Topic: Spanish translation

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Posted at: 2020-05-29, 19:07

I'm helping out with the Spanish localization, but I have some questions. Main question is: as in German, there are two forms of addressing someone: usted (Sie) and tu (Du), and I'm not sure which one is used here. Can anyone help me out?

Edit: I've seen both ways so far (in Empire 04) so I'll better stop translating until I get an "official" answer. :-)

Edited: 2020-05-29, 23:50

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Posted at: 2020-05-30, 10:19

Hi Lerxst and welcome in the forums face-smile.png

For German we have some guidelines here: (possibly a bit outdated)

But the "official" answer is, check how it is done in existing translations and try to be consistent with that; or if there is no existing style (or the translations already are inconsistent), just decide what feels more natural to you regarding the characters' relationships (e.g. leaders often address their subordinates as Du, friends and relatives also use Du, and people use Sie or Ihr to address their boss).

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Posted at: 2020-05-30, 12:42

I admit that the usage of Usted and tu is not consistent yet. Would be fine to help that out. For the texts between the characters it is that Lutius as the leader is adressing Amalea and Saledus with "tu" Amalea does this as well with both of them and Saledus addresses them with Usted as he is a subordinate. The biggest inconsistency is within addressing the player. her I would suggest to use "tu" as we did in German. Please feel free to correct any instances of usted in orders / objectives to the player.

Thanks for helping out with this.

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Posted at: 2020-05-31, 19:11

Alles klar, vielen Dank.

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Posted at: 2020-05-31, 22:06

Hallo Lerxst,

Vielen Dank schon mal für dioe Hilfe bei der spanischen Übersetzung. Würde es begrüßen wenn du meine Übersetzungen reviewen könntest. Bin nämlich weder Muttersprachler noch wirklich in Übung obwohl ich alle Kurse bis B2 beim IC besucht habe, das ist halt 8 Jahre her.

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Posted at: 2020-06-01, 20:07

Mach ich schon, wenn ich mit den unübersetzten strings fertig bin.

In a world where I feel so small, I can't stop thinking big. -- Rush

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Posted at: 2020-06-05, 22:35

Done with Empire 04, and yes, I did review (and sometimes correct) your strings, hessenfarmer. face-smile.png

I assume the best way to continue is to finish the missing strings in the resources with higher priorities, and so on. I'll start with Widelands Main, which is flagged as Urgent.

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Posted at: 2020-06-05, 22:46

Lerxst wrote:

Done with Empire 04, and yes, I did review (and sometimes correct) your strings, hessenfarmer. face-smile.png

I assume the best way to continue is to finish the missing strings in the resources with higher priorities, and so on. I'll start with Widelands Main, which is flagged as Urgent.

Many thanks. Hadn't much time lately. Yes, I agree first the general parts then the remaining missions. I am glad you turned in on this task as it was too big for me

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2020-06-10, 09:56

@ Lerxst
you are doing a great job with the translations to Spanish. Many thanks for that. I have checked empire 04 and it hits the intended story very well. I couldn't do an official review though as I am not allowed ans most probably not qualified to review spanish translations.
One important thing that hasn't been done so far is incorporate you to the official credits as translator for Spanish. May be you could write us how you would like to be credited (with nickname, realname or both)

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Posted at: 2020-06-10, 18:05

I'm too old for fame and glory (except on the battlefields of Widelands, of course), but if you insist, just my nickname Lerxst is enough, as an homage to my guitar hero.

And a status report: all the resources flagged with Urgent and High priorities are done. I just translated the untranslated strings (to gain time), but did not (completely) check the strings that were already translated. I will do this once (and if) I manage to translate everything before the deadline.

In a world where I feel so small, I can't stop thinking big. -- Rush

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