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Topic: New images for barbarian barracks

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Joined: 2014-09-14, 01:54
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Posted at: 2021-03-01, 14:53
The roof reeds are a pain, but may be doable. Do you think we should go with my attempt or toss it? Keep in mind that I can try randomized positions, but that may not be better. I have seed-based randomization, and it looks much, much better than uniform reeds.

I realize we have a freeze, but I'll finish this up (it's still not finalized, sorry); if it doesn't make the current release it'll make the next one.

EDIT: Naturally just after posting, I realize the reeds don't *quite* reach the upper-right edge. Don't worry, I'll fix that.
Edited: 2021-03-01, 14:55

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Posted at: 2021-03-01, 16:58

The first-snow freeze does not extend to graphics-only enhancements, so there's at least 3 weeks (probably longer, depending on how many new bugs are found) during which the graphics can still get in.

I like the look of this roof face-smile.png It's similar to several other of the barbarian buildings (warehouse, mines, cattlefarm). I think the reeds could be made denser, not quite as long, and more saturated in colour; on the whole I can well imagine the recruits would be eager to train in such a building.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2021-03-01, 20:03

The roof is nice indeed. But I still believe the building could use a row of stones as basement.

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Posted at: 2021-03-02, 06:32

I redid the roof reeds as requested, but the stonework is not going so well. I tried a basement entrance, but it looked bad, and when I tried a stone first floor, the stone image doesn't tile. I'll take another look at it, but it's possible I'll simply change the short wall into stone.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2021-03-02, 08:54

DragonAtma wrote:

I redid the roof reeds as requested, but the stonework is not going so well. I tried a basement entrance, but it looked bad, and when I tried a stone first floor, the stone image doesn't tile. I'll take another look at it, but it's possible I'll simply change the short wall into stone.

Sorry to hear that it makes so much trouble. If you are going the route to make one wall of stone (which would probably look nice as well) can you please add one row of logs in the half of the buiulding to make the buiulkding itself the door and the window a bit bigger.

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Posted at: 2021-03-04, 15:11

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to get trained!

I tried changing the short wall to stone, but it looked off, so I decided on a stone floor instead. If this still needs work (or is too big), let me know; I won't be surprised if I have to trim the left fence from 6+end to 4+end.

Edited: 2021-03-04, 15:59

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Posted at: 2021-03-11, 16:33

It's been nearly a week with no comments, so I tried plugging it into the game.

If there are no complaints in the next twenty-four hours (and I don't decide on my own to redo things), I'll finalize this.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2021-03-11, 21:37

sorry for not commenting I was distracted with bug fixing. So here are my final comments what should be changed to make a good piece even better:
- the training dolls are hardly visible, so they should be moved a bit away from th fence.
- the yard should have a stone or sandy ground (see the trainingcamp yard for example), so the yard would be more in the foreground and this would increase visibiltity of the dummies as well.
- Height of windows and door should be increased by one log at the top to fit better with the other buildings. This would and should increase the height of the whole building
- width of the door can be increased a bit as well.
- a flagpole in the yard would be nice which can be used to show the playercolors.
- the roof should have a significant overhang. like all the other buildings
- a wooden arch would be nice as entrance to the yard from the street.
- the last and most critical one is that the building lacks proper lighting. Lights and shadows would make it more vivid. currently the logs all look like as if they were totally in the shadows. they could use some brighten upper half for example depending on the normal light direction in ou graphics (sorry I dont know the exact angle.

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Joined: 2014-09-14, 01:54
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Posted at: 2021-03-16, 22:27

It seems that I kicked the hornet's nest when I asked for comments! XD That said, I handled most of them. My comments:

* We already had roof overhangs, but I increased them so they're more obvious.
* Barbarians buildings just don't have arches by the road; go view the buildings if you'd like.
* We already have light and dark wood; just compare the fence to the building to the door! I did widen the logs, though, so it's more apparent.
* Flags are a no-go for a simple reason: render count. For every frame I produce, there's eight renders (two parts times four sizes) and four assemblies. The empire barracks on the previous topic? That's three frames (started, roofless, and done), which means 3*2*4 = 24 renders. If I add a flag in that could easily be ten frames (you might be happy with a two-frame flag, but I certainly won't!), which means 10 * 2 * 4 = 80 renders and forty assemblies. That's also the reason I avoid having people actually practice out in the yard.

But enough about my griping. On with the pictures!

As I worried before I'll have to shorten one of the fences (or both!), but I thought I would show you what I have. Give me some comments so I can finish this before the graphics freeze!

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2021-03-16, 23:06

I like it face-smile.png

  • a flagpole in the yard would be nice which can be used to show the playercolors.

I wouldn't propose a flag pole but something where the playercolor is shown. Some buildings have an "X" at the roof shown in playercolor, or the gutter is the playercolor. Something like that?

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