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Topic: Atlantean Campaign Graphics

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Posted at: 2010-11-10, 18:09

While you may not have yet had a chance to see the current state of the new Atlantean campaign, it is not too early to start work on the graphics required by it.

The story line introduces the following characters who will all require 2D graphics:

Jundlina - princess.png - princess/high priestess

Loftomor - loftomor.png - architect

Sidolus - sidolus.png - military commander

Colionder - colionder.png - royal cook

Opol - opol.png - Weaving guild master

Ostur - ostur.png - young red-haired man shipwright

The Launchpad Bug Report #673227 also states the following requirements:

A new "shipyard" building for the Atlantean tribe requires 3D modeling and build, idle and working animations.

A new "deckhand" (shipwright) worker requires 3D modeling, and animation for walk, walkload, work, and idle conditions.

To get the discussion started, I've included some character sketches below. Those of you who are familiar with the graphics in the other campaigns should notice a distinct difference in style. This is intentional and meant to spark discussion and at the same time display my current concepts and the present extent of my personal capabilities. (I have no problem with constructive criticism.) ;D

So I want to hear/see your ideas and, together, let's get this new campaign into view!

Jundlina Jundlina... a sample male Sidolus

another male... Colionder? Colionder

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2010-11-10, 22:21

The sketches look great - Hard to compare them with the existing campaign graphics of the other campaigns (completely different style), but well:

First of all the way you painted them looks great:

  • Jundlina : Looking mighty, as if she looks down on you, but still there is a taste of insecurity in her eyes - well she just lost her old home world... face-smile.png
  • The first male : Looking like a conqueror, a warrior, looking forward for his next fights
  • The second male : Wow, that is the real view of a politician face-grin.png ...

So as you named them sketches: Great! face-smile.png

By the way: SirVer just merged the campaign branch to trunk, so at least the "normal" development snapshot players will now be able to play the new campaign. face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2010-11-10, 23:17

Nasenbaer wrote: Jundlina : Looking mighty, as if she looks down on you, but still there is a taste of insecurity in her eyes - well she just lost her old home world... The first male : Looking like a conqueror, a warrior, looking forward for his next fights The second male : Wow, that is the real view of a politician ...

Thanks for your comments:

I've re-sized them for insertion into the trunk as place-holders.

Here are the refined images:

Jundlina Jundlina Loftomor Loftomor Sidolus Sidolus and Colionder Colionder

By the way: SirVer just merged the campaign branch to trunk, so at least the "normal" development snapshot players will now be able to play the new campaign.

Now that the campaign has been merged with the trunk, I'll plug these in so others can see. And at least Jundlina won't need to sport a beard and horned helmet any longer. face-smile.png

Comments please.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2010-11-10, 23:34

I cannot unsee the LOTR images now. Sidolus is inspired by an orc, right?

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Posted at: 2010-11-10, 23:55

SirVer wrote: I cannot unsee the LOTR images now. Sidolus is inspired by an orc, right?

Would you believe Elrond?!!! (I told you my talent is questionable at best!) face-wink.png

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Joined: 2010-06-22, 00:10
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Posted at: 2010-11-11, 00:49

My first association: face-wink.png

Jundlina ~ Galadriel

Colionder ~ Sam Gamgee

As you said, Sidolus is inspired by Elrond. But who is Loftomor then? - They look nice anyway face-smile.png

Edited: 2010-11-11, 00:50

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Posted at: 2010-11-11, 01:07

Gannaf wrote: As you said, Sidolus is inspired by Elrond. But who is Loftomor then?

He was an "extra" who had no speaking part in the movie. face-smile.png

I haven't really settled on which of the male images is going to represent what characters. Of course whoever ends up as Sidolus gets the armor. face-smile.png

For instance, I don't really care for my first Sidolus image (not warrior enough), so I'm replacing it and moving old Sidolus to Opol-the weaving guild master. (I think he looks more like a weaver anyway.) face-grin.png

Opol Opol... and the new Sidolus Sidolus (and you won't find this guy in LOTR). face-wink.png

They are concept graphics and are by no means what may be the final look. That's for all of us to decide.

Edited: 2010-11-11, 04:52

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Posted at: 2010-11-11, 17:45

Okay, here are the portrait graphics as they currently stand in the Atlantean Campaign:

Jundlina Jundlina Loftomor Loftomor Sidolus Sidolus Colionder Colionder Opol Opol and introducing Ostur Ostur While he isn't modelled on a character from LOTR, he may look familiar to some of you. face-wink.png

So what do you think?

1) How could these be improved?

2) Do you have a different idea for the depiction of the characters?

3) Do you have graphics of your own you'd like to offer up for consideration?

4) Should the style for this campaign be made to more closely match the older campaigns? or

5) Should the graphics for older campaigns be redone in this style? or

6) What? face-smile.png

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2010-11-11, 19:23

I have seen this face before face-smile.png

Me perhaps? Ostur

I do not think that we can keep them though; If you look closely the faces are too similar to LOTR, we might inflict some copyrights and also, we create a wrong connotation. They are much better than the concept graphics I added in before though face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2010-11-11, 19:59

SirVer wrote: I have seen this face before

You found my source! face-smile.png

I do not think that we can keep them though; If you look closely the faces are too similar to LOTR, we might inflict some copyrights and also, we create a wrong connotation. They are much better than the concept graphics I added in before though

Yes, those that I based on stills from the movie will go. (Shame. I really liked the Jundlina image.) Ah well, "back to the drawing board" (or tablet as the case may be).

I see little people.

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