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Topic: give some bonus to the defender?

Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 11:58

Suggestion: reduce the healing speed for soldiers on home territory from 1/2 to 1/4 when they're walking
(it seems more realistic that standing around doing nothing allows for somwhat faster recovery than marching)

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Joined: 2015-08-02, 11:56
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 12:20

Do the soldiers inside a military building heal simultaneously at full rate? That might be a bit too fast, at least if it should happen to be, that we will have system to organise defenders more accurately.

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 12:41

GunChleoc wrote:

I have created an experimental branch for testing:

  • All soldiers present in a military site are healed simultaneously
  • Soldiers stationed but not present are 1/2 healed if they are on home territory and not actively fighting an opponent

If course, this will also speed up how frequent follow-up attacks can be triggered.

perhaps leave the healing for soldiers outside but remove the simultaneous healing. that way, if an opponent is attacking you, your soldiers will heal faster, because they will all heal at the same time. this should discourage the practice of attacking with a few soldiers to stop enemy soldiers from healing.

i also think we should set up a system where the defender can choose some soldiers to always stay inside a building, and can choose to send them out to intercept. another weakness of the current system is that the attacker can choose which soldiers attack, but the defender cannot. and often all the soldiers leave to intercept, leaving the military site open to an attack coming from a different direction.

so there should be the global options "send out X% of soldiers to intercept attacking enemies" (default 50%) and "do not send soldiers to intercept if their healt is below X%" (again default 50%). with the additional options to manually pick soldiers that will never leave unless manually ordered, and of course the option to send out more soldiers to intercept. this will also give some more control to the defender.

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Joined: 2018-07-30, 00:03
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 19:45

I really like the idea. But as far as I understand the code, the healing speed depends on the building a soldier is from? So, a solder from a babarian citadel heals at 110 health points per second while a soldier from a sentry only heals 40 per second?

Here are the buildings with the lowest healing power per tribe:

barbarian sentry 80
empire blockhouse 60
atlanteans guardhouse 75
frisians wooden tower 40

The healing rate on the field should be independent of the building but maybe tribe specific? Like:

barbarians 40
empire 30
atlantean 35
frisians 20

Or we use the same value for every tribe. e.g. 35 which is lower than the lowest healing rate of any tribe.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 20:05

I really like the idea. But as far as I understand the code, the healing speed depends on the building a soldier is from? So, a solder from a babarian citadel heals at 110 health points per second while a soldier from a sentry only heals 40 per second?

I don't think it's a problem. This would encourage players to preferably build bigger buildings, which are harder to conquer and thus gives another small disadvantage to the attacker. So this is fine IMHO.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 20:08

stonerl wrote:

Or we use the same value for every tribe. e.g. 35 which is lower than the lowest healing rate of any

+1 for this

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 20:15

Or we use the same value for every tribe. e.g. 35 which is lower than the lowest healing rate of any tribe.

35 points per second is very little, this would give only a small advantage for rookies and next to none for health-trained heroes which might make the concept almost useless…

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 20:35

As sometimes even 1 Point could make a diference. Healing outside of the building would make a difference I believe

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Joined: 2018-07-30, 00:03
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Posted at: 2020-03-03, 20:36

Nordfriese wrote:

Or we use the same value for every tribe. e.g. 35 which is lower than the lowest healing rate of any tribe.

35 points per second is very little, this would give only a small advantage for rookies and next to none for health-trained heroes which might make the concept almost useless…

Well, we could make the healing rate based on the soldiers current max health points level and the building. Which would incentivize training soldiers and upgrade buildings?

E.g. a barbarian soldier without any health training has a base value of 13000 increase per level is 3000 which results in 22000 at max level.

We could use this formula for the healing rate in buildings:

healing_rate_per_second = building_heal_per_second * (soldier_health_base + level * increase_per_level) / soldier_health_base

And outside:

healing_rate_per_second = 35 * (soldier_health_base + level * increase_per_level) / soldier_health_base

This would result in the following health rates:


Level Outside Sentry Barrier Tower Fortress Citadel
0 35 80 130 150 170 220
1 43 98 160 184 209 270
2 51 116 190 219 248 321
3 59 135 220 253 287 372


Level Outside Blockhouse Sentry Outpost Tower Fortress Castle
0 35 60 80 100 150 170 220
1 40 69 92 116 174 197 255
2 46 79 105 132 198 224 291
3 51 89 118 148 222 252 326
4 57 98 131 164 246 279 362


Level Outside Guardhouse Tower Small Tower Guardhall Tower High Castle
0 35 75 100 120 140 170 200
1 45 97 129 155 181 220 259


Level Outside Wooden Tower Wooden Tower High Sentinel Outpost Tower Fortress
0 35 40 70 100 160 170 220
1 43 49 86 125 198 211 273
2 51 59 103 148 237 252 326
Edited: 2020-03-03, 21:39

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2020-03-04, 00:24

how about having the heal rate depending on nearby military buildings? maybe every military building heals within its conquer radius, and multiple buildings are cumulative.

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