Topic: Main Menu Redesign

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Posted at: 2020-08-11, 21:57

niektory wrote:

Nordfriese wrote:

I find step two a bit superfluous... It takes too long to get into the main menu, imho.

You can just skip it with a click or any key

The last phase (when the buttons are fading in) is not skippable. It's not a big problem since if one wants to skip the intro they'll likely do it earlier, but still I think it should be either skippable or quicker.


EDIT: There also seems to be a small stripe of garbage pixels in the top-right corner of the logo (curiously, only when the window size is 1680x1050).

Cannot reproduce, can you make a screenshot?

EDIT 2: And the options screen dropdowns don't work.

That seems to be a bug in dropdown code (probably the list's hooking into the highest parent is broken when a parent Panel is Running), will try to investigate (edit: fixing this is not going to be trivial…)

Edited: 2020-08-11, 22:07

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Posted at: 2020-08-11, 22:32

Nordfriese wrote:

EDIT: There also seems to be a small stripe of garbage pixels in the top-right corner of the logo (curiously, only when the window size is 1680x1050).

Cannot reproduce, can you make a screenshot?

Attached. It's small and only visible when the window height is 1050 so don't lose sleep over it. And if you can't reproduce it's probably my driver (NVIDIA 440.100).

The stripe of pixels comes from the left side of the first letter "W" being wrapped on the right side.

EDIT: And I have a fix: Clamp textures to fix artifacts at the edges #4107

Edited: 2020-08-12, 08:37

Attachment: image/png

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 15:43

Question to everyone: Which button theme for the main menu do you like better – left column (light brown) or right column (dark bluish)?

My vote is right column (bluish buttons)

Edited: 2020-10-15, 15:44

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 15:47

Looking almost the same face-wink.png a little bit maybe the left one because its wooden background

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 16:15

Nordfriese wrote:

Question to everyone: Which button theme for the main menu do you like better – left column (light brown) or right column (dark bluish)?

My vote is right column (bluish buttons)

Dark bluish. Though, the yellow of the letters doesn't look so nice. At the other hand, the background picture and the logo look good. (Well, the logo could get a higher resolution)

Edited: 2020-10-15, 16:16

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 17:12

My vote goes to bluish buttons. Mainly because it fits better with the shadow around the version / copyright. I wouldn't mind the wooden design though.

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 18:11

I would vote also for the bluish buttons. Although the yellow color of the font clashes a bit with this background color. The wooden one is a bit boring...

Does this coloring is then also used for the other menus?

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 18:31

Does this coloring is then also used for the other menus?

This question arose from the discussion in whether we want to get rid of the main menu's dedicated "FsMenu" theme entirely and use the "Wui" theme for everything. The PR converts all main menu windows to a consistent style (in current master they're a mix of Wui and FsMenu).

The latest state-of-the-art for the fully converted FsMenu theme looks like this:

Edit: The reason why I asked specifically regarding the buttons only is that although I much prefer the FsMenu theme, I would be fine with Wui-themed windows, except that the main menu buttons look ugly to me with the Wui theme.

Edited: 2020-10-15, 18:34

Attachment: image/png

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 20:10

How about we keep the main menu buttons as they are for now and only switch over the window theme? We can defer ripping out support for the FSMenu theme to a later stage in development.

I think replacing the yellow writing with something whitish could also look good.

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Posted at: 2020-10-15, 20:16

I vote for light brown buttons

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