Topic: multiplayer tournament 2020

Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2020-05-08, 19:50

maybe some players don't dare to participate due to thinking they are to unexperienced or weak or whatever.
I really can recommend paticipating anyway, because even if you loose a match you learn something. and if there are more of new players nobody knows what might happen.

So this is definitly a recommendation: Please participate everybody, it is fun!

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Posted at: 2020-05-08, 20:00

hessenfarmer wrote:

maybe some players don't dare to participate due to thinking they are to unexperienced or weak or whatever.

That's why I had the idea to have maybe some day a first league and below that a second league for players who don't want to play against the mighty first league players face-wink.png

I really can recommend paticipating anyway, because even if you loose a match you learn something. and if there are more of new players nobody knows what might happen.

So this is definitly a recommendation: Please participate everybody, it is fun!

I agree

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2015-06-24, 21:42
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Posted at: 2020-05-08, 20:24

I can join the tournament. But I'm more or less a beginner in the game... Only have played the campaign and a few single player games. face-smile.png

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2020-05-08, 20:42

Stefan wrote:

I can join the tournament. But I'm more or less a beginner in the game... Only have played the campaign and a few single player games. face-smile.png

if you have mastered all campaigns including frisians you should be ready, I believe. and you can take some training and find players in the lobby. or you ask here in the forum. there is already a thread for this. If you don't find anybody to train with just send me a PM.
would be glad to have more and new participants.

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2020-05-08, 21:54

WorldSavior wrote:

hessenfarmer wrote:

maybe some players don't dare to participate due to thinking they are to unexperienced or weak or whatever.

That's why I had the idea to have maybe some day a first league and below that a second league for players who don't want to play against the mighty first league players ;-)

i would like to. unfortunately, we may even lack enough players for a single tournament, much less two.

on the other hand, since the main problem of "guy who defeats all so hard it's not even fun" is you, and to a lesser extent me (though i still lose to regular players every once in a while), we may even try a format where everyone but the two of us play the regular tournament, and then the first two or three ranked in the tournament play a round robin second phase against us.

sort of like in dragonball Z where there was the convoluted tournament and the winner would challenge the champion.

then again, i don't think there's a need to use this format, unless we got plenty of people claiming that they would play except that they don't want to face you, or one of us

Stefan wrote:

I can join the tournament. But I'm more or less a beginner in the game... Only have played the campaign and a few single player games. face-smile.png

welcome to the club.

don't worry about being a beginner. besides worldsavior and me, and to a lesser extent the-x (and unsure about niektory, he did a great exploit in the economy tournament but we've never seen him in PvP), everyone else is a casual gamer.

Edited: 2020-05-08, 22:01

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Joined: 2019-06-03, 20:06
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Posted at: 2020-05-09, 01:05

WorldSavior wrote:

By the way, I've seen now that the name "niektory" contains the name "ektor". In case they would team up they could be team "niEKTORy" face-wink.png

Haha, I never noticed that.

Last year I didn't participate bacause I had played zero multiplayer games by then. I've played around 15 by now (mostly with the-x) so I've built up a little confidence.

Casual players usually avoid tournaments because they sound like serious business, the opposite of casual play face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2020-05-09, 03:38

when i played my first tournament i had played 0 multiplayer games either. i had played single player for a while and had just decided to join the forum and look for more, and they were hosting the tournament right there and then, and they needed one more because they had an odd number of players...

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Joined: 2015-01-01, 12:56
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Posted at: 2020-05-10, 19:46

Put me on the list for the tournament.

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Posted at: 2020-05-11, 18:37

WorldSavior wrote:

You announced it three days ago, so I'm not surprised. Maybe the people need more time. It's also possible that they need more informations (like rules, times, maps and modes).

the rules are the same as the other years. maps and modes have to wait because i still don't know if we'll play 1v1 or 2v2. or if we even play at all.

Oh, and last year an important factor for the participant number might have been the announcement on social media pages. Or was it because I texted some forum users and asked them if they want to participate?

i have no social media presence, and not much contact with other posters. can you spread the information this time too?

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-05-11, 18:50

Oh, and last year an important factor for the participant number might have been the announcement on social media pages. Or was it because I texted some forum users and asked them if they want to participate?

i have no social media presence, and not much contact with other posters. can you spread the information this time too?

Where do we have social media presence? Didnt know that we have at all. Only thing i know is a youtube channel with some live casting or commenting the games, thats all.

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