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Topic: give some bonus to the defender?

Joined: 2015-08-02, 11:56
Posts: 178
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Posted at: 2020-04-04, 08:51

What do you think, would it make sense to reduce the movement speed of wounded soldiers? It is often proposed that retreating should be more difficult for wounded attackers and I'm wondering, if counterattackers could hunt them down with this change. Would this even be possible to implement? Somebody said that at the moment all map objects move with the same fixed speed.

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Joined: 2019-06-03, 20:06
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Posted at: 2020-04-04, 10:14

If having them move slower is problematic, maybe they could stop moving for a short while every few steps.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-04-04, 10:38

Somebody said that at the moment all map objects move with the same fixed speed


maybe they could stop moving for a short while every few steps

This would be doable though it could also be difficult. However I believe we wouldn't gain much by this since wounded defenders that came from other nearby sites would also be affected.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2020-04-04, 11:10

JanO wrote:

What do you think, would it make sense to reduce the movement speed of wounded soldiers?

No. In that case, training soldiers wouldn't make much sense anymore, so it might be the best strategy to create rookies instead of training, so the eco would be much more simple and not as complex as we know it from the current Widelands.

It is often proposed that retreating should be more difficult for wounded attackers

"often" seems to be a huge overstatement to me. Who suggested that except from blind3rdeye anyway?

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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