin.png Keep 'em coming.

I see little people.

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Joined: 2010-06-22, 00:10
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Location: Germany, Bird Mountain
Posted at: 2010-08-08, 20:27

Thanks for your Answer!

Maybe I will try to make some drawings for alternate symbols (sadly I have almost no experience at graphic-tools, so Im not shure if ill get anything managed)

Regarding the unfinished building textures im gonna write a bugreport with a list of all the relating buildings (all that I noted).

greets, Gannaf

Edited: 2010-08-08, 20:28

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Location: New York - USA
Posted at: 2010-08-09, 01:33

Hey, Gannaf!

Regarding the unfinished building textures im gonna write a bugreport with a list of all the relating buildings (all that I noted).

Great! I would request you submit the bug report to the Widelands Media Development Branch. Here is the link:


I see little people.

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Posted at: 2010-08-10, 07:48

The grass as the floor is something comes with barb buildings. All most all buildings except the lumberjack house was like that. I think it was something done purposely. Although it looks bit odd face-smile.png

NoOb KiWwaTa NoOb Ma NeWeI

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Location: Germany, Bird Mountain
Posted at: 2010-08-10, 12:00

Oh, you're right. The other tribes dont have this issue. the bugreport: Something different: I thought about an animation for mines, that are actually workin ("producing 2 iron"). A fireglowing out of the door everytime the building starts working would be appropriate.

Edited: 2010-08-10, 12:01

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2010-08-10, 13:14

gannaf, thinking about animations is nice and dandy -- And quite easy. Making animations is where it's at. Get yourself up to speed on blender and help out, would you?

Cheers, !SirVer

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Joined: 2010-03-08, 15:46
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Posted at: 2010-08-10, 14:03

I'hv added a Todo column to the inventory table. And noted the missing animations. But need more specific details about the texture adjustments as it is still unclear for a todo entry.

So I put the bug in wish list until someone start to create the animations face-smile.png

NoOb KiWwaTa NoOb Ma NeWeI

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