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Topic: Fair and Balanced Start

Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2020-09-27, 22:15

hessenfarmer wrote:

WorldSavior wrote:

Probably it's not necessary to change the headquarters that drastically - it might be sufficient to implement the changes which I've suggested in the Thread "Balancing around the tempo tournament" in order to weaken Atlanteans and make Frisians stronger.

It is not forgotten and I will come back to this in some time when I'll find time to implement balancing changes again.


_Elefantenrennen wrote:

the-x wrote:

     coal = 38,
     iron = 18,
     gold = 18,

This is not fair!

I agree. For example the Frisians could then train rather quickly some supersoldiers on maps without gold, or launch several expeditions.

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Posted at: 2020-09-28, 15:50

I do think it might be nice to have a (new) relatively balanced low-resources start. I'd like something a bit like the struggling outpost, but with with some food and raw resources to get started. So, not many starting tools; but enough basic resources that you don't have to build everything in the same sequence every time.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-09-28, 15:57

blind3rdeye wrote:

I'd like something a bit like the struggling outpost, but with with some food and raw resources to get started. So, not many starting tools; but enough basic resources that you don't have to build everything in the same sequence every time.

Yes, another advantaged of this might be so you have like 3-4 woodcutters its not that extremely wood building in the beginning and clicking every game

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-09-28, 16:10

Struggling and Poor Hamlet atm are exactly the same except for tools, we have no small start

Maybe a Start below HQ, but with more than 1 woodcutter

-- ======================================================================= -- Rush Start -- =======================================================================

  wares = {
     diamond = 4,
     iron_ore = 5,
     quartz = 4,
     granite = 30,
     spider_silk = 12,

     log = 16,

Log must be reduced to think before just clicking as much you can

     coal = 12,
     gold = 4,
     gold_thread = 2,
     iron = 6,

same with gold

     planks = 30,
     spidercloth = 4,
     blackroot = 5,
     blackroot_flour = 12,
     atlanteans_bread = 8,
     corn = 5,
     cornmeal = 12,
     fish = 3,
     meat = 3,
     smoked_fish = 6,
     smoked_meat = 6,
     water = 12,
     bread_paddle = 3,
     buckets = 3,
     fire_tongs = 3,

Fire tongs are the tools that hardly miss in every start,

For fluent gameplay I would say 3 for Rush start and 5 for Economy start. Lower will cause so many problems, with mines, with building a smith, with high advantage of starting ressources whilst produced soldiers dont be trained fast enough. Whoch is a central fact at every small or medium map.

This is the only point we hardly need

     fishing_net = 2,
     hammer = 11,
     hunting_bow = 1,
     milking_tongs = 2,
     hook_pole = 3,
     pick = 6,
     saw = 2,
     scythe = 4,
     shovel = 9,
     tabard = 5,
     trident_light = 5,
  workers = {
     atlanteans_armorsmith = 2,
     atlanteans_blackroot_farmer = 2,
     atlanteans_builder = 10,
     atlanteans_charcoal_burner = 1,
     atlanteans_carrier = 40,
     atlanteans_fishbreeder = 1,
     atlanteans_geologist = 4,
     atlanteans_miner = 1,
     atlanteans_sawyer = 2,

Sawyer must be set to two or 3, cause it alwys causes problems with your woodcutters. At the moment you have 10 Woodcutters, but only 1 Saw?

And yes you can time to build to build 1 Saw later but this makes many problems, like counting your woodcutters, waiting for your smith

     atlanteans_stonecutter = 2,
     atlanteans_toolsmith = 2,
     atlanteans_trainer = 4,
     atlanteans_weaponsmith = 2,
     atlanteans_woodcutter = 3,

As Blindeseye mentioned, 10 woodcutters leads to an enormous start

3 sawyer + 2 saw = 5 woodcutters

     atlanteans_horse = 5,
  soldiers = {
     [{0,0,0,0}] = 20,

Soldiers i dont care maybe

  • 20 for Rush

  • 35 for Headquarters

}) end }

Edited: 2020-09-28, 16:13

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-09-28, 20:03

blind3rdeye wrote:

I do think it might be nice to have a (new) relatively balanced low-resources start.

Yes, it whould be playable with HQ and maybe one more start with a little more

  • one Rush

  • one Economy player

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Joined: 2020-03-26, 08:47
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Posted at: 2020-09-29, 04:07

the-x wrote:

As Blindeseye mentioned, 10 woodcutters leads to an enormous start

I don't think I said that. I agree with it, but I don't think I said it. All I've said is that I think it would be good to have a new low-resource start, a little bit faster than struggling outpost, with some thought put into making it balanced.

Roughly speaking, I'm imagining something that starts with just 2 woodcutters and 2 builders, and 1 of all other professions; and a very small number of soldiers. However, unlike struggling outpost, it would have also have ~4 steel, ~5 iron ore, and some coal; ~10 meals worth of food, and a decent amount of building materials. The idea is that you don't have enough stuff to just launch every part of the economy at once; and you don't have enough to be highly productive right at the start... but you do have some materials that allow you to build new tools right away; and so you can choose what you think is most useful. Perhaps you just want 4 more woodcutters, right off the bat. Or perhaps you think a third builder would help more. Or maybe you want to get an extra wheat farm set up early so that you have a bit of a stockpile by the time the rest of the economy is set up.

The numbers I've putting out there are just arbitrary off the top of my head; but the point is that you don't have enough to build everything you want (unlike normal outpost starts) - but you do have enough to allow some flexibility in what you go for first (unlike struggling outpost).

Edited: 2020-09-29, 04:08

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-09-29, 11:44

blind3rdeye wrote:

the-x wrote:

10 woodcutters leads to an enormous start

The idea is that you don't have enough stuff to just launch every part of the economy at once; and you don't have enough to be highly productive right at the start... but you do have some materials that allow you to build new tools right away; and so you can choose what you think is most useful. Perhaps you just want 4 more woodcutters, right off the bat. Or perhaps you think a third builder would help more. Or maybe you want to get an extra wheat farm set up early so that you have a bit of a stockpile by the time the rest of the economy is set up.


This puts a lot more decision making and thinking & fun into the gameplay

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Joined: 2020-09-29, 14:28
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Posted at: 2020-09-29, 14:32

the-x wrote:

blind3rdeye wrote:

the-x wrote:

10 woodcutters leads to an enormous start

The idea is that you don't have enough stuff to just launch every part of the economy at once; and you don't have enough to be highly productive right at the start... but you do have some materials that allow you to build new tools right away; and so you can choose what you think is most useful. Perhaps you just want 4 more woodcutters, right off the bat. Or perhaps you think a third builder would help more. Or maybe you want to get an extra wheat farm set up early so that you have a bit of a stockpile by the time the rest of the economy is set up.


This puts a lot more decision making and thinking & fun into the gameplay

Wow, thanks for making such an awesome game. Im enjoying it vey much and keep on collecting Ideas.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2020-09-29, 14:46

It's an open source which mean many people worked on it long time and we are all happy to have such a nice game going.

We are steadily improving the game to make it more interesting and also balanced so players will have a lot of fun in multiplayer.

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Joined: 2020-09-29, 14:28
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2020-09-29, 14:51

the-x wrote:

It's an open source which mean many people worked on it long time and we are all happy to have such a nice game going.

We are steadily improving the game to make it more interesting and also balanced so players will have a lot of fun in multiplayer.

I like imba games because then i win every game ^^ ^^

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