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Topic: Ferries and number of players

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 10:03

I had two problems recently. One related to the ferries. Sometimes, while on their way to a water way, they simply stuck on the coast and can’t move forward. You have to destroy the waterway build another one for them if possible, which allows the ferry to pass the critical spot on the coast, then destroy this and build again the original one, which you actually wanted. If this is not possible, you have to build another ferry yard elsewhere but again with the risk, that the ferry gets stuck on another spot of the coast. It happened to me twice. Next problem is, that I wanted to allow more players than 9 players in my map. Not actually to play with so many players, but just to allow more combinations of colours. And I find out that in the game setting, you can’t scroll down, so it is not actually possible to change parameters of the players, which are down on the list. And there is another problem I didn’t want to mention but I can do it. I wanted to test my map to find out how suitable it is for the start type of New World, so I defined this start type for 7 players to make sure that at least some of them will be able to develop but I was not able to initiate the game. Just black screen appeared and the whole game fell down. By testing with 4 players, the players simply build a port and few buildings and that is it. Nothing much interesting to watch. So, when I try to make a game some kind of different not to be too repetitive, I shelter. As I see it, solving the functionality of existing features makes the game for me more interesting than adding new features or tribes. I am also not especially happy to read about changes in shading of the map, I think that it is nice that the map is plastic and not all the maps have to be same flat flats. If I want a map without shading, I can do it flat, why should all the maps be flat to see the buildings better on it? OK that is it, I don’t want to criticize to much, that is just how I see it. I really do like the game in general as I already wrote and I do understand the spokesman of the scouts’ labour union pretty much.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 13:07

OIPUN wrote:

I had two problems recently. One related to the ferries. Sometimes, while on their way to a water way, they simply stuck on the coast and can’t move forward. You have to destroy the waterway build another one for them if possible, which allows the ferry to pass the critical spot on the coast, then destroy this and build again the original one, which you actually wanted. If this is not possible, you have to build another ferry yard elsewhere but again with the risk, that the ferry gets stuck on another spot of the coast. It happened to me twice.

Which Widelands version? One such bug was fixed a while ago, if it also happens in the current development versions please provide a replay for debugging.

Next problem is, that I wanted to allow more players than 9 players in my map. Not actually to play with so many players, but just to allow more combinations of colours. And I find out that in the game setting, you can’t scroll down, so it is not actually possible to change parameters of the players, which are down on the list.

Again, which version? The exact game version is one of the most important pieces of information when reporting a bug face-wink.png

And there is another problem I didn’t want to mention but I can do it. I wanted to test my map to find out how suitable it is for the start type of New World, so I defined this start type for 7 players to make sure that at least some of them will be able to develop but I was not able to initiate the game. Just black screen appeared and the whole game fell down. By testing with 4 players, the players simply build a port and few buildings and that is it. Nothing much interesting to watch. So, when I try to make a game some kind of different not to be too repetitive, I shelter.

Against AIs? The AI cannot play with Discovery and New World well because it is unable to handle more than 1 expedition at the same time, but it should not crash. Could you upload the map so I can try whether this is reproducible?

As I see it, solving the functionality of existing features makes the game for me more interesting than adding new features or tribes. I am also not especially happy to read about changes in shading of the map, I think that it is nice that the map is plastic and not all the maps have to be same flat flats. If I want a map without shading, I can do it flat, why should all the maps be flat to see the buildings better on it?

+1 face-smile.png
As I understand it there are no definite plans to actually implement any shading changes so far though, and I also think the design is fine as it is.

OK that is it, I don’t want to criticize to much, that is just how I see it. I really do like the game in general as I already wrote and I do understand the spokesman of the scouts’ labour union pretty much.


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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 15:06

I use this release version right now. I fight a little bit with uploading my pictures directly into the message.


Attachment: image/png

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 15:18

I tried to attach the map but this type of file is not allowed. Is it possible to save it somewhere? It is my working version of a map; I don’t want to upload it to the other maps.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 15:29

That's Build21


The ferry bug is fixed already:

Maps can not be attached directly – if it is deployment-ready you can upload it to the Maps section, otherwise zip it and upload the .zip file here.

I just noticed that the scrollbar for the singleplayer game setup screen for 16-player maps has regressed in current master, will look into that…

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 15:42

Map attached. I hope it works. While a game with 7 New World players is initiated the window falls down.

Attachment: application/x-zip-compressed
Greenland Melting (137.8 KB)

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 15:52

When the problem with ferries is fixed, can I do something to get rid of it or do I have to wait for new release. I mean it is not so bothering but I just want to know. Thank you for checking and your reply.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 16:03

We don't publish backports for releases, except for critical bugfixes, so the options are to wait for the next release (expected in summer 2021) or alternatively play with a development version.

The New World map just hangs for several minutes – finding 9*7 suitable starting positions for ships is very performance-hungry, but for me it works fine after this wait with current master.

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 16:28

I think the problem with falling down will be probably on my side. It happens also while uploading a map in editor or saving a game. Not too often but it occurs. Maybe someone else experienced it as well, I don’t know. And when I am in the process of writing things that do not work for me, I am not able to make a print screen of a window in full screen mode. Without full screen everything is ok, but with, I see just a black screen. Maybe you would know some tricks.

Attachment: image/png

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2020-12-30, 16:45

The black screen is what Widelands usually shows while the starting conditions are being initialized. During this period WL doesn't respond, perhaps Windows may not like this. To make this less annoying, we could keep showing the loading screen while the players' starts are being set up. That is already on the wishlist:

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