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Topic: how to pause and make guys


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Joined: 2010-07-08, 20:48
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Posted at: 2010-07-08, 20:51

Hi all. I am a new player, I just download yesterday. I make my way through two tutorials. Now I wonder is there key or menu button to pause game?

Also if I build many ranger hut then eventually no ranger for a hut and building sits empty. I click on main base and I see all guys but I not understand how to make more guys. How I get more ranger?

Also I seem to run out of wood. What is good ratio for ranger/lumberjack? 2 ranger per 1 lumberjack? Also what is good ratio for gamesman/hunter?

Edited: 2010-07-08, 21:27

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Joined: 2010-04-27, 19:00
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Posted at: 2010-07-09, 18:25

You can change game speed with +/- on the numpad, and change the game speed to pause with -

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Posted at: 2010-07-09, 19:55

I always run out of iron ore. I think my miners too hungry. Maybe not enough farm/bakery/tavern? What is good ratio? I have two gold mine, two iron mine, two coal mine. So how many tavern I need? Three? But then how many farm and bakery to feed tavern? Because helmsmith and I think training ground take pita bread as well. I think problem is I need more farm and bakery. Or maybe it just that I have bad build and resource have to go across map and back again three times to get refineds. Also I notice I build road on top of where wheat supposed to grow so that mess me up somewhat. I think problem is basically wheat, I think I make more farm, get more pita bread and snacks and then get more iron ore.

I not understand how to know when to upgrade mine or tavern and thing like that. How I know if I have enough miner for upgraded mine? Where does new miner come from? If one miner become chief miner then does new regular miner appear at base? Where new regular miners come from?

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Posted at: 2010-07-09, 20:23

Hi darksaurian,

welcome to widelands. Workers are create in Headquarters or a warehousw from a carrier (you alway have enough of them) and the corresponding tools. This is true for the basic workers (miner, brewer, hunter, ...) only. The advanced ones need are educated from the basic ones by experience in the building. Tools for the workers are created by toolsmithy or something like that. If you click on a building there is a tab where you can see which workers are in the building.

Widelands is all about economy. You need a healthy (and big) economy to get get all wares. First important part is to get enough building materials (stone, wood, ...). Then the next necessary wares are the tools and for this you need coal and iron. At the beginning one iron/coal mine are enough. As you already noticed you need a lot of taverns, bakeries, farms to get enough food for more mines. So try to build up the economy more slowly. If you try to build some part to fast you will run out of some wares (tools for workers, iron/coal for tools, food for mines, ...) and this will slow down of almost stop your expansion. Also be aware that new soldiers and training took lot of iron/coal/food and this slows down the expansion of your economy. AS I already said it is all about having a healthy economy...


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Posted at: 2010-07-10, 01:09

Yes, once you make building to train soldier then that steal meat and pita and fish and beer so you need lots of farm to provide for both training and mining. I understand that advanced miner, innkeeper, brewmaster, they get experience by doing job. But I still not understand where basic level miner, etc come from. You say I have lots of carrier in headquarters or warehouse, I see that. So I get tools to warehouse and then I get more miner, etc? Where tool come from? I make axe factory and war mill. I do all three barbarian tutorial, it never tell me about tool for carrier, unless I forget. How I make tool to make more miner, etc?

Also how come if I push S it give % above each building. What that mean? How come sometimes mine go from 100% and work way down to 0%? Is coal all gone? What I do? Make deep mine or destroy mine and build new one?

What I supposed to do with all sentry? I use to expand territory but then soldiers useless deep in ally territory. I always destroy sentry after expand. Is this normal?

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Posted at: 2010-07-11, 13:43


carriers are the most basic workers. They do not need any tool. They are just created in your warehouses and you alway have enough of them. The basic level workers are created in warehouses from a carrier and a tool. The (barbarian) lumberjack needs an axe, the (barbarian) farmer needs a scythe, a miner need a pick and so on. These tools are created in the metalwork shop. You can enhance the metalwork shop to axe factory and war mill but the axe factory and war mill will not produce the basic tools. Which tools are needed for workers and which buildings produces them depend on the tribe you play. There is an in game help where you can see which buildings produce a ware. Click on the question mark at the bottom of the screen to see this help screen.

The percentage above the buildings gives the productivity of the building. This indicates how much of the time nothing was produced. For most buildings this means the is not enough input to produce all of the time. For mines this can be caused by two reasons: Either there is not enough food or (if the mine has enough food) there is nothing more to mine. In the second case it is time to enhance the mine. Currently there is no possibility to see if there is more to mine or not.

You can destroy the sentries if you do not need them anymore. But if you have no (or not much) military buildings in a region it is more likely that you use much land if you are attacked.

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Posted at: 2010-07-15, 02:16

I still don't understand how to make miners. I have chief miner and master miner in deep mine. I have 8 picks in warehouse. I upgrade deep mine to deeper mine. Deeper mine say master miner, chief miner, (vacant). Why picks not turned into miner? To make new miner I have to start new regular mine and then destroy mind as soon as miner created. This make no sense.

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Joined: 2009-11-01, 22:08
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Posted at: 2010-07-18, 16:36

This is a bug and has nothing to do with the miner production. The Problem there is the master miner or chief miner took the position of the miner. So not a normal but a masetr or chief miner is requested.

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Joined: 2009-09-24, 09:27
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Posted at: 2010-08-20, 08:55

Hi all,

timowi wrote:

There is an in game help where you can see which buildings produce a ware. Click on the question mark at the bottom of the screen to see this help screen.

The percentage above the buildings gives the productivity of the building.

I can't see the percentage which give productivity of buildings. My widelands's version is the Widelands-build-15 from ppa :

Thank you for help

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Posted at: 2010-08-20, 09:29

You could play the tutorial that is in this version.... Or you could just press 'c' and 's' while playing once.

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