Topic: multiplayer tournament 2020

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Posted at: 2020-08-08, 13:18

Mars wrote:

So which version do we use? I kind of lost track of which amazons commit was recommended for the tournament.

See first post of this topic face-wink.png

Busy indexing nil values

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Posted at: 2020-08-08, 14:00

ok, let's just stick to the amazon 7461 then

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2020-08-10, 02:25

so, post-game analysis time

well, i was expecting niektory to be the new revelation after the economy tournament.

what i wasn't expecting was him being able to win despite having a much weaker teammate. luck played an important role, though.

i counted hero soldiers produced and killed and duels among hero soldiers, here is the result (i may have miscounted slightly, it wouldn't change much):

niektory made 21 hero soldiers

king of nowhere 14 hero soldiers

mars 13 hero soldiers

ektor 3 hero soldiers + 2 almost heroes

niektory clearly dominated the economy game. ektor should not feel bad: he is a casual gamer in a match with 3 of the strongest players around. mars did good, but could have done better; his roads were placed poorly, i'm sure he could have squeezed some more buildings in there. i did pretty good, but i had the worst land (yellow land is slightly inferior to the others in that map, and i left the land in the back to mars). could i have done as well as niektory if i had an equal land? don't know. maybe. i certainly don't think i could have done significantly better.

niektory economy alone would not have been enough to carry the game, though. in the attrition war, luck should be evened among the fights, but this was not the case.

niektory had 16 "fair" hero duels against me ("fair" meaning that both heroes were at full healt, or, in one case, both were down to a similar amount). he won 12 and only lost 4. plus i won two duels where his hero started a bit wounded, and he won one duel when my hero started wounded. plus i won one when his hero was very wounded, but i didn't count that. niektory also won 8 "fair" duels against mars, lost only 3. mars also won one extra duel against a wounded hero. mars clashing vs ektor was more balanced, an even 2-2, and i never had a hero duel with ektor. all in all, team niEKTORy scored 22-9 on fair duels, 23-12 if we also count those with wounded soldiers.

all in all, niektory deserved victory for his economy, even though he would not have won without crazy odds. and ektor is a nice player, i don't mind him getting carried.

EDIT: i forgot to mention that i made at least one major mistake: m y gold mine got exhausted and i didn't see it for over 30 minutes. wouldn't have made enough of a difference, though.

Edited: 2020-08-10, 02:40

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Joined: 2019-06-03, 20:06
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Posted at: 2020-08-10, 06:35

Thanks for the analysis, it must've been quite tedious to count everything.

Clearly my soldiers must have smuggled in some vials of Panoramix's (Getafix's) potion with them. Or they got a good workout from walking back and forth, as I was the only one not to build a warehouse face-wink.png

Edited: 2020-08-10, 16:34

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2020-08-10, 11:11

king_of_nowhere wrote:

so, post-game analysis time

well, i was expecting niektory to be the new revelation after the economy tournament.

what i wasn't expecting was him being able to win despite having a much weaker teammate. luck played an important role, though.

i counted hero soldiers produced and killed and duels among hero soldiers, here is the result (i may have miscounted slightly, it wouldn't change much):

niektory made 21 hero soldiers

king of nowhere 14 hero soldiers

mars 13 hero soldiers

ektor 3 hero soldiers + 2 almost heroes

niektory clearly dominated the economy game. ektor should not feel bad: he is a casual gamer in a match with 3 of the strongest players around. mars did good, but could have done better; his roads were placed poorly, i'm sure he could have squeezed some more buildings in there. i did pretty good, but i had the worst land (yellow land is slightly inferior to the others in that map, and i left the land in the back to mars). could i have done as well as niektory if i had an equal land? don't know. maybe. i certainly don't think i could have done significantly better.

niektory economy alone would not have been enough to carry the game, though. in the attrition war, luck should be evened among the fights, but this was not the case.

niektory had 16 "fair" hero duels against me ("fair" meaning that both heroes were at full healt, or, in one case, both were down to a similar amount). he won 12 and only lost 4. plus i won two duels where his hero started a bit wounded, and he won one duel when my hero started wounded. plus i won one when his hero was very wounded, but i didn't count that. niektory also won 8 "fair" duels against mars, lost only 3. mars also won one extra duel against a wounded hero. mars clashing vs ektor was more balanced, an even 2-2, and i never had a hero duel with ektor. all in all, team niEKTORy scored 22-9 on fair duels, 23-12 if we also count those with wounded soldiers.

all in all, niektory deserved victory for his economy, even though he would not have won without crazy odds. and ektor is a nice player, i don't mind him getting carried.

EDIT: i forgot to mention that i made at least one major mistake: m y gold mine got exhausted and i didn't see it for over 30 minutes. wouldn't have made enough of a difference, though.

Well, thanks for the spoiler. But now I am curious enough to watch the replay anyway. However I think part of your loss is the map which is more narrow for the green and yellow at the entrance to the middle.

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Posted at: 2020-08-11, 20:03

king_of_nowhere wrote:

Hasi50 wrote:

Hello hessenfarmer, king. I can offer any Day, starting Tue 2020-08-18 till Sat 2020-08-22, I think we can find some date / time there? please contact me.

earlier would be better, as i may leave my home again after the 20th

so, 18-19-20 are all fine to me

regarding build 21, we may as well, if it includes amazons. after all, part of the purpose of any tournament is to look for bugs.

Shall we fix the 18th then? 20:00 CEST

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Posted at: 2020-08-12, 01:23

hessenfarmer wrote:

Shall we fix the 18th then? 20:00 CEST

to me is fine

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Posted at: 2020-08-12, 19:47

hessenfarmer wrote:

Shall we fix the 18th then? 20:00 CEST

Confirm, I blocked this Date and have time all the night.

So we play map 5 which is "four castles, blue red vs green yellow".

See you then!

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Posted at: 2020-08-12, 20:08

hessenfarmer wrote: Shall we fix the 18th then? 20:00 CEST


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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2020-08-18, 15:33

i was almost forgetting that the 18 is today

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